sig-proxy 0.5.0

Signature-Based (Web3) Authenticating Proxy
pub mod erc1820_implementer {
  # [rustfmt :: skip] use ethcontract as ethcontract ;
  #[doc = "Generated by `ethcontract`"]
  pub struct Contract {
    methods: Methods,
  impl Contract {
    #[doc = r" Retrieves the truffle artifact used to generate the type safe"]
    #[doc = r" API for this contract."]
    pub fn artifact() -> &'static self::ethcontract::Artifact {
      use self::ethcontract::private::lazy_static;
      use self::ethcontract::Artifact;
      lazy_static! {
        pub static ref ARTIFACT: Artifact = {
          # [allow (unused_mut)] let mut artifact = Artifact :: from_json ("{\n  \"_format\": \"hh-sol-artifact-1\",\n  \"contractName\": \"ERC1820Implementer\",\n  \"sourceName\": \"contracts/utils/introspection/ERC1820Implementer.sol\",\n  \"abi\": [\n    {\n      \"inputs\": [\n        {\n          \"internalType\": \"bytes32\",\n          \"name\": \"interfaceHash\",\n          \"type\": \"bytes32\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"internalType\": \"address\",\n          \"name\": \"account\",\n          \"type\": \"address\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"name\": \"canImplementInterfaceForAddress\",\n      \"outputs\": [\n        {\n          \"internalType\": \"bytes32\",\n          \"name\": \"\",\n          \"type\": \"bytes32\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"stateMutability\": \"view\",\n      \"type\": \"function\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"bytecode\": \"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\",\n  \"deployedBytecode\": \"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\",\n  \"linkReferences\": {},\n  \"deployedLinkReferences\": {}\n}\n") . expect ("valid artifact JSON") ;
    #[doc = r" Creates a new contract instance with the specified `web3`"]
    #[doc = r" provider at the given `Address`."]
    #[doc = r""]
    #[doc = r" Note that this does not verify that a contract with a matching"]
    #[doc = r" `Abi` is actually deployed at the given address."]
    pub fn at<F, T>(
      web3: &self::ethcontract::web3::api::Web3<T>,
      address: self::ethcontract::Address,
    ) -> Self
      F: std::future::Future<
          Output = Result<self::ethcontract::json::Value, self::ethcontract::web3::Error>,
        > + Send
        + 'static,
      T: self::ethcontract::web3::Transport<Out = F> + Send + Sync + 'static,
      Contract::with_deployment_info(web3, address, None)
    #[doc = r" Creates a new contract instance with the specified `web3` provider with"]
    #[doc = r" the given `Abi` at the given `Address` and an optional transaction hash."]
    #[doc = r" This hash is used to retrieve contract related information such as the"]
    #[doc = r" creation block (which is useful for fetching all historic events)."]
    #[doc = r""]
    #[doc = r" Note that this does not verify that a contract with a matching `Abi` is"]
    #[doc = r" actually deployed at the given address nor that the transaction hash,"]
    #[doc = r" when provided, is actually for this contract deployment."]
    pub fn with_deployment_info<F, T>(
      web3: &self::ethcontract::web3::api::Web3<T>,
      address: self::ethcontract::Address,
      deployment_information: Option<ethcontract::common::DeploymentInformation>,
    ) -> Self
      F: std::future::Future<
          Output = Result<self::ethcontract::json::Value, self::ethcontract::web3::Error>,
        > + Send
        + 'static,
      T: self::ethcontract::web3::Transport<Out = F> + Send + Sync + 'static,
      use self::ethcontract::transport::DynTransport;
      use self::ethcontract::web3::api::Web3;
      use self::ethcontract::Instance;
      let transport = DynTransport::new(web3.transport().clone());
      let web3 = Web3::new(transport);
      let abi = Self::artifact().abi.clone();
      let instance = Instance::with_deployment_info(web3, abi, address, deployment_information);
    #[doc = r" Creates a contract from a raw instance."]
    fn from_raw(instance: self::ethcontract::dyns::DynInstance) -> Self {
      let methods = Methods { instance };
      Contract { methods }
    #[doc = r" Returns the contract address being used by this instance."]
    pub fn address(&self) -> self::ethcontract::Address {
    #[doc = r" Returns the deployment information of the contract"]
    #[doc = r" if it is known, `None` otherwise."]
    pub fn deployment_information(&self) -> Option<ethcontract::common::DeploymentInformation> {
    #[doc = r" Returns a reference to the default method options used by this"]
    #[doc = r" contract."]
    pub fn defaults(&self) -> &self::ethcontract::contract::MethodDefaults {
    #[doc = r" Returns a mutable reference to the default method options used"]
    #[doc = r" by this contract."]
    pub fn defaults_mut(&mut self) -> &mut self::ethcontract::contract::MethodDefaults {
      &mut self.raw_instance_mut().defaults
    #[doc = r" Returns a reference to the raw runtime instance used by this"]
    #[doc = r" contract."]
    pub fn raw_instance(&self) -> &self::ethcontract::dyns::DynInstance {
    #[doc = r" Returns a mutable reference to the raw runtime instance used by"]
    #[doc = r" this contract."]
    fn raw_instance_mut(&mut self) -> &mut self::ethcontract::dyns::DynInstance {
      &mut self.methods.instance
  impl std::fmt::Debug for Contract {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
  impl Contract {
    #[doc = "Generated by `ethcontract`"]
    pub fn builder<F, T>(
      web3: &self::ethcontract::web3::api::Web3<T>,
    ) -> self::ethcontract::dyns::DynDeployBuilder<Self>
      F: std::future::Future<
          Output = Result<self::ethcontract::json::Value, self::ethcontract::web3::Error>,
        > + Send
        + 'static,
      T: self::ethcontract::web3::Transport<Out = F> + Send + Sync + 'static,
      use self::ethcontract::contract::DeployBuilder;
      use self::ethcontract::dyns::DynTransport;
      use self::ethcontract::web3::api::Web3;
      let transport = DynTransport::new(web3.transport().clone());
      let web3 = Web3::new(transport);
      let bytecode = Self::artifact().bytecode.clone();
      DeployBuilder::new(web3, bytecode, ()).expect("valid deployment args")
  impl self::ethcontract::contract::Deploy<self::ethcontract::dyns::DynTransport> for Contract {
    type Context = self::ethcontract::common::Bytecode;
    fn bytecode(cx: &Self::Context) -> &self::ethcontract::common::Bytecode {
    fn abi(_: &Self::Context) -> &self::ethcontract::common::Abi {
    fn from_deployment(
      web3: self::ethcontract::dyns::DynWeb3,
      address: self::ethcontract::Address,
      transaction_hash: self::ethcontract::H256,
      _: Self::Context,
    ) -> Self {
      Self::with_deployment_info(&web3, address, Some(transaction_hash.into()))
  impl Contract {
    #[doc = r" Retrieves a reference to type containing all the generated"]
    #[doc = r" contract methods. This can be used for methods where the name"]
    #[doc = r" would collide with a common method (like `at` or `deployed`)."]
    pub fn methods(&self) -> &Methods {
  #[doc = r" Type containing all contract methods for generated contract type."]
  pub struct Methods {
    instance: self::ethcontract::dyns::DynInstance,
  #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments, clippy::type_complexity)]
  impl Methods {
    #[doc = "Generated by `ethcontract`"]
    pub fn can_implement_interface_for_address(
      interface_hash: self::ethcontract::tokens::Bytes<[u8; 32]>,
      account: self::ethcontract::Address,
    ) -> self::ethcontract::dyns::DynViewMethodBuilder<self::ethcontract::tokens::Bytes<[u8; 32]>>
        .view_method([36, 156, 179, 250], (interface_hash, account))
        .expect("generated call")
  impl std::ops::Deref for Contract {
    type Target = Methods;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
pub use self::erc1820_implementer::Contract as ERC1820Implementer;