simple_logger 4.1.0

A logger that prints all messages with a readable output format
//! A logger that prints all messages with a simple, readable output format.
//! Optional features include timestamps, colored output and logging to stderr.
//! ```rust
//! simple_logger::SimpleLogger::new().env().init().unwrap();
//! log::warn!("This is an example message.");
//! ```
//! Some shortcuts are available for common use cases.
//! Just initialize logging without any configuration:
//! ```rust
//! simple_logger::init().unwrap();
//! ```
//! Set the log level from the `RUST_LOG` environment variable:
//! ```rust
//! simple_logger::init_with_env().unwrap();
//! ```
//! Hardcode a default log level:
//! ```rust
//! simple_logger::init_with_level(log::Level::Warn).unwrap();
//! ```

#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(thread_id_value))]

#[cfg(feature = "colored")]
use colored::*;
use log::{Level, LevelFilter, Log, Metadata, Record, SetLoggerError};
use std::{collections::HashMap, str::FromStr};
#[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
use time::{format_description::FormatItem, OffsetDateTime, UtcOffset};

#[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
const TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_OFFSET: &[FormatItem] = time::macros::format_description!(
    "[year]-[month]-[day]T[hour]:[minute]:[second].[subsecond digits:3][offset_hour sign:mandatory]:[offset_minute]"

#[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
const TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_UTC: &[FormatItem] =
    time::macros::format_description!("[year]-[month]-[day]T[hour]:[minute]:[second].[subsecond digits:3]Z");

#[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
enum Timestamps {

/// Implements [`Log`] and a set of simple builder methods for configuration.
/// Use the various "builder" methods on this struct to configure the logger,
/// then call [`init`] to configure the [`log`] crate.
pub struct SimpleLogger {
    /// The default logging level
    default_level: LevelFilter,

    /// The specific logging level for each module
    /// This is used to override the default value for some specific modules.
    /// After initialization, the vector is sorted so that the first (prefix) match
    /// directly gives us the desired log level.
    module_levels: Vec<(String, LevelFilter)>,

    /// Whether to include thread names (and IDs) or not
    /// This field is only available if the `threads` feature is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
    threads: bool,

    /// Control how timestamps are displayed.
    /// This field is only available if the `timestamps` feature is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    timestamps: Timestamps,
    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    timestamps_format: Option<&'static [FormatItem<'static>]>,

    /// Whether to use color output or not.
    /// This field is only available if the `color` feature is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "colored")]
    colors: bool,

impl SimpleLogger {
    /// Initializes the global logger with a SimpleLogger instance with
    /// default log level set to `Level::Trace`.
    /// ```no_run
    /// use simple_logger::SimpleLogger;
    /// SimpleLogger::new().env().init().unwrap();
    /// log::warn!("This is an example message.");
    /// ```
    /// [`init`]: #method.init
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    pub fn new() -> SimpleLogger {
        SimpleLogger {
            default_level: LevelFilter::Trace,
            module_levels: Vec::new(),

            #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
            threads: false,

            #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
            timestamps: Timestamps::Utc,

            #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
            timestamps_format: None,

            #[cfg(feature = "colored")]
            colors: true,

    /// Simulates env_logger behavior, which enables the user to choose log level by
    /// setting a `RUST_LOG` environment variable. The `RUST_LOG` is not set or its value is not
    /// recognized as one of the log levels, this function will use the `Error` level by default.
    /// You may use the various builder-style methods on this type to configure
    /// the logger, and you must call [`init`] in order to start logging messages.
    /// ```no_run
    /// use simple_logger::SimpleLogger;
    /// SimpleLogger::from_env().init().unwrap();
    /// log::warn!("This is an example message.");
    /// ```
    /// [`init`]: #method.init
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
        since = "1.12.0",
        note = "Use [`env`](#method.env) instead. Will be removed in version 2.0.0."
    pub fn from_env() -> SimpleLogger {

    /// Simulates env_logger behavior, which enables the user to choose log
    /// level by setting a `RUST_LOG` environment variable. This will use
    /// the default level set by [`with_level`] if `RUST_LOG` is not set or
    /// can't be parsed as a standard log level.
    /// This must be called after [`with_level`]. If called before
    /// [`with_level`], it will have no effect.
    /// [`with_level`]: #method.with_level
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    pub fn env(mut self) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.default_level = std::env::var("RUST_LOG")


    /// Set the 'default' log level.
    /// You can override the default level for specific modules and their sub-modules using [`with_module_level`]
    /// This must be called before [`env`]. If called after [`env`], it will override the value loaded from the environment.
    /// [`env`]: #method.env
    /// [`with_module_level`]: #method.with_module_level
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    pub fn with_level(mut self, level: LevelFilter) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.default_level = level;

    /// Override the log level for some specific modules.
    /// This sets the log level of a specific module and all its sub-modules.
    /// When both the level for a parent module as well as a child module are set,
    /// the more specific value is taken. If the log level for the same module is
    /// specified twice, the resulting log level is implementation defined.
    /// # Examples
    /// Silence an overly verbose crate:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use simple_logger::SimpleLogger;
    /// use log::LevelFilter;
    /// SimpleLogger::new().with_module_level("chatty_dependency", LevelFilter::Warn).init().unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// Disable logging for all dependencies:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use simple_logger::SimpleLogger;
    /// use log::LevelFilter;
    /// SimpleLogger::new()
    ///     .with_level(LevelFilter::Off)
    ///     .with_module_level("my_crate", LevelFilter::Info)
    ///     .init()
    ///     .unwrap();
    /// ```
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    pub fn with_module_level(mut self, target: &str, level: LevelFilter) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.module_levels.push((target.to_string(), level));

        /* Normally this is only called in `init` to avoid redundancy, but we can't initialize the logger in tests */
            .sort_by_key(|(name, _level)| name.len().wrapping_neg());


    /// Override the log level for specific targets.
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
        since = "1.11.0",
        note = "Use [`with_module_level`](#method.with_module_level) instead. Will be removed in version 2.0.0."
    pub fn with_target_levels(mut self, target_levels: HashMap<String, LevelFilter>) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.module_levels = target_levels.into_iter().collect();

        /* Normally this is only called in `init` to avoid redundancy, but we can't initialize the logger in tests */
            .sort_by_key(|(name, _level)| name.len().wrapping_neg());


    /// Control whether thread names (and IDs) are printed or not.
    /// This method is only available if the `threads` feature is enabled.
    /// Thread names are disabled by default.
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
    pub fn with_threads(mut self, threads: bool) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.threads = threads;

    /// Control whether timestamps are printed or not.
    /// Timestamps will be displayed in the local timezone.
    /// This method is only available if the `timestamps` feature is enabled.
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
        since = "1.16.0",
        note = "Use [`with_local_timestamps`] or [`with_utc_timestamps`] instead. Will be removed in version 2.0.0."
    pub fn with_timestamps(mut self, timestamps: bool) -> SimpleLogger {
        if timestamps {
            self.timestamps = Timestamps::Local
        } else {
            self.timestamps = Timestamps::None

    /// Control the format used for timestamps.
    /// Without this, a default format is used depending on the timestamps type.
    /// The syntax for the format_description macro can be found in the
    /// [`time` crate book](
    /// ```
    /// simple_logger::SimpleLogger::new()
    ///  .with_level(log::LevelFilter::Debug)
    ///  .env()
    ///  .with_timestamp_format(time::macros::format_description!("[year]-[month]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second]"))
    ///  .init()
    ///  .unwrap();
    /// ```
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    pub fn with_timestamp_format(mut self, format: &'static [FormatItem<'static>]) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.timestamps_format = Some(format);

    /// Don't display any timestamps.
    /// This method is only available if the `timestamps` feature is enabled.
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    pub fn without_timestamps(mut self) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.timestamps = Timestamps::None;

    /// Display timestamps using the local timezone.
    /// This method is only available if the `timestamps` feature is enabled.
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    pub fn with_local_timestamps(mut self) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.timestamps = Timestamps::Local;

    /// Display timestamps using UTC.
    /// This method is only available if the `timestamps` feature is enabled.
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    pub fn with_utc_timestamps(mut self) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.timestamps = Timestamps::Utc;

    /// Display timestamps using a static UTC offset.
    /// This method is only available if the `timestamps` feature is enabled.
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    pub fn with_utc_offset(mut self, offset: UtcOffset) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.timestamps = Timestamps::UtcOffset(offset);

    /// Control whether messages are colored or not.
    /// This method is only available if the `colored` feature is enabled.
    #[must_use = "You must call init() to begin logging"]
    #[cfg(feature = "colored")]
    pub fn with_colors(mut self, colors: bool) -> SimpleLogger {
        self.colors = colors;

    /// 'Init' the actual logger, instantiate it and configure it,
    /// this method MUST be called in order for the logger to be effective.
    pub fn init(mut self) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {
        #[cfg(all(windows, feature = "colored"))]

        /* Sort all module levels from most specific to least specific. The length of the module
         * name is used instead of its actual depth to avoid module name parsing.
            .sort_by_key(|(name, _level)| name.len().wrapping_neg());
        let max_level = self.module_levels.iter().map(|(_name, level)| level).copied().max();
        let max_level = max_level
            .map(|lvl| lvl.max(self.default_level))

impl Default for SimpleLogger {
    /// See [this](
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Log for SimpleLogger {
    fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool {
            <= self
                /* At this point the Vec is already sorted so that we can simply take
                 * the first match
                .find(|(name, _level)|
                .map(|(_name, level)| level)

    fn log(&self, record: &Record) {
        if self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
            let level_string = {
                #[cfg(feature = "colored")]
                    if self.colors {
                        match record.level() {
                            Level::Error => format!("{:<5}", record.level().to_string()).red().to_string(),
                            Level::Warn => format!("{:<5}", record.level().to_string()).yellow().to_string(),
                            Level::Info => format!("{:<5}", record.level().to_string()).cyan().to_string(),
                            Level::Debug => format!("{:<5}", record.level().to_string()).purple().to_string(),
                            Level::Trace => format!("{:<5}", record.level().to_string()).normal().to_string(),
                    } else {
                        format!("{:<5}", record.level().to_string())
                #[cfg(not(feature = "colored"))]
                    format!("{:<5}", record.level().to_string())

            let target = if ! {
            } else {

            let thread = {
                #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
                if self.threads {
                    let thread = std::thread::current();

                    format!("@{}", {
                        #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]

                        #[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
                } else {

                #[cfg(not(feature = "threads"))]

            let timestamp = {
                #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
                match self.timestamps {
                    Timestamps::None => "".to_string(),
                    Timestamps::Local => format!(
                        "{} ",
                                "Could not determine the UTC offset on this system. ",
                                "Consider displaying UTC time instead. ",
                                "Possible causes are that the time crate does not implement \"local_offset_at\" ",
                                "on your system, or that you are running in a multi-threaded environment and ",
                                "the time crate is returning \"None\" from \"local_offset_at\" to avoid unsafe ",
                                "behaviour. See the time crate's documentation for more information. ",
                    Timestamps::Utc => format!(
                        "{} ",
                    Timestamps::UtcOffset(offset) => format!(
                        "{} ",

                #[cfg(not(feature = "timestamps"))]

            let message = format!("{}{} [{}{}] {}", timestamp, level_string, target, thread, record.args());

            #[cfg(not(feature = "stderr"))]
            println!("{}", message);

            #[cfg(feature = "stderr")]
            eprintln!("{}", message);

    fn flush(&self) {}

#[cfg(all(windows, feature = "colored"))]
fn set_up_color_terminal() {
    use atty::Stream;

    if atty::is(Stream::Stdout) {
        unsafe {
            use windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
            use windows_sys::Win32::System::Console::{
                GetConsoleMode, GetStdHandle, SetConsoleMode, CONSOLE_MODE, ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING,

            let stdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

            if stdout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {

            let mut mode: CONSOLE_MODE = 0;

            if GetConsoleMode(stdout, &mut mode) == 0 {

            SetConsoleMode(stdout, mode | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING);

/// Initialise the logger with its default configuration.
/// Log messages will not be filtered.
/// The `RUST_LOG` environment variable is not used.
pub fn init() -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {

/// Initialise the logger with its default configuration.
/// Log messages will not be filtered.
/// The `RUST_LOG` environment variable is not used.
/// This function is only available if the `timestamps` feature is enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
pub fn init_utc() -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {

/// Initialise the logger with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable.
/// Log messages will be filtered based on the `RUST_LOG` environment variable.
pub fn init_with_env() -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {

/// Initialise the logger with a specific log level.
/// Log messages below the given [`Level`] will be filtered.
/// The `RUST_LOG` environment variable is not used.
pub fn init_with_level(level: Level) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {

/// Use [`init_with_env`] instead.
/// This does the same as [`init_with_env`] but unwraps the result.
    since = "1.12.0",
    note = "Use [`init_with_env`] instead, which does not unwrap the result. Will be removed in version 2.0.0."
pub fn init_by_env() {

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn test_module_levels_allowlist() {
        let logger = SimpleLogger::new()
            .with_module_level("my_crate", LevelFilter::Info);

        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("my_crate", Level::Info)));
        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("my_crate::module", Level::Info)));
        assert!(!logger.enabled(&create_log("my_crate::module", Level::Debug)));
        assert!(!logger.enabled(&create_log("not_my_crate", Level::Debug)));
        assert!(!logger.enabled(&create_log("not_my_crate::module", Level::Error)));

    fn test_module_levels_denylist() {
        let logger = SimpleLogger::new()
            .with_module_level("my_crate", LevelFilter::Trace)
            .with_module_level("chatty_dependency", LevelFilter::Info);

        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("my_crate", Level::Info)));
        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("my_crate", Level::Trace)));
        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("my_crate::module", Level::Info)));
        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("my_crate::module", Level::Trace)));
        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("not_my_crate", Level::Debug)));
        assert!(!logger.enabled(&create_log("not_my_crate::module", Level::Trace)));
        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("chatty_dependency", Level::Info)));
        assert!(!logger.enabled(&create_log("chatty_dependency", Level::Debug)));
        assert!(!logger.enabled(&create_log("chatty_dependency::module", Level::Debug)));
        assert!(logger.enabled(&create_log("chatty_dependency::module", Level::Warn)));

    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    fn test_timestamps_defaults() {
        let builder = SimpleLogger::new();
        assert!(builder.timestamps == Timestamps::Utc);

    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    fn test_with_timestamps() {
        let builder = SimpleLogger::new().with_timestamps(false);
        assert!(builder.timestamps == Timestamps::None);

    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    fn test_with_utc_timestamps() {
        let builder = SimpleLogger::new().with_utc_timestamps();
        assert!(builder.timestamps == Timestamps::Utc);

    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    fn test_with_local_timestamps() {
        let builder = SimpleLogger::new().with_local_timestamps();
        assert!(builder.timestamps == Timestamps::Local);

    #[cfg(feature = "timestamps")]
    fn test_with_timestamps_format() {
        let builder =

    #[cfg(feature = "colored")]
    fn test_with_colors() {
        let mut builder = SimpleLogger::new();
        assert!(builder.colors == true);

        builder = builder.with_colors(false);
        assert!(builder.colors == false);

    fn create_log(name: &str, level: Level) -> Metadata {
        let mut builder = Metadata::builder();