simd_aligned 0.2.1

Safe and fast SIMD-aligned data structures with easy and transparent 'flat' access.
use std::{
    ops::{Index, IndexMut},

use crate::traits::Simd;

use super::{
    conversion::{simd_container_flat_slice, simd_container_flat_slice_mut},

pub trait AccessStrategy {
    fn flat_to_packed(x: usize, y: usize) -> (usize, usize);

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rows;

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Columns;

impl AccessStrategy for Rows {
    fn flat_to_packed(x: usize, y: usize) -> (usize, usize) { (x, y) }

impl AccessStrategy for Columns {
    fn flat_to_packed(x: usize, y: usize) -> (usize, usize) { (y, x) }

/// A dynamic (heap allocated) matrix with one axis aligned for fast and safe SIMD access that
/// also provides a flat view on its data.
/// You can use [`MatrixD`] when you need to deal with multiple SIMD vectors, but
/// want them arranged in a compact cache-friendly manner. Internally this struct is backed by a
/// continuous vector of aligned vectors, and dynamically sliced according to row / column access.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use packed_simd::*;
/// use simd_aligned::*;
/// // Create a matrix of height 10x`f32` and width 5x`f32`, optimized for row access.
/// let mut m = MatrixD::<f32s, Rows>::with_dimension(10, 5);
/// // A `RowOptimized` matrix provides `row` access. In this example, you could query
/// // rows `0` to `9` and receive vectors that can hold a total of at least `5` elements.
/// let _ = m.row(4);
/// // But accessing columns doesn't work, as there is no continuous view in memory.
/// // m.column(3); --> panic!
/// // However, you can always get a flat view of the matrix, for "scalar-speed"
/// // query and update all elements:
/// let mut m_flat = m.flat_mut();
/// m_flat[(2, 4)] = 42_f32;
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MatrixD<T, A>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    A: AccessStrategy,
    pub(crate) simd_rows: PackedMxN<T>,
    phantom: PhantomData<A>,

impl<T, O> MatrixD<T, O>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    O: AccessStrategy,
    /// Creates a new [`MatrixD`] with the given dimension.
    pub fn with_dimension(width: usize, height: usize) -> Self {
        let (x, y) = O::flat_to_packed(width, height);

        Self {
            simd_rows: PackedMxN::with(T::default(), x, y),
            phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Returns the size as (`rows`, `columns`).
    pub fn dimension(&self) -> (usize, usize) { O::flat_to_packed(self.simd_rows.rows, self.simd_rows.row_length) }

    /// Provides a flat, immutable view of the contained data.
    pub fn flat(&self) -> MatrixFlat<'_, T, O> {
        MatrixFlat {
            matrix: self,
            phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Provides a flat mutable view of the contained data.
    pub fn flat_mut(&mut self) -> MatrixFlatMut<'_, T, O> {
        MatrixFlatMut {
            matrix: self,
            phantom: PhantomData,

impl<T> MatrixD<T, Rows>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    pub fn row(&self, i: usize) -> &[T] {
        let range = self.simd_rows.range_for_row(i);

    pub fn row_iter(&self) -> Matrix2DIter<'_, T, Rows> { Matrix2DIter { matrix: self, index: 0 } }

    pub fn row_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut [T] {
        let range = self.simd_rows.range_for_row(i);

    pub fn row_as_flat(&self, i: usize) -> &[T::Element] {
        let row = self.row(i);
        simd_container_flat_slice(row, self.simd_rows.row_length)

    pub fn row_as_flat_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut [T::Element] {
        let length = self.simd_rows.row_length;
        let row = self.row_mut(i);
        simd_container_flat_slice_mut(row, length)

impl<T> MatrixD<T, Columns>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    pub fn column(&self, i: usize) -> &[T] {
        let range = self.simd_rows.range_for_row(i);

    pub fn column_iter(&self) -> Matrix2DIter<'_, T, Columns> { Matrix2DIter { matrix: self, index: 0 } }

    pub fn column_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut [T] {
        let range = self.simd_rows.range_for_row(i);

    pub fn column_as_flat(&self, i: usize) -> &[T::Element] {
        let column = self.column(i);
        simd_container_flat_slice(column, self.simd_rows.row_length)

    pub fn column_as_flat_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut [T::Element] {
        let length = self.simd_rows.row_length;
        let column = self.column_mut(i);
        simd_container_flat_slice_mut(column, length)

/// Produced by [`MatrixD::flat`], this allow for flat matrix access.
pub struct MatrixFlat<'a, T: 'a, A: 'a>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    A: AccessStrategy,
    matrix: &'a MatrixD<T, A>,
    phantom: PhantomData<A>, // Do we actually need this / is there a better way?

/// Provided by [`MatrixD::flat_mut`], this allow for flat, mutable matrix access.
pub struct MatrixFlatMut<'a, T: 'a, A: 'a>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    A: AccessStrategy,
    matrix: &'a mut MatrixD<T, A>,
    phantom: PhantomData<A>, // Do we actually need this / is there a better way?

impl<'a, T, A> Index<(usize, usize)> for MatrixFlat<'a, T, A>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    A: AccessStrategy,
    type Output = T::Element;

    fn index(&self, index: (usize, usize)) -> &Self::Output {
        let (row, x) = A::flat_to_packed(index.0, index.1);
        let row_slice = self.matrix.simd_rows.row_as_flat(row);


impl<'a, T, A> Index<(usize, usize)> for MatrixFlatMut<'a, T, A>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    A: AccessStrategy,
    type Output = T::Element;

    fn index(&self, index: (usize, usize)) -> &Self::Output {
        let (row, x) = A::flat_to_packed(index.0, index.1);
        let row_slice = self.matrix.simd_rows.row_as_flat(row);


impl<'a, T, A> IndexMut<(usize, usize)> for MatrixFlatMut<'a, T, A>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    A: AccessStrategy,
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: (usize, usize)) -> &mut Self::Output {
        let (row, x) = A::flat_to_packed(index.0, index.1);
        let row_slice = self.matrix.simd_rows.row_as_flat_mut(row);

        &mut row_slice[x]

/// Basic iterator struct to go over matrix
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Matrix2DIter<'a, T: 'a, O: 'a>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    O: AccessStrategy,
    /// Reference to the matrix we iterate over.
    pub(crate) matrix: &'a MatrixD<T, O>,

    /// Current index of vector iteration.
    pub(crate) index: usize,

impl<'a, T, O> Iterator for Matrix2DIter<'a, T, O>
    T: Simd + Default + Clone,
    O: AccessStrategy,
    type Item = &'a [T];

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.index >= self.matrix.simd_rows.rows {
        } else {
            let range = self.matrix.simd_rows.range_for_row(self.index);
            self.index += 1;

mod test {
    use super::{Columns, MatrixD, Rows};
    use crate::*;

    fn allocation_size() {
        let m_1_1_r = MatrixD::<f32x4, Rows>::with_dimension(1, 1);
        let m_1_1_c = MatrixD::<f32x4, Columns>::with_dimension(1, 1);

        let m_5_5_r = MatrixD::<f32x4, Rows>::with_dimension(5, 5);
        let m_5_5_c = MatrixD::<f32x4, Columns>::with_dimension(5, 5);

        let m_1_4_r = MatrixD::<f32x4, Rows>::with_dimension(1, 4);
        let m_4_1_c = MatrixD::<f32x4, Columns>::with_dimension(4, 1);

        let m_4_1_r = MatrixD::<f32x4, Rows>::with_dimension(4, 1);
        let m_1_4_c = MatrixD::<f32x4, Columns>::with_dimension(1, 4);

        assert_eq!(, 1);
        assert_eq!(, 1);

        assert_eq!(, 10);
        assert_eq!(, 10);

        assert_eq!(, 1);
        assert_eq!(, 1);

        assert_eq!(, 4);
        assert_eq!(, 4);

    fn access() {
        let mut m_5_5_r = MatrixD::<f32x4, Rows>::with_dimension(5, 5);
        let mut m_5_5_c = MatrixD::<f32x4, Columns>::with_dimension(5, 5);

        assert_eq!(m_5_5_c.column(0).len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(m_5_5_c.column_mut(0).len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(m_5_5_c.column_as_flat(0).len(), 5);
        assert_eq!(m_5_5_c.column_as_flat_mut(0).len(), 5);

        assert_eq!(m_5_5_r.row(0).len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(m_5_5_r.row_mut(0).len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(m_5_5_r.row_as_flat(0).len(), 5);
        assert_eq!(m_5_5_r.row_as_flat_mut(0).len(), 5);

        let mut count = 0;

        for _ in m_5_5_c.column_iter() {
            count += 1

        for _ in m_5_5_r.row_iter() {
            count += 1

        let r1 = m_5_5_r.row(3);
        let r2 = m_5_5_r.row(4);

        let mut sum = f32x4::splat(0_f32);

        for (x, y) in r1.iter().zip(r2) {
            sum += *x + *y;

        assert_eq!(count, 10);

    fn flattened() {
        let mut m_1_5_r = MatrixD::<f32x4, Rows>::with_dimension(1, 5);
        let mut m_1_5_c = MatrixD::<f32x4, Columns>::with_dimension(1, 5);
        let mut m_5_1_c = MatrixD::<f32x4, Columns>::with_dimension(5, 1);
        let mut m_5_1_r = MatrixD::<f32x4, Rows>::with_dimension(5, 1);

        let mut m_1_5_r_flat = m_1_5_r.flat_mut();
        let mut m_1_5_c_flat = m_1_5_c.flat_mut();
        let mut m_5_1_c_flat = m_5_1_c.flat_mut();
        let mut m_5_1_r_flat = m_5_1_r.flat_mut();

        m_1_5_r_flat[(0, 4)] = 1.0;
        m_1_5_c_flat[(0, 4)] = 1.0;
        m_5_1_r_flat[(4, 0)] = 1.0;
        m_5_1_c_flat[(4, 0)] = 1.0;