simple-map 0.0.1

A pallet that demonstrates Substrate's storage maps
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
//! A pallet to demonstrate usage of a simple storage map
//! Storage maps map a key type to a value type. The hasher used to hash the key can be customized.
//! This pallet uses the `blake2_128_concat` hasher. This is a good default hasher.

pub use pallet::*;

mod tests;

pub mod pallet {
	use frame_support::{dispatch::DispatchResultWithPostInfo, pallet_prelude::*};
	use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;

	pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
		/// The overarching event type.
		type Event: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::Event>;

	#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]
	pub struct Pallet<T>(PhantomData<T>);

	#[pallet::metadata(T::AccountId = "AccountId")]
	#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
	pub enum Event<T: Config> {
		/// A user has set their entry
		EntrySet(T::AccountId, u32),

		/// A user has read their entry, leaving it in storage
		EntryGot(T::AccountId, u32),

		/// A user has read their entry, removing it from storage
		EntryTaken(T::AccountId, u32),

		/// A user has read their entry, incremented it, and written the new entry to storage
		/// Parameters are (user, old_entry, new_entry)
		EntryIncreased(T::AccountId, u32, u32),

	#[pallet::getter(fn simple_map)]
	pub(super) type SimpleMap<T: Config> =
		StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, T::AccountId, u32, ValueQuery>;

	impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {}

	pub enum Error<T> {
		/// The requested user has not stored a value yet

		/// The value cannot be incremented further because it has reached the maximum allowed value

	impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
		/// Set the value stored at a particular key
		pub fn set_single_entry(origin: OriginFor<T>, entry: u32) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			// A user can only set their own entry
			let user = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			<SimpleMap<T>>::insert(&user, entry);

			Self::deposit_event(Event::EntrySet(user, entry));

		/// Read the value stored at a particular key and emit it in an event
		pub fn get_single_entry(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			account: T::AccountId,
		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			// Any user can get any other user's entry
			let getter = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			let entry = <SimpleMap<T>>::get(account);
			Self::deposit_event(Event::EntryGot(getter, entry));

		/// Read the value stored at a particular key, while removing it from the map.
		/// Also emit the read value in an event
		pub fn take_single_entry(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			// A user can only take (delete) their own entry
			let user = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			let entry = <SimpleMap<T>>::take(&user);
			Self::deposit_event(Event::EntryTaken(user, entry));

		/// Increase the value associated with a particular key
		pub fn increase_single_entry(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			add_this_val: u32,
		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			// A user can only mutate their own entry
			let user = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			let original_value = <SimpleMap<T>>::get(&user);

			let new_value = original_value
			<SimpleMap<T>>::insert(&user, new_value);

			Self::deposit_event(Event::EntryIncreased(user, original_value, new_value));
