simple-stopwatch 0.1.4

Minimal stopwatch for rust, returns float values


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What is it?

A minimal no-thrills stopwatch. Returns time values as floats. Uses time::precise_time_ns under the hood.


Add the dependency simple-stopwatch to your Cargo.toml file, for example:


Then import the stopwatch anywhere you would like to use it:

extern crate simple_stopwatch;
use simple_stopwatch::Stopwatch;

Example Use

There is minimal state in simple-stopwatch. Upon creation it grabs a timestamp, from which point its member functions will return elapsed time.

fn my_function() {
  let sw = Stopwatch::start_new();
  let elapsed_ms =;
  println!("Time taken: {}ms", elapsed_ms);

The restart method updates the stored timestamp to the current time.

The code make use of a small amount of code from the time crate, which uses a system call to obtain a high precision time stamp. The overhead of this call appears to be very small from my experiments so far.

Inspiration / Other Projects