simple 0.3.0

The simplest graphics library, inspired by LOVE2D
//! simple
//! ======
//! The simplest graphics library, inspired by LOVE2D. See the README for more information.
//! Homepage:

extern crate rand;
extern crate sdl2;

// Re-export some of the symbols from the other modules.
pub use event::Event;
pub use shape::{Point, Polygon, Rect};
pub use window::{Font, Image, Window};

// rustdoc has some bugs right now and the below code works around this. Rust issue link:
// The specific issue is that renamed re-exports show up as their original names. This is a problem
// because we re-export a couple SDL2 structs under slightly different names.
pub use event::Key;
pub use event::MouseButton;

mod event;
mod shape;
mod util;
mod window;