skim 0.9.3

Fuzzy Finder in rust!
# Change Log

## 0.9.3: 2020-11-02

- [#370] Ansi parse error for
    multi-byte strings
- [#372] Can't bind `Enter` key
    with `expect` specified
- [#369] `--select-1` and
    `--exit-0` still take effect after all items are read and matched.

## 0.9.2: 2020-10-24

- new action `refresh-cmd`: call the interactive command and refresh the
    items accordingly.
- new action `refresh-preview`: call the preview command and refresh the
    preview display. Will only refresh if the preview window is shown.

- zsh corrupt `REPORTTIME` settings.
- [#359] panic with multi-byte and regex
- [#361] support literal space by `\ `
- [#365] new option
    `--show-cmd-error` to retrieve error message of failed interactive command
    and display as items. Served as a debug helper.

## 0.9.1: 2020-10-20

- Support preview scroll offset relative to window height
  git grep --line-number '' |
    sk --delimiter : \
        --preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \
        --preview-window +{2}-/2

- [#356] panic on ANSI enabled.
- `tiebreak` would now include `score` in the front of criterion if not specified.
- Reduce preview window flicking when moving cursor fast.
- Multiple preview window options weren't merged.
- `pre-select-items` should not contain empty string by default.
- click/wheel events's row weren't correct if `--height` is specified.

## 0.9.0: 2020-10-18

Breaking Change to the Library:

- `SkimItem::display` now accepts a `DisplayContext` that provide more
    information such as container width, score, matches, etc.
- `SkimItem::preview` now accepts a `PreviewContext` that provide more
    information such as query, width, selections, etc.
- `Skim::run_as` now returns `Some` on both `Accept` and `Abort`, so that user
    could collect and react on abort events.
- `SkimOutput` now provides the final key received before return.

- Reduce memory usage
- Defer drops of items, to improve interaction speed
- support `--tac` and `--nosort`
- new action: `half-page-up` and `half-page-down`
- support tiebreak by `length`
- [#344] expose preview context
    in `preview()` function
- [#341] support multiline header
- use unicode spinner
- [#324] support option
    `--no-clear` to keep the content drawn on screen
- [#300] library: move reader
    options to default reader
- support new option `--keep-right` to show the right most text if it is too
- support negative horizontal scroll
- support `--skip-to-pattern` to start item display with the pattern matched
- support `--select-1` that automatically select the only match
- support `--exit-0` that exit automatically if no item matched
- support `--sync` that waits for all inputs to be ready and then starts the
    selection UI
- [#309] support pre-selection
    - `pre-select-n`: select first `n` items
    - `pre-select-pat`: select items that matches regex
    - `pre-select-items`: select items from a preset
    - `pre-select-file`: select items from a preset that's loaded from file
- [#328] support
    `--no-clear-if-empty` that preserve selection if the new command query
    returns nothing. Was designed to reduce flicking.

- [#326] preview not updated anymore
- [#349] kill-line and
    discard-line in interactive mode
- [#344] implement `text()` and
    `display()` correctly
- [#312] mouse click and page
    up/down out of bound
- Do not auto-scroll for customized items
- [#321] fix annoyance through

## 0.8.2: 2020-06-26

Bug fixes:
- fix skim executable in bash completion
- fix [#291] hide scroll in when
    content fit
- fix [#308] hangs on

## 0.8.1: 2020-02-23


- [#63] could save to and read
    from history for query and command query via `--history` and `--cmd-history`
- [#273] inline-info now has
- [#276] new action:
    `if-non-matched` will execute if non of the items matches
- reduce memory footprint
- [#248] implement `{n}`
    placeholder, used to refer to current items's index(zero based).

Bug fixes:

- [PR #279] exit gracefully on
    SIGPIPE error. (e.g. Ctrl-C on pipes)
- [#276] `execute` panic on zero
- [#278] `NUL` character not
    working in preview command
- handle `print0` correctly in filter mode
- Preview's fields now based on original text, not transformed.
- [#295] skim not exits
    sometimes (occasionally happens on Ubuntu)

## 0.8.0: 2020-02-23

**Breaking Changes in API**

- `Skim::run_with` now accept a stream of `SkimItem` instead of a `BufRead`.

- [#233] support mouse
    scroll/click event
- [#254] support `{+}` in preview
    and execute command
- [#226] support exact match
    combination(e.g. `^abc$`)
- [#216] support item specific
    preview hook method
- [#219] support case insensitive

Bug fixes:
- [#252] Deal with `\b` correctly
- [#210] exclude current item in
- [#225] disable score in filter

## 0.7.0: 2020-01-15

- New fuzzy matching algorithm, should be more precise and faster.

Bug fixes:
- [PR #227]
    Fix `isatty` check on more OS.
- Fix various cases where ANSI code not behave correctly.

## 0.6.9: 2019-09-22

Bug fixes:
- [PR #171]
    search with more than one multi-byte condition would crash skim.
- [#194]
    color not working with ag
- [#196]
    `+` in execute expression was eaten by skim
- bind `Home` key to `begining-of-line` by default.
- [#192]
    Prompt was eaten in shell completion
- [#205]
    tabstop of selection was initialized to `0`, now to `8`.
- [#207]
    color config not working for header

## 0.6.8: 2019-06-23

- New action: `if-query-empty`, `if-query-not-empty`. Execute actions on
  certain query conditions.
- New action: `append-and-select` allows you to append current query to the
    item pool and select it. It would help to turn skim into a tag manager
    where new tags could be added to the candidate list.

Bug fixes:
- Fix #188: breaks on 0.6.7
- Fix: `run_with` will break if called multiple times from the same process.
- Update nix to 0.14

## 0.6.7: 2019-05-31

- Refer to query and command query with `{q}` and `{cq}` in preview command.
- Support fzf's theme strings, e.g. `bg+` for current line's background.
- Support customizing styles of query strings.

Bug fixes:
- skim would crash if multiple CJK items are matched in an `OR` query.
- SKIM_DEFAULT_COMMAND not correctly recognized in `sk-tmux`
- UI responses are slow on large input

## 0.6.6: 2019-04-03

fix #158: preview window not udpate correctly.

## 0.6.5: 2019-04-01

Bug Fixes:

- #155: screen is not fully cleared upon resize
- #156: preview dies on large chunk of input
- #157: cursor overflow on empty input
- #154: reduce CPU usage on idle
- wrong matches on empty input lines

## 0.6.4: 2019-03-26

Fix: #153 build fail with rust 2018 (1.31.0)

## 0.6.3: 2019-03-25

- support action: `execute`
- support action chaining
- preview window actions: `toggle-preview-wrap`, `preview-[up|down|left|right]`, `preview-page-[up|down]`
- support `--filter` mode, it will print out the screen and matched item
- support more (alt) keys

Bug Fixes:
- wrong cursor position after item changed
- #142: NULL character was dropped with `--ansi`
- regression: `--margin` not working
- #148: screen won't clear in interactive mode
- number of matched item not showing correctly (during matching)
- lag in changing query on large collection of inputs

## 0.6.2: 2019-03-19

- Support `--header-lines`
- Support `--layout`
- Update the latest fzf.vim

## 0.6.1: 2019-03-17

- compile fail with rust 2018 (1.31.0)
- reduce the time on exit. It took time to free memories on large

## 0.6.0: 2019-03-17

Performance improvement.

This is a large rewrite of skim, previously there are 4 major components of

- reader: for reading from command or piped input
- sender: will cache the lines from reader and re-send all lines to matcher on restart
- matcher: match against the lines and send the matched items to model
- model: handle the selection of items and draw on screen.

They are communicated using rust's `channel` which turned out to be too slow
in skim's use case. Now we use `SpinLock` for sharing data. The performance on
large collections are greatly improved.

Besides, use `tuikit` for buferred rendering.

## 0.5.5: 2019-02-23

Bug fixes:
- fix: regression on `--with-nth` feature
- fix: 100% CPU on not enough printing area

## 0.5.4: 2019-02-20

Emergency release that fix test failures which breaks
Check out [#128](

## 0.5.3: 2019-02-20

- `--header` for adding header line
- `--inline-info` for displaying info besides query
- run preview commands asynchronizely
- implement action `delete-charEOF`
- support key: `ctrl+space`

More bug fixes, noticable ones are:
- Panic on reading non-utf8 characters
- 100% CPU when input is not ready

## 0.5.2: 2018-10-22

- fix: stop command immediately on accept or abort.
- minor optimization over ASCII inputs.
- #90: escape quotes in specified preview command

## 0.5.1: 2018-06-24

Use [cross]( to build targets.

## 0.5.0: 2018-06-12

Change the field syntax to be fzf compatible.
- Previously it was git style
    - fields starts with `0`
    - `1..3` results in `2, 3` (which is `0, 1, 2, 3` minus `0, 1`)
- Now it is `cut` style
    - fields starts with `1`
    - `1..3` results in `1, 2, 3`

## 0.4.0: 2018-06-03

Refactor skim into a library. With minor bug fixes:
- support multiple arguments, to be a drop-in replacement of fzf.
- support negative range field. (e.g. `-1` to specify the last field)
- respond to terminal resize event on Mac.

## 0.3.2: 2018-01-18
Some minor enhancements that might comes handy.
- Reserve all fzf options, so that skim can be a drop-in replacement of fzf.
- Fix: the number of columns a unicode character occupies
- Accept multiple values for most options. So that you can safely put them
    in `$SKIM_DEFAULT_OPTIONS` and override it in command line.

Thanks to @magnetophon for the bug report and feature requests.

## 0.3.1: 2017-12-04
Support more options, and reserve several others. The purpose is to reuse
`fzf.vim` as much as possible.
- `--print0`: use NUL(\0) as field separator for output.
- `--read0`: read input delimited by NUL(\0) characters
- `--tabstop`: allow customizing tabstop (default to 8).
- `--no-hscroll`: disable hscroll on match.
- reserve several other options, skim will do nothing on them instead of throwing errors.

## 0.3.0: 2017-09-21
This release starts from adding `--height` featuren, ends up a big change in
the code base.
- feature: `--bind` accept character keys. Only Ctrl/Alt/F keys were accepted.
- feature: support multiple `--bind` options. (replace getopts with
- feature: `--tac` to reverse the order of input lines.
- feature: `--preview` to show preview of current selected line.
- feature: `--height` to use only part instead of full of the screen.
- test: use tmux for integration test
- replace [ncurses-rs] with [termion], now skim is fully rust, no C bindings.