sixtyfps-rendering-backend-qt 0.1.4

Qt rendering backend for SixtyFPS
    This file is part of the SixtyFPS Project --
    Copyright (c) 2021 Olivier Goffart <>
    Copyright (c) 2021 Simon Hausmann <>

    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
    This file is also available under commercial licensing terms.
    Please contact for more information.


This module contains all the native Qt widget implementation that forwards to QStyle.

Same as in sixtyfps_corelib::items, when When adding an item or a property,
it needs to be kept in sync with different place.

 - It needs to be changed in this module
 - the Widget list in
 - In the compiler: builtins.60
 - For the C++ code (new item only): the to export the new item, and the `using` declaration in sixtyfps.h
 - Don't forget to update the documentation


use const_field_offset::FieldOffsets;
use core::pin::Pin;
use cpp::cpp;
use sixtyfps_corelib::graphics::{Color, Rect};
use sixtyfps_corelib::input::{
    FocusEvent, InputEventFilterResult, InputEventResult, KeyEvent, KeyEventResult, MouseEvent,
use sixtyfps_corelib::item_rendering::{CachedRenderingData, ItemRenderer};
use sixtyfps_corelib::items::{Item, ItemConsts, ItemRc, ItemVTable, VoidArg};
use sixtyfps_corelib::layout::{LayoutInfo, Orientation};
use sixtyfps_corelib::rtti::*;
use sixtyfps_corelib::window::WindowRc;
use sixtyfps_corelib::{
    declare_item_vtable, Callback, ItemVTable_static, Property, SharedString, SharedVector,
use sixtyfps_corelib_macros::*;
use std::rc::Rc;

type ItemRendererRef<'a> = &'a mut dyn ItemRenderer;

use crate::qt_window::QPainter;

/// Helper macro to get the size from the width and height property,
/// and return Default::default in case the size is too small
macro_rules! get_size {
    ($self:ident) => {{
        let width = $self.width();
        let height = $self.height();
        if width < 1. || height < 1. {
            return Default::default();
        qttypes::QSize { width: width as _, height: height as _ }

macro_rules! fn_render {
    ($this:ident $dpr:ident $size:ident $painter:ident $widget:ident $initial_state:ident => $($tt:tt)*) => {
        fn render(self: Pin<&Self>, backend: &mut &mut dyn ItemRenderer) {
            let $dpr: f32 = backend.scale_factor();

            let window = backend.window();
            let active: bool =;
            // This should include self.enabled() as well, but not every native widget
            // has that property right now.
            let $initial_state = cpp!(unsafe [ active as "bool" ] -> i32 as "int" {
                QStyle::State state(QStyle::State_None);
                if (active)
                    state |= QStyle::State_Active;
                return (int)state;

            if let Some(painter) = <dyn std::any::Any>::downcast_mut::<QPainter>(backend.as_any()) {
                let $size: qttypes::QSize = get_size!(self);
                let $this = self;
                let $widget = cpp!(unsafe [painter as "QPainter*"] -> * const () as "QWidget*" {
                    return painter->device()->devType() == QInternal::Widget ? static_cast<QWidget *>(painter->device()) : nullptr;
                let $painter = painter;
            } else {
                // Fallback: this happen when the Qt backend is not used and the gl backend is used instead
                    &|callback| {
                        let width = self.width() * $dpr;
                        let height = self.height() * $dpr;
                        if width < 1. || height < 1. {
                            return Default::default();
                        let $size = qttypes::QSize { width: width as _, height: height as _ };
                        let mut imgarray = QImageWrapArray::new($size, $dpr);
                        let img = &mut imgarray.img;
                        let mut painter_ = cpp!(unsafe [img as "QImage*"] -> QPainter as "QPainter" { return QPainter(img); });
                        let $widget: * const () = core::ptr::null();
                        let $painter = &mut painter_;
                        let $this = self;

struct QImageWrapArray {
    /// The image reference the array, so the array must outlive the image without being detached or accessed
    img: qttypes::QImage,
    array: SharedVector<u8>,

impl QImageWrapArray {
    pub fn new(size: qttypes::QSize, dpr: f32) -> Self {
        let mut array = SharedVector::default();
        array.resize((size.width * size.height * 4) as usize, 0);
        let array_ptr = array.make_mut_slice().as_mut_ptr();
        let img = cpp!(unsafe [size as "QSize", array_ptr as "uchar*", dpr as "float"] -> qttypes::QImage as "QImage" {
            QImage img(array_ptr, size.width(), size.height(), size.width() * 4, QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied);
            return img;
        QImageWrapArray { img, array }

    pub fn draw(&self, callback: &mut dyn FnMut(u32, u32, &[u8])) {
        let size = self.img.size();
        callback(size.width, size.height, self.array.as_slice());

cpp! {{
    #include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
    #include <QtWidgets/QStyle>
    #include <QtWidgets/QStyleOption>
    #include <QtWidgets/QStyleFactory>
    #include <QtGui/QPainter>
    #include <QtGui/QClipboard>
    #include <QtCore/QMimeData>
    #include <QtCore/QDebug>
    #include <QtCore/QScopeGuard>

    void ensure_initialized()
        static auto app [[maybe_unused]]  = []{
            if (qApp) {
                return qApp;
            QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_PluginApplication, true);
            static int argc  = 1;
            static char argv[] = "sixtyfps";
            static char *argv2[] = { argv };
            // Leak the QApplication, otherwise it crashes on exit
            // (because the QGuiApplication destructor access some Q_GLOBAL_STATIC which are already gone)
            return new QApplication(argc, argv2);

mod button;
pub use button::*;

mod checkbox;
pub use checkbox::*;

mod spinbox;
pub use spinbox::*;

mod slider;
pub use slider::*;

mod groupbox;
pub use groupbox::*;

mod lineedit;
pub use lineedit::*;

mod scrollview;
pub use scrollview::*;

mod listviewitem;
pub use listviewitem::*;

mod combobox;
pub use combobox::*;

mod tabwidget;
pub use tabwidget::*;

#[derive(FieldOffsets, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeStyleMetrics {
    pub layout_spacing: Property<f32>,
    pub layout_padding: Property<f32>,
    pub text_cursor_width: Property<f32>,
    pub window_background: Property<Color>,
    pub default_text_color: Property<Color>,
    pub textedit_background: Property<Color>,
    pub textedit_text_color: Property<Color>,
    pub textedit_background_disabled: Property<Color>,
    pub textedit_text_color_disabled: Property<Color>,

    pub placeholder_color: Property<Color>,
    pub placeholder_color_disabled: Property<Color>,

impl Default for NativeStyleMetrics {
    fn default() -> Self {
        let s = NativeStyleMetrics {
            layout_spacing: Default::default(),
            layout_padding: Default::default(),
            text_cursor_width: Default::default(),
            window_background: Default::default(),
            default_text_color: Default::default(),
            textedit_background: Default::default(),
            textedit_text_color: Default::default(),
            textedit_background_disabled: Default::default(),
            textedit_text_color_disabled: Default::default(),
            placeholder_color: Default::default(),
            placeholder_color_disabled: Default::default(),

impl NativeStyleMetrics {
    pub fn new() -> Pin<Rc<Self>> {

/// Initialize the native style metrics
pub extern "C" fn sixtyfps_init_native_style_metrics(self_: &NativeStyleMetrics) {
    let layout_spacing = cpp!(unsafe [] -> f32 as "float" {
        int spacing = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing);
        if (spacing < 0)
            spacing = qApp->style()->layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy::DefaultType, QSizePolicy::DefaultType, Qt::Horizontal);
        return spacing;
    let layout_padding = cpp!(unsafe [] -> f32 as "float" {
        return qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutLeftMargin);
    let text_cursor_width = cpp!(unsafe [] -> f32 as "float" {
        return qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_TextCursorWidth);
    let window_background = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Window).rgba();
    let default_text_color = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText).rgba();
    let textedit_text_color = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Text).rgba();
    let textedit_text_color_disabled = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text).rgba();
    let textedit_background = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Base).rgba();
    let textedit_background_disabled = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Base).rgba();
    let placeholder_color = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::PlaceholderText).rgba();
    let placeholder_color_disabled = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::PlaceholderText).rgba();