sixtyfps-rendering-backend-qt 0.0.6

Qt rendering backend for SixtyFPS
    This file is part of the SixtyFPS Project --
    Copyright (c) 2020 Olivier Goffart <>
    Copyright (c) 2020 Simon Hausmann <>

    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
    This file is also available under commercial licensing terms.
    Please contact for more information.


This module contains all the native Qt widgetimplementation that forwards to QStyle.

Same as in sixtyfps_corelib::items, when When adding an item or a property,
it needs to be kept in sync with different place.

 - It needs to be changed in this module
 - the Widget list in
 - In the compiler: builtins.60
 - For the C++ code (new item only): the to export the new item, and the `using` declaration in sixtyfps.h
 - Don't forget to update the documentation


use const_field_offset::FieldOffsets;
use core::pin::Pin;
use cpp::cpp;
use sixtyfps_corelib::graphics::{Color, Rect, Size};
use sixtyfps_corelib::input::{
    FocusEvent, InputEventFilterResult, InputEventResult, KeyEvent, KeyEventResult, MouseEvent,
use sixtyfps_corelib::item_rendering::{CachedRenderingData, ItemRenderer};
use sixtyfps_corelib::items::{Item, ItemConsts, ItemRc, ItemVTable, VoidArg};
use sixtyfps_corelib::layout::LayoutInfo;
use sixtyfps_corelib::rtti::*;
use sixtyfps_corelib::window::ComponentWindow;
use sixtyfps_corelib::{Callback, ItemVTable_static, Property, SharedString, SharedVector};
use sixtyfps_corelib_macros::*;
use std::rc::Rc;

type ItemRendererRef<'a> = &'a mut dyn ItemRenderer;

use crate::qt_window::QPainter;

/// Helper macro to get the size from the width and height property,
/// and return Default::default in case the size is too small
macro_rules! get_size {
    ($self:ident) => {{
        let width = $self.width();
        let height = $self.height();
        if width < 1. || height < 1. {
            return Default::default();
        qttypes::QSize { width: width as _, height: height as _ }

macro_rules! fn_render {
    ($this:ident $dpr:ident $size:ident $painter:ident => $($tt:tt)*) => {
        fn render(self: Pin<&Self>, backend: &mut &mut dyn ItemRenderer) {
            let $dpr: f32 = backend.scale_factor();
            if let Some(painter) = std::any::Any::downcast_mut::<QPainter>(backend.as_any()) {
                let $size: qttypes::QSize = get_size!(self);
                let $this = self;
                let $painter = painter;
            } else {
                // Fallback: this happen when the Qt backend is not used and the gl backend is used instead
                    &mut |callback| {
                        let width = self.width() * $dpr;
                        let height = self.height() * $dpr;
                        if width < 1. || height < 1. {
                            return Default::default();
                        let $size = qttypes::QSize { width: width as _, height: height as _ };
                        let mut imgarray = QImageWrapArray::new($size, $dpr);
                        let img = &mut imgarray.img;
                        let mut painter_ = cpp!(unsafe [img as "QImage*"] -> QPainter as "QPainter" { return QPainter(img); });
                        let $painter = &mut painter_;
                        let $this = self;

struct QImageWrapArray {
    /// The image reference the array, so the array must outlive the image without being detached or accessed
    img: qttypes::QImage,
    array: SharedVector<u8>,

impl QImageWrapArray {
    pub fn new(size: qttypes::QSize, dpr: f32) -> Self {
        let mut array = SharedVector::default();
        array.resize((size.width * size.height * 4) as usize, 0);
        let array_ptr = array.as_slice_mut().as_mut_ptr();
        let img = cpp!(unsafe [size as "QSize", array_ptr as "uchar*", dpr as "float"] -> qttypes::QImage as "QImage" {
            QImage img(array_ptr, size.width(), size.height(), size.width() * 4, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
            return img;
        QImageWrapArray { img, array }

    pub fn draw(&self, callback: &mut dyn FnMut(u32, u32, &[u8])) {
        let size = self.img.size();
        callback(size.width, size.height, self.array.as_slice());

cpp! {{
    #include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
    #include <QtWidgets/QStyle>
    #include <QtWidgets/QStyleOption>
    #include <QtWidgets/QStyleFactory>
    #include <QtGui/QPainter>
    #include <QtGui/QClipboard>
    #include <QtCore/QMimeData>
    #include <QtCore/QDebug>
    #include <QtCore/QScopeGuard>

    void ensure_initialized()
        static auto app [[maybe_unused]]  = []{
            if (qApp) {
                return qApp;
            QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_PluginApplication, true);
            static int argc  = 1;
            static char argv[] = "sixtyfps";
            static char *argv2[] = { argv };
            // Leak the QApplication, otherwise it crashes on exit
            // (because the QGuiApplication destructor access some Q_GLOBAL_STATIC which are already gone)
            return new QApplication(argc, argv2);

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeButton {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub text: Property<SharedString>,
    pub enabled: Property<bool>,
    pub pressed: Property<bool>,
    pub clicked: Callback<VoidArg>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,

impl Item for NativeButton {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        let text: qttypes::QString = self.text().as_str().into();
        let size = cpp!(unsafe [
            text as "QString"
        ] -> qttypes::QSize as "QSize" {
            QStyleOptionButton option;
            option.rect = option.fontMetrics.boundingRect(text);
            option.text = std::move(text);
            return qApp->style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PushButton, &option, option.rect.size(), nullptr);
        LayoutInfo {
            min_width: size.width as f32,
            min_height: size.height as f32,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        event: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {
        let enabled = self.enabled();
        if !enabled {
            return InputEventResult::EventIgnored;

        Self::FIELD_OFFSETS.pressed.apply_pin(self).set(match event.what {
            MouseEventType::MousePressed => true,
            MouseEventType::MouseExit | MouseEventType::MouseReleased => false,
            MouseEventType::MouseMoved => {
                return if self.pressed() {
                } else {
        if matches!(event.what, MouseEventType::MouseReleased) {
        } else {

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>
        let down: bool = this.pressed();
        let text: qttypes::QString = this.text().as_str().into();
        let enabled = this.enabled();

        cpp!(unsafe [
            painter as "QPainter*",
            text as "QString",
            enabled as "bool",
            size as "QSize",
            down as "bool",
            dpr as "float"
        ] {
            QStyleOptionButton option;
            option.text = std::move(text);
            option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), size / dpr);
            if (down)
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Raised;
            if (enabled) {
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
            } else {
            qApp->style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, &option, painter, nullptr);

impl ItemConsts for NativeButton {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeButtonVTable for NativeButton }

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeCheckBox {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub enabled: Property<bool>,
    pub toggled: Callback<VoidArg>,
    pub text: Property<SharedString>,
    pub checked: Property<bool>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,

impl Item for NativeCheckBox {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        let text: qttypes::QString = self.text().as_str().into();
        let size = cpp!(unsafe [
            text as "QString"
        ] -> qttypes::QSize as "QSize" {
            QStyleOptionButton option;
            option.rect = option.fontMetrics.boundingRect(text);
            option.text = std::move(text);
            return qApp->style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_CheckBox, &option, option.rect.size(), nullptr);
        LayoutInfo {
            min_width: size.width as f32,
            min_height: size.height as f32,
            max_height: size.height as f32,
            horizontal_stretch: 1.,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        event: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {
        if !self.enabled() {
            return InputEventResult::EventIgnored;
        if matches!(event.what, MouseEventType::MouseReleased) {

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>
        let checked: bool = this.checked();
        let enabled = this.enabled();
        let text: qttypes::QString = this.text().as_str().into();

        cpp!(unsafe [
            painter as "QPainter*",
            enabled as "bool",
            text as "QString",
            size as "QSize",
            checked as "bool",
            dpr as "float"
        ] {
            QStyleOptionButton option;
            option.text = std::move(text);
            option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), size / dpr);
            option.state |= checked ? QStyle::State_On : QStyle::State_Off;
            if (enabled) {
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
            } else {
            qApp->style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_CheckBox, &option, painter, nullptr);

impl ItemConsts for NativeCheckBox {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeCheckBoxVTable for NativeCheckBox }

#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct NativeSpinBoxData {
    active_controls: u32,
    pressed: bool,

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeSpinBox {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub enabled: Property<bool>,
    pub value: Property<i32>,
    pub minimum: Property<i32>,
    pub maximum: Property<i32>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,
    data: Property<NativeSpinBoxData>,

cpp! {{
void initQSpinBoxOptions(QStyleOptionSpinBox &option, bool pressed, bool enabled, int active_controls) {
    auto style = qApp->style();
    option.activeSubControls = QStyle::SC_None;
    option.subControls = QStyle::SC_SpinBoxEditField | QStyle::SC_SpinBoxUp | QStyle::SC_SpinBoxDown;
    if (style->styleHint(QStyle::SH_SpinBox_ButtonsInsideFrame, nullptr, nullptr))
        option.subControls |= QStyle::SC_SpinBoxFrame;
    option.activeSubControls = {active_controls};
    if (enabled) {
        option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
    } else {
    option.state |= QStyle::State_Active;
    if (pressed) {
        option.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken | QStyle::State_MouseOver;
    /*if (active_controls) {
        option.state |= QStyle::State_MouseOver;
    option.stepEnabled = QAbstractSpinBox::StepDownEnabled | QAbstractSpinBox::StepUpEnabled;
    option.frame = true;

impl Item for NativeSpinBox {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        //let value: i32 = self.value();
        let data =;
        let active_controls = data.active_controls;
        let pressed = data.pressed;
        let enabled = self.enabled();

        let size = cpp!(unsafe [
            //value as "int",
            active_controls as "int",
            pressed as "bool",
            enabled as "bool"
        ] -> qttypes::QSize as "QSize" {
            auto style = qApp->style();

            QStyleOptionSpinBox option;
            initQSpinBoxOptions(option, pressed, enabled, active_controls);

            auto content = option.fontMetrics.boundingRect("0000");

            return style->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_SpinBox, &option, content.size(), nullptr);
        LayoutInfo {
            min_width: size.width as f32,
            min_height: size.height as f32,
            max_height: size.height as f32,
            horizontal_stretch: 1.,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        event: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {
        let size: qttypes::QSize = get_size!(self);
        let enabled = self.enabled();
        let mut data =;
        let active_controls = data.active_controls;
        let pressed = data.pressed;

        let pos = qttypes::QPoint { x: event.pos.x as _, y: event.pos.y as _ };

        let new_control = cpp!(unsafe [
            pos as "QPoint",
            size as "QSize",
            enabled as "bool",
            active_controls as "int",
            pressed as "bool"
        ] -> u32 as "int" {
            auto style = qApp->style();

            QStyleOptionSpinBox option;
            option.rect = { QPoint{}, size };
            initQSpinBoxOptions(option, pressed, enabled, active_controls);

            return style->hitTestComplexControl(QStyle::CC_SpinBox, &option, pos, nullptr);
        let changed = new_control != active_controls
            || match event.what {
                MouseEventType::MousePressed => {
                    data.pressed = true;
                MouseEventType::MouseExit => {
                    data.pressed = false;
                MouseEventType::MouseReleased => {
                    data.pressed = false;
                    if new_control == cpp!(unsafe []->u32 as "int" { return QStyle::SC_SpinBoxUp;})
                        && enabled
                        let v = self.value();
                        if v < self.maximum() {
                            self.value.set(v + 1);
                    if new_control
                        == cpp!(unsafe []->u32 as "int" { return QStyle::SC_SpinBoxDown;})
                        && enabled
                        let v = self.value();
                        if v > self.minimum() {
                            self.value.set(v - 1);
                MouseEventType::MouseMoved => false,
        data.active_controls = new_control;
        if changed {

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>
        let value: i32 = this.value();
        let enabled = this.enabled();
        let data =;
        let active_controls = data.active_controls;
        let pressed = data.pressed;

        cpp!(unsafe [
            painter as "QPainter*",
            value as "int",
            enabled as "bool",
            size as "QSize",
            active_controls as "int",
            pressed as "bool",
            dpr as "float"
        ] {
            auto style = qApp->style();
            QStyleOptionSpinBox option;
            option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), size / dpr);
            initQSpinBoxOptions(option, pressed, enabled, active_controls);
            style->drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_SpinBox, &option, painter, nullptr);

            auto text_rect = style->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_SpinBox, &option, QStyle::SC_SpinBoxEditField, nullptr);
            painter->drawText(text_rect, QString::number(value));

impl ItemConsts for NativeSpinBox {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeSpinBoxVTable for NativeSpinBox }

#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct NativeSliderData {
    active_controls: u32,
    /// For sliders, this is a bool, For scroll area: 1 == horizontal, 2 == vertical
    pressed: u8,
    pressed_x: f32,
    pressed_val: f32,

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeSlider {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub enabled: Property<bool>,
    pub value: Property<f32>,
    pub minimum: Property<f32>,
    pub maximum: Property<f32>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,
    data: Property<NativeSliderData>,

cpp! {{
void initQSliderOptions(QStyleOptionSlider &option, bool pressed, bool enabled, int active_controls, int minimum, int maximum, int value) {
    option.subControls = QStyle::SC_SliderGroove | QStyle::SC_SliderHandle;
    option.activeSubControls = { active_controls };
    option.orientation = Qt::Horizontal;
    option.maximum = maximum;
    option.minimum = minimum;
    option.sliderPosition = value;
    option.sliderValue = value;
    if (enabled) {
        option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
    } else {
    option.state |= QStyle::State_Active | QStyle::State_Horizontal;
    if (pressed) {
        option.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken | QStyle::State_MouseOver;

impl Item for NativeSlider {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        let enabled = self.enabled();
        let value = self.value() as i32;
        let min = self.minimum() as i32;
        let max = self.maximum() as i32;
        let data =;
        let active_controls = data.active_controls;
        let pressed = data.pressed;

        let size = cpp!(unsafe [
            enabled as "bool",
            value as "int",
            min as "int",
            max as "int",
            active_controls as "int",
            pressed as "bool"
        ] -> qttypes::QSize as "QSize" {
            QStyleOptionSlider option;
            initQSliderOptions(option, pressed, enabled, active_controls, min, max, value);
            auto style = qApp->style();
            auto thick = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SliderThickness, &option, nullptr);
            return style->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_Slider, &option, QSize(0, thick), nullptr);
        LayoutInfo {
            min_width: size.width as f32,
            min_height: size.height as f32,
            max_height: size.height as f32,
            horizontal_stretch: 1.,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        event: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {
        let size: qttypes::QSize = get_size!(self);
        let enabled = self.enabled();
        let value = self.value() as f32;
        let min = self.minimum() as f32;
        let max = self.maximum() as f32;
        let mut data =;
        let active_controls = data.active_controls;
        let pressed: bool = data.pressed != 0;
        let pos = qttypes::QPoint { x: event.pos.x as _, y: event.pos.y as _ };

        let new_control = cpp!(unsafe [
            pos as "QPoint",
            size as "QSize",
            enabled as "bool",
            value as "float",
            min as "float",
            max as "float",
            active_controls as "int",
            pressed as "bool"
        ] -> u32 as "int" {
            QStyleOptionSlider option;
            initQSliderOptions(option, pressed, enabled, active_controls, min, max, value);
            auto style = qApp->style();
            option.rect = { QPoint{}, size };
            return style->hitTestComplexControl(QStyle::CC_Slider, &option, pos, nullptr);
        let result = match event.what {
            MouseEventType::MousePressed if enabled => {
                data.pressed_x = event.pos.x as f32;
                data.pressed = 1;
                data.pressed_val = value;
            MouseEventType::MouseExit | MouseEventType::MouseReleased => {
                data.pressed = 0;
            MouseEventType::MouseMoved if enabled => {
                if data.pressed != 0 {
                    // FIXME: use QStyle::subControlRect to find out the actual size of the groove
                    let new_val = data.pressed_val
                        + ((event.pos.x as f32) - data.pressed_x) * (max - min) / size.width as f32;
                } else {
            _ => {
                data.pressed = 0;
        data.active_controls = new_control;;

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>
        let enabled = this.enabled();
        let value = this.value() as i32;
        let min = this.minimum() as i32;
        let max = this.maximum() as i32;
        let data =;
        let active_controls = data.active_controls;
        let pressed = data.pressed;

        cpp!(unsafe [
            painter as "QPainter*",
            enabled as "bool",
            value as "int",
            min as "int",
            max as "int",
            size as "QSize",
            active_controls as "int",
            pressed as "bool",
            dpr as "float"
        ] {
            QStyleOptionSlider option;
            option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), size / dpr);
            initQSliderOptions(option, pressed, enabled, active_controls, min, max, value);
            auto style = qApp->style();
            style->drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_Slider, &option, painter, nullptr);

impl ItemConsts for NativeSlider {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeSliderVTable for NativeSlider }

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeGroupBox {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub enabled: Property<bool>,
    pub title: Property<SharedString>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,
    pub native_padding_left: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_right: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_top: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_bottom: Property<f32>,

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default)]
struct GroupBoxData {
    title: Property<SharedString>,
    paddings: Property<qttypes::QMargins>,

impl Item for NativeGroupBox {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {
        let shared_data = Rc::pin(GroupBoxData::default());


            let shared_data_weak = pin_weak::rc::PinWeak::downgrade(shared_data.clone());
            move || {
                let shared_data = shared_data_weak.upgrade().unwrap();

                let text: qttypes::QString = GroupBoxData::FIELD_OFFSETS.title.apply_pin(shared_data.as_ref()).get().as_str().into();

                cpp!(unsafe [
                    text as "QString"
                ] -> qttypes::QMargins as "QMargins" {
                    QStyleOptionGroupBox option;
                    option.text = text;
                    option.lineWidth = 1;
                    option.midLineWidth = 0;
                    option.subControls = QStyle::SC_GroupBoxFrame;
                    if (!text.isEmpty()) {
                        option.subControls |= QStyle::SC_GroupBoxLabel;
                     // Just some size big enough to be sure that the frame fitst in it
                    option.rect = QRect(0, 0, 10000, 10000);
                    option.textColor = QColor(qApp->style()->styleHint(
                        QStyle::SH_GroupBox_TextLabelColor, &option));
                    QRect contentsRect = qApp->style()->subControlRect(
                        QStyle::CC_GroupBox, &option, QStyle::SC_GroupBoxContents);
                    //QRect elementRect = qApp->style()->subElementRect(
                    //    QStyle::SE_GroupBoxLayoutItem, &option);

                    auto hs = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing, &option);
                    auto vs = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing, &option);

                    return {
                        (contentsRect.left() + hs),
                        ( + vs),
                        (option.rect.right() - contentsRect.right() + hs),
                        (option.rect.bottom() - contentsRect.bottom() + vs)

            let shared_data = shared_data.clone();
            move || {
                let margins =
                margins.left as _

            let shared_data = shared_data.clone();
            move || {
                let margins =
                margins.right as _

            let shared_data = shared_data.clone();
            move || {
                let margins =
       as _

            let shared_data = shared_data.clone();
            move || {
                let margins =
                margins.bottom as _

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        let left = self.native_padding_left();
        let right = self.native_padding_right();
        let top = self.native_padding_top();
        let bottom = self.native_padding_bottom();
        LayoutInfo {
            min_width: left + right,
            min_height: top + bottom,
            horizontal_stretch: 1.,
            vertical_stretch: 1.,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>
        let text: qttypes::QString =
        let enabled = this.enabled();

        cpp!(unsafe [
            painter as "QPainter*",
            text as "QString",
            enabled as "bool",
            size as "QSize",
            dpr as "float"
        ] {
            QStyleOptionGroupBox option;
            if (enabled) {
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
            } else {
            option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), size / dpr);
            option.text = text;
            option.lineWidth = 1;
            option.midLineWidth = 0;
            option.subControls = QStyle::SC_GroupBoxFrame;
            if (!text.isEmpty()) {
                option.subControls |= QStyle::SC_GroupBoxLabel;
            option.textColor = QColor(qApp->style()->styleHint(
                QStyle::SH_GroupBox_TextLabelColor, &option));
            qApp->style()->drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_GroupBox, &option, painter, nullptr);

impl ItemConsts for NativeGroupBox {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeGroupBoxVTable for NativeGroupBox }

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeLineEdit {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,
    pub native_padding_left: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_right: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_top: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_bottom: Property<f32>,
    pub focused: Property<bool>,
    pub enabled: Property<bool>,

impl Item for NativeLineEdit {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {
        let paddings = Rc::pin(Property::default());

        paddings.as_ref().set_binding(move || {
            cpp!(unsafe [] -> qttypes::QMargins as "QMargins" {
                QStyleOptionFrame option;
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
                option.lineWidth = 1;
                option.midLineWidth = 0;
                    // Just some size big enough to be sure that the frame fitst in it
                option.rect = QRect(0, 0, 10000, 10000);
                QRect contentsRect = qApp->style()->subElementRect(
                    QStyle::SE_LineEditContents, &option);

                // ### remove extra margins

                return {
                    (2 + contentsRect.left()),
                    (4 +,
                    (2 + option.rect.right() - contentsRect.right()),
                    (4 + option.rect.bottom() - contentsRect.bottom())

            let paddings = paddings.clone();
            move || paddings.as_ref().get().left as _
            let paddings = paddings.clone();
            move || paddings.as_ref().get().right as _
            let paddings = paddings.clone();
            move || paddings.as_ref().get().top as _
            let paddings = paddings.clone();
            move || paddings.as_ref().get().bottom as _

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        let left = self.native_padding_left();
        let right = self.native_padding_right();
        let top = self.native_padding_top();
        let bottom = self.native_padding_bottom();
        LayoutInfo {
            min_width: left + right,
            min_height: top + bottom,
            horizontal_stretch: 1.,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>
        let focused: bool = this.focused();
        let enabled: bool = this.enabled();

        cpp!(unsafe [
            painter as "QPainter*",
            size as "QSize",
            dpr as "float",
            enabled as "bool",
            focused as "bool"
        ] {
            QStyleOptionFrame option;
            option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), size / dpr);
            option.lineWidth = 1;
            option.midLineWidth = 0;
            if (focused)
                option.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
            if (enabled) {
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
            } else {
            qApp->style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelLineEdit, &option, painter, nullptr);

impl ItemConsts for NativeLineEdit {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeLineEditVTable for NativeLineEdit }

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeScrollView {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub horizontal_max: Property<f32>,
    pub horizontal_page_size: Property<f32>,
    pub horizontal_value: Property<f32>,
    pub vertical_max: Property<f32>,
    pub vertical_page_size: Property<f32>,
    pub vertical_value: Property<f32>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,
    pub native_padding_left: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_right: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_top: Property<f32>,
    pub native_padding_bottom: Property<f32>,
    data: Property<NativeSliderData>,

impl Item for NativeScrollView {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {
        let paddings = Rc::pin(Property::default());

        paddings.as_ref().set_binding(move || {
            cpp!(unsafe [] -> qttypes::QMargins as "QMargins" {
                QStyleOptionSlider option;
                initQSliderOptions(option, false, true, 0, 0, 1000, 1000);

                int extent = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent, &option, nullptr);
                int sliderMin = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarSliderMin, &option, nullptr);
                auto horizontal_size = qApp->style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_ScrollBar, &option, QSize(extent * 2 + sliderMin, extent), nullptr);
                option.state ^= QStyle::State_Horizontal;
                option.orientation = Qt::Vertical;
                extent = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent, &option, nullptr);
                sliderMin = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarSliderMin, &option, nullptr);
                auto vertical_size = qApp->style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_ScrollBar, &option, QSize(extent, extent * 2 + sliderMin), nullptr);

                /*int hscrollOverlap = hbar->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollView_ScrollBarOverlap, &opt, hbar);
                int vscrollOverlap = vbar->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollView_ScrollBarOverlap, &opt, vbar);*/

                QStyleOptionFrame frameOption;
                frameOption.rect = QRect(QPoint(), QSize(1000, 1000));
                frameOption.frameShape = QFrame::StyledPanel;
                frameOption.lineWidth = 1;
                frameOption.midLineWidth = 0;
                QRect cr = qApp->style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ShapedFrameContents, &frameOption, nullptr);
                return {
                    (vertical_size.width() + frameOption.rect.right() - cr.right()),
                    (horizontal_size.height() + frameOption.rect.bottom() - cr.bottom())

            let paddings = paddings.clone();
            move || paddings.as_ref().get().left as _
            let paddings = paddings.clone();
            move || paddings.as_ref().get().right as _
            let paddings = paddings.clone();
            move || paddings.as_ref().get().top as _
            let paddings = paddings.clone();
            move || paddings.as_ref().get().bottom as _

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        let left = self.native_padding_left();
        let right = self.native_padding_right();
        let top = self.native_padding_top();
        let bottom = self.native_padding_bottom();
        LayoutInfo {
            min_width: left + right,
            min_height: top + bottom,
            horizontal_stretch: 1.,
            vertical_stretch: 1.,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        event: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {
        let size: qttypes::QSize = get_size!(self);
        let mut data =;
        let active_controls = data.active_controls;
        let pressed = data.pressed;
        let left = self.native_padding_left();
        let right = self.native_padding_right();
        let top = self.native_padding_top();
        let bottom = self.native_padding_bottom();

        let mut handle_scrollbar = |horizontal: bool,
                                    pos: qttypes::QPoint,
                                    size: qttypes::QSize,
                                    value_prop: Pin<&Property<f32>>,
                                    page_size: i32,
                                    max: i32| {
            let pressed: bool = data.pressed != 0;
            let value: i32 = value_prop.get() as i32;
            let new_control = cpp!(unsafe [
                pos as "QPoint",
                value as "int",
                page_size as "int",
                max as "int",
                size as "QSize",
                active_controls as "int",
                pressed as "bool",
                horizontal as "bool"
            ] -> u32 as "int" {
                QStyleOptionSlider option;
                initQSliderOptions(option, pressed, true, active_controls, 0, max, -value);
                option.pageStep = page_size;
                if (!horizontal) {
                    option.state ^= QStyle::State_Horizontal;
                    option.orientation = Qt::Vertical;
                auto style = qApp->style();
                option.rect = { QPoint{}, size };
                return style->hitTestComplexControl(QStyle::CC_ScrollBar, &option, pos, nullptr);

            let SC_ScrollBarSlider =
                cpp!(unsafe []->u32 as "int" { return QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSlider;});

            let (pos, size) = if horizontal { (pos.x, size.width) } else { (pos.y, size.height) };

            let result = match event.what {
                MouseEventType::MousePressed => {
                    data.pressed = if horizontal { 1 } else { 2 };
                    if new_control == SC_ScrollBarSlider {
                        data.pressed_x = pos as f32;
                        data.pressed_val = -value as f32;
                    data.active_controls = new_control;
                MouseEventType::MouseExit => {
                    data.pressed = 0;
                MouseEventType::MouseReleased => {
                    data.pressed = 0;
                    let new_val = cpp!(unsafe [active_controls as "int", value as "int", max as "int", page_size as "int"] -> i32 as "int" {
                        switch (active_controls) {
                            case QStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddPage:
                                return -value + page_size;
                            case QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubPage:
                                return -value - page_size;
                            case QStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine:
                                return -value + 3.;
                            case QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine:
                                return -value - 3.;
                            case QStyle::SC_ScrollBarFirst:
                                return 0;
                            case QStyle::SC_ScrollBarLast:
                                return max;
                                return -value;
                    value_prop.set(-(new_val.min(max).max(0) as f32));
                MouseEventType::MouseMoved => {
                    if data.pressed != 0 && data.active_controls == SC_ScrollBarSlider {
                        let max = max as f32;
                        let new_val = data.pressed_val
                            + ((pos as f32) - data.pressed_x) * (max + (page_size as f32))
                                / size as f32;
                    } else {

        if pressed == 2 || (pressed == 0 && event.pos.x > (size.width as f32 - right)) {
                qttypes::QPoint {
                    x: (event.pos.x - (size.width as f32 - right)) as _,
                    y: (event.pos.y - top) as _,
                qttypes::QSize {
                    width: (right - left) as _,
                    height: (size.height as f32 - (bottom + top)) as _,
                self.vertical_page_size() as i32,
                self.vertical_max() as i32,
        } else if pressed == 1 || event.pos.y > (size.height as f32 - bottom) {
                qttypes::QPoint {
                    x: (event.pos.x - left) as _,
                    y: (event.pos.y - (size.height as f32 - bottom)) as _,
                qttypes::QSize {
                    width: (size.width as f32 - (right + left)) as _,
                    height: (bottom - top) as _,
                self.horizontal_page_size() as i32,
                self.horizontal_max() as i32,
        } else {

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>

        let data =;
        let left = this.native_padding_left();
        let right = this.native_padding_right();
        let top = this.native_padding_top();
        let bottom = this.native_padding_bottom();
        let corner_rect = qttypes::QRectF {
            x: (size.width as f32 / dpr - (right - left)) as _,
            y: (size.height as f32 / dpr - (bottom - top)) as _,
            width: ((right - left)) as _,
            height: ((bottom - top)) as _,
        cpp!(unsafe [painter as "QPainter*", corner_rect as "QRectF"] {
            QStyleOptionFrame frameOption;
            frameOption.frameShape = QFrame::StyledPanel;
            frameOption.lineWidth = 1;
            frameOption.midLineWidth = 0;
            frameOption.rect = corner_rect.toAlignedRect();
            qApp->style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelScrollAreaCorner, &frameOption, painter, nullptr);
            frameOption.rect = QRect(QPoint(), corner_rect.toAlignedRect().topLeft());
            qApp->style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ShapedFrame, &frameOption, painter, nullptr);

        let draw_scrollbar = |horizontal: bool,
                              rect: qttypes::QRectF,
                              value: i32,
                              page_size: i32,
                              max: i32,
                              active_controls: u32,
                              pressed: bool| {
            cpp!(unsafe [
                painter as "QPainter*",
                value as "int",
                page_size as "int",
                max as "int",
                rect as "QRectF",
                active_controls as "int",
                pressed as "bool",
                dpr as "float",
                horizontal as "bool"
            ] {
                auto r = rect.toAlignedRect();
                // The mac style ignores painter translations (due to CGContextRef redirection) as well as
                // option.rect's top-left - hence this hack with an intermediate buffer.
            #if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
                QImage scrollbar_image(r.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
                {QPainter p(&scrollbar_image); QPainter *painter = &p;
                auto cleanup = qScopeGuard([&] { painter->restore(); });
                painter->translate(r.topLeft()); // There is bugs in the styles if the scrollbar is not in (0,0)
                QStyleOptionSlider option;
                option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), r.size());
                initQSliderOptions(option, pressed, true, active_controls, 0, max / dpr, -value / dpr);
                option.subControls = QStyle::SC_All;
                option.pageStep = page_size / dpr;

                if (!horizontal) {
                    option.state ^= QStyle::State_Horizontal;
                    option.orientation = Qt::Vertical;

                auto style = qApp->style();
                style->drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_ScrollBar, &option, painter, nullptr);
            #if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
                painter->drawImage(r.topLeft(), scrollbar_image);

            qttypes::QRectF {
                x: ((size.width as f32 - right + left) / dpr) as _,
                y: 0.,
                width: ((right - left) / dpr) as _,
                height: ((size.height as f32 - bottom + top) / dpr) as _,
            this.vertical_value() as i32,
            this.vertical_page_size() as i32,
            this.vertical_max() as i32,
            data.pressed == 2,
            qttypes::QRectF {
                x: 0.,
                y: ((size.height as f32 - bottom + top) / dpr) as _,
                width: ((size.width as f32 - right + left) / dpr) as _,
                height: ((bottom - top) / dpr) as _,
            this.horizontal_value() as i32,
            this.horizontal_page_size() as i32,
            this.horizontal_max() as i32,
            data.pressed == 1,

impl ItemConsts for NativeScrollView {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeScrollViewVTable for NativeScrollView }

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeStandardListViewItem {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub item: Property<sixtyfps_corelib::model::StandardListViewItem>,
    pub index: Property<i32>,
    pub is_selected: Property<bool>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,

impl Item for NativeStandardListViewItem {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        let index: i32 = self.index();
        let item = self.item();
        let text: qttypes::QString = item.text.as_str().into();

        let s = cpp!(unsafe [
            index as "int",
            text as "QString"
        ] -> qttypes::QSize as "QSize" {

            QStyleOptionViewItem option;
            option.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Left;
            option.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter;
            option.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter;
            option.showDecorationSelected = qApp->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ShowDecorationSelected, nullptr, nullptr);
            if (index % 2) {
                option.features |= QStyleOptionViewItem::Alternate;
            option.features |= QStyleOptionViewItem::HasDisplay;
            option.text = text;
            return qApp->style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_ItemViewItem, &option, QSize{}, nullptr);
        let result = LayoutInfo {
            min_width: s.width as f32,
            min_height: s.height as f32,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _event: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>
        let index: i32 = this.index();
        let is_selected: bool = this.is_selected();
        let item = this.item();
        let text: qttypes::QString = item.text.as_str().into();
        cpp!(unsafe [
            painter as "QPainter*",
            size as "QSize",
            dpr as "float",
            index as "int",
            is_selected as "bool",
            text as "QString"
        ] {
            QStyleOptionViewItem option;
            option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), size / dpr);
            option.state = QStyle::State_Enabled | QStyle::State_Active;
            if (is_selected) {
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Selected;
            option.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Left;
            option.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter;
            option.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter;
            option.showDecorationSelected = qApp->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ShowDecorationSelected, nullptr, nullptr);
            if (index % 2) {
                option.features |= QStyleOptionViewItem::Alternate;
            option.features |= QStyleOptionViewItem::HasDisplay;
            option.text = text;
            qApp->style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewRow, &option, painter, nullptr);
            qApp->style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &option, painter, nullptr);

impl ItemConsts for NativeStandardListViewItem {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeStandardListViewItemVTable for NativeStandardListViewItem }

#[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeComboBox {
    pub x: Property<f32>,
    pub y: Property<f32>,
    pub width: Property<f32>,
    pub height: Property<f32>,
    pub enabled: Property<bool>,
    pub pressed: Property<bool>,
    pub is_open: Property<bool>,
    pub current_value: Property<SharedString>,
    pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData,
    pub open_popup: Callback<VoidArg>,

impl Item for NativeComboBox {
    fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn geometry(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Rect {
        euclid::rect(self.x(), self.y(), self.width(), self.height())

    fn layouting_info(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> LayoutInfo {
        let text: qttypes::QString = self.current_value().as_str().into();
        let size = cpp!(unsafe [
            text as "QString"
        ] -> qttypes::QSize as "QSize" {
            QStyleOptionButton option;
            // FIXME
            option.rect = option.fontMetrics.boundingRect("*****************");
            option.text = std::move(text);
            return qApp->style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_ComboBox, &option, option.rect.size(), nullptr);
        LayoutInfo {
            min_width: size.width as f32,
            min_height: size.height as f32,

    fn implicit_size(self: Pin<&Self>, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> Size {

    fn input_event_filter_before_children(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        _: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventFilterResult {

    fn input_event(
        self: Pin<&Self>,
        event: MouseEvent,
        _window: &ComponentWindow,
        _self_rc: &sixtyfps_corelib::items::ItemRc,
    ) -> InputEventResult {
        let enabled = self.enabled();
        if !enabled {
            return InputEventResult::EventIgnored;
        // FIXME: this is the input event of a button, but we need to do the proper hit test

        Self::FIELD_OFFSETS.pressed.apply_pin(self).set(match event.what {
            MouseEventType::MousePressed => true,
            MouseEventType::MouseExit | MouseEventType::MouseReleased => false,
            MouseEventType::MouseMoved => {
                return if self.pressed() {
                } else {
        if matches!(event.what, MouseEventType::MouseReleased) {
        } else {

    fn key_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) -> KeyEventResult {

    fn focus_event(self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window: &ComponentWindow) {}

    fn_render! { this dpr size painter =>
        let down: bool = this.pressed();
        let is_open: bool = this.is_open();
        let text: qttypes::QString =
        let enabled = this.enabled();
        cpp!(unsafe [
            painter as "QPainter*",
            text as "QString",
            enabled as "bool",
            size as "QSize",
            down as "bool",
            is_open as "bool",
            dpr as "float"
        ] {
            QStyleOptionComboBox option;
            option.currentText = std::move(text);
            option.rect = QRect(QPoint(), size / dpr);
            if (down)
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Raised;
            if (enabled) {
                option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
            } else {
            if (is_open)
                option.state |= QStyle::State_On;
            option.subControls = QStyle::SC_All;
            qApp->style()->drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &option, painter, nullptr);
            qApp->style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ComboBoxLabel, &option, painter, nullptr);

impl ItemConsts for NativeComboBox {
    const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset<Self, CachedRenderingData> =

ItemVTable_static! { #[no_mangle] pub static NativeComboBoxVTable for NativeComboBox }

#[derive(FieldOffsets, SixtyFPSElement)]
pub struct NativeStyleMetrics {
    pub layout_spacing: Property<f32>,
    pub layout_padding: Property<f32>,
    pub text_cursor_width: Property<f32>,
    pub window_background: Property<Color>,

impl Default for NativeStyleMetrics {
    fn default() -> Self {
        let s = NativeStyleMetrics {
            layout_spacing: Default::default(),
            layout_padding: Default::default(),
            text_cursor_width: Default::default(),
            window_background: Default::default(),

impl NativeStyleMetrics {
    pub fn new() -> Pin<Rc<Self>> {

/// Initialize the native style metrics
pub extern "C" fn sixtyfps_init_native_style_metrics(self_: &NativeStyleMetrics) {
    let layout_spacing = cpp!(unsafe [] -> f32 as "float" {
        return qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing);
    let text_cursor_width = cpp!(unsafe [] -> f32 as "float" {
        return qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_TextCursorWidth);
    let window_background = cpp!(unsafe[] -> u32 as "QRgb" {
        return qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Window).rgba();