sigstore 0.6.0

An experimental crate to interact with sigstore
// Copyright 2022 The Sigstore Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! This provides a method for retreiving a OpenID Connect ID Token and scope from the sigstore project.
//! The main entry point is the [`OpenIDAuthorize::auth_url`](OpenIDAuthorize::auth_url) function.
//! This requires four parameters:
//! - `client_id`: the client ID of the application
//! - `client_secret`: the client secret of the application
//! - `issuer`: the URL of the OpenID Connect server
//! - `redirect_uri`: the URL of the callback endpoint
//! The `auth_url` function returns the following:
//! - `authorize_url` is a URL that can be opened in a browser. The user will be
//! prompted to login and authorize the application. The user will be redirected to
//! the `redirect_uri` URL with a code parameter.
//! - `client` is a client object that can be used to make requests to the OpenID
//! Connect server.
//! - `nonce` is a random value that is used to prevent replay attacks.
//! - `pkce_verifier` is a PKCE verifier that can be used to generate the code_verifier
//! value.
//! Once you have recieved the above tuple, you can use the [`RedirectListener::redirect_listener`](RedirectListener::redirect_listener)
//! function to get the ID Token and scope.
//! The `redirect_listener` function requires the following parameters:
//! - `client_redirect_host`: the address for callback.
//! - `client`: the client object
//! - `nonce`: the nonce value
//! - `pkce_verifier`: the PKCE verifier
//! The `IdTokenClaims` this contains params such as `email` and the `access_token`.
//! It maybe prefered to instead develop your own listener. If so bypass using the
//! [`RedirectListener::redirect_listener`](RedirectListener::redirect_listener) function and
//! simply send the values retrieved from the [`OpenIDAuthorize::auth_url`](OpenIDAuthorize::auth_url)
//! to your own listener.
//! **Warning:** one of the dependencies of the [`OpenIDAuthorize::auth_url`](OpenIDAuthorize::auth_url) performs
//! blocking operations. Because of that it can cause panics at runtime if invoked inside of `async` code.
//! If you need to use this function inside of an async code you must wrap it inside of a `spawn_blocking` instruction:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! use tokio::task::spawn_blocking;
//! async fn my_async_function() {
//!    // ... your code
//!    let oidc_url = spawn_blocking(||
//!     oauth::openidflow::OpenIDAuthorize::new(
//!       "sigstore",
//!       "",
//!       "",
//!       "http://localhost:8080",
//!     )
//!     .auth_url()
//!    )
//!    .await
//!    .expect("Error spawning blocking task");
//!    // ... your code
//! }
//! ```
//! This of course has a performance hit when used inside of an async function.

use crate::errors::{Result, SigstoreError};
use tracing::error;

use openidconnect::core::{
    CoreClient, CoreIdToken, CoreIdTokenClaims, CoreIdTokenVerifier, CoreProviderMetadata,
    CoreResponseType, CoreTokenResponse,
use openidconnect::reqwest::{async_http_client, http_client};
use openidconnect::{
    AuthenticationFlow, AuthorizationCode, ClientId, ClientSecret, CsrfToken, IssuerUrl, Nonce,
    PkceCodeChallenge, PkceCodeVerifier, RedirectUrl, Scope,

use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write};
use std::net::TcpListener;
use url::Url;

pub struct OpenIDAuthorize {
    oidc_cliend_id: String,
    oidc_client_secret: String,
    oidc_issuer: String,
    redirect_url: String,

impl OpenIDAuthorize {
    //! Create a new OpenIDAuthorize struct
    //! # Arguments
    //! * `client_id` - the client ID of the application
    //! * `client_secret` - the client secret of the application
    //! * `issuer` - the URL of the OpenID Connect server
    //! * `redirect_url` - client redirect URL
    //! # Example
    //! ```rust,ignore
    //! use sigstore::oauth::openidflow::OpenIDAuthorize;
    //! let oidc = OpenIDAuthorize::new("client_id", "client_secret", "", "http://localhost:8080").auth_url();
    //! ```
    pub fn new(client_id: &str, client_secret: &str, issuer: &str, redirect_url: &str) -> Self {
        Self {
            oidc_cliend_id: client_id.to_string(),
            oidc_client_secret: client_secret.to_string(),
            oidc_issuer: issuer.to_string(),
            redirect_url: redirect_url.to_string(),

    fn auth_url_internal(
        provider_metadata: CoreProviderMetadata,
    ) -> Result<(Url, CoreClient, Nonce, PkceCodeVerifier)> {
        let client_id = ClientId::new(self.oidc_cliend_id.to_owned());
        let client_secret = ClientSecret::new(self.oidc_client_secret.to_owned());

        let (pkce_challenge, pkce_verifier) = PkceCodeChallenge::new_random_sha256();

        let client =
            CoreClient::from_provider_metadata(provider_metadata, client_id, Some(client_secret))
                    RedirectUrl::new(self.redirect_url.to_owned()).expect("Invalid redirect URL"),

        let (authorize_url, _, nonce) = client
        Ok((authorize_url, client, nonce, pkce_verifier))

    pub fn auth_url(&self) -> Result<(Url, CoreClient, Nonce, PkceCodeVerifier)> {
        let issuer = IssuerUrl::new(self.oidc_issuer.to_owned()).expect("Missing the OIDC_ISSUER.");

        let provider_metadata =
            CoreProviderMetadata::discover(&issuer, http_client).map_err(|err| {
                error!("Error is: {:?}", err);


    pub async fn auth_url_async(&self) -> Result<(Url, CoreClient, Nonce, PkceCodeVerifier)> {
        let issuer = IssuerUrl::new(self.oidc_issuer.to_owned()).expect("Missing the OIDC_ISSUER.");

        let provider_metadata = CoreProviderMetadata::discover_async(issuer, async_http_client)
            .map_err(|_| SigstoreError::ClaimsVerificationError)?;


pub struct RedirectListener {
    client_redirect_host: String,
    client: CoreClient,
    nonce: Nonce,
    pkce_verifier: PkceCodeVerifier,

impl RedirectListener {
    //! Create a new RedirectListener struct
    //! # Arguments
    //! * `client_redirect_host` - The client callback host IP:PORT
    //! * `client` - CoreClient instance (returned from OpenIDAuthorize)
    //! * `nonce` - Nonce (returned from OpenIDAuthorize)
    //! * `pkce_verifier` - client redirect URL
    //! # Example
    //! ```rust,ignore
    //! use sigstore::oauth::openidflow::RedirectListener;
    //! let oidc = RedirectListener::new("", client, nonce, pkce_verifier).redirect_listener();
    //! ```
    pub fn new(
        client_redirect_host: &str,
        client: CoreClient,
        nonce: Nonce,
        pkce_verifier: PkceCodeVerifier,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            client_redirect_host: client_redirect_host.to_string(),

    fn redirect_listener_internal(&self) -> Result<AuthorizationCode> {
        let listener = TcpListener::bind(self.client_redirect_host.clone())?;
        for stream in listener.incoming() {
            if let Ok(mut stream) = stream {
                let code;
                    let mut reader = BufReader::new(&stream);

                    let mut request_line = String::new();
                    reader.read_line(&mut request_line)?;

                    let client_redirect_host = request_line
                    let url =
                        Url::parse(format!("http://localhost{}", client_redirect_host).as_str())?;

                    let code_pair = url
                        .find(|pair| {
                            let &(ref key, _) = pair;
                            key == "code"

                    let (_, value) = code_pair;
                    code = AuthorizationCode::new(value.into_owned());

                let html_page = r#"<html>
                <title>Sigstore Auth</title>
                <h1>Sigstore Auth Successful</h1>
                <p>You may now close this page.</p>
                let response = format!(
                    "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: {}\r\n\r\n{}",

                return Ok(code);

    pub fn redirect_listener(self) -> Result<(CoreIdTokenClaims, CoreIdToken)> {
        let code = self.redirect_listener_internal()?;

        let token_response = self
            .map_err(|_| SigstoreError::ClaimsAccessPointError)?;


    pub async fn redirect_listener_async(self) -> Result<(CoreIdTokenClaims, CoreIdToken)> {
        let code = self.redirect_listener_internal()?;

        let token_response = self
            .map_err(|_| SigstoreError::ClaimsAccessPointError)?;


    fn extract_token_and_claims(
        token_response: &CoreTokenResponse,
        id_token_verifier: &CoreIdTokenVerifier,
        nonce: Nonce,
    ) -> Result<(CoreIdTokenClaims, CoreIdToken)> {
        let id_token = token_response

        let id_token_claims: &CoreIdTokenClaims = token_response
            .expect("Server did not return an ID token")
            .claims(id_token_verifier, &nonce)
            .map_err(|_| SigstoreError::ClaimsVerificationError)?;
        Ok((id_token_claims.clone(), id_token.clone()))

fn test_auth_url() {
    let oidc_url = OpenIDAuthorize::new(
    let oidc_url = oidc_url.unwrap();