Crate sierra[−][src]
Sierra is Vulkan-lite API.
While resembles Vulkan in most ways,
sierra does both memory and descriptor allocation.
And tracks resources usage to reclaim them automatically once
no references left.
pub use self::Samples::*; |
pub use self::State::Dynamic; |
pub use self::State::Static; |
backend | Contains backend specific types. Most of the type user would use re-exports in the crate root. |
descriptor_set_layout | |
descriptor_set_layout_bindings | |
graphics_pipeline_info | Convenient macro to build |
rasterizer | Convenient macro to build |
AabbPositions | |
AccelerationStructure | Bottom-level acceleration structure. |
AccelerationStructureBuildFlags | Bits which can be set in |
AccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfo | Data provided to acceleration structure build operation. |
AccelerationStructureBuildSizesInfo | Contains information about various size requirements for acceleration structure. |
AccelerationStructureInfo | Information required to create an instance of |
AccelerationStructureInstance | |
AccessFlags | Flags for access types. |
AnyHitShader | |
AspectFlags | |
AttachmentInfo | Describes one attachment of a render pass. |
Blending | Defines how color value from fragment shader’s color output should be blended with value stored in attachment. |
Bounds | |
Buffer | |
BufferCopy | |
BufferImageCopy | |
BufferInfo | Information required to create a buffer. |
BufferRegion | Buffer region. |
BufferUsage | |
ClosestHitShader | |
CombinedImageSampler | Image view, layout and sampler. |
CommandBuffer | |
ComponentMask | Flags for each of color components. |
ComputePipeline | Resource that describes whole compute pipeline state. |
ComputePipelineInfo | Compute pipeline state definition. |
ComputeShader | |
CopyDescriptorSet | Defines operation to copy descriptors range from one set to another. |
DepthTest | Defines how depth testing is performed. |
DescriptorBindingFlags | Flags that can be set in each |
DescriptorSet | Set of descriptors with specific layout. |
DescriptorSetInfo | Contains information required to create |
DescriptorSetLayout | Resource that describes layout for descriptor sets. |
DescriptorSetLayoutBinding | Defines layout for one binding in descriptor set. |
DescriptorSetLayoutFlags | Flags that can be sed to |
DescriptorSetLayoutInfo | Defines layout for descriptor sets. |
Device | Opaque value that represents graphics API device. It is used to manage (create, destroy, check state) most of the device resources. |
DeviceAddress | Device address is |
DeviceInfo | Contains descriptive information about device. |
Encoder | Command encoder that can encode commands outside render pass. |
EncoderCommon | Basis for encoding capabilities. Implements encoding of commands that can be inside and outside of render pass. |
Extent2d | Two dimensional extent. |
Extent3d | Three dimensional extent. |
Family | Family of queues created together with device. |
FamilyInfo | Information about one queue family. |
Fence | |
FormatRepr | |
FragmentShader | |
Framebuffer | Framebuffer is a collection of attachments for render pass. Images format and sample count should match attachment definitions. All image views must be 2D with 1 mip level and 1 array level. |
FramebufferInfo | |
GeometryFlags | Bits specifying additional parameters for geometries in acceleration structure builds |
GeometryInstanceFlags | Possible values of flags in the instance modifying the behavior of that instance. |
GeometryShader | |
Glsl | Valid GLSL shader code. |
Graphics | Root object of the erupt graphics system. |
GraphicsPipeline | Resource that describes whole graphics pipeline state. |
GraphicsPipelineInfo | Graphics pipeline state definition. Fields are ordered to match pipeline stages, including fixed functions. |
Hlsl | Valid HLSL shader code. |
Image | |
ImageBlit | |
ImageCopy | |
ImageInfo | Information required to create an image. |
ImageLayoutTransition | |
ImageMemoryBarrier | |
ImageSubresource | Subresorce of the image.
Unlike |
ImageSubresourceLayers | Subresorce layers of the image.
Unlike |
ImageSubresourceRange | Subresorce range of the image.
Used to create |
ImageUsage | |
ImageView | |
ImageViewDescriptor | Image view and layout. |
ImageViewInfo | Information required to create an image view. |
InstanceCustomIndexAndMask | |
InstanceShaderBindingOffsetAndFlags | |
IntersectionShader | |
MappableBuffer | |
MemoryBarrier | |
MemoryUsage | Memory usage type. Bits set define intended usage for requested memory. |
MissShader | |
Offset2d | Two dimensional offset. |
Offset3d | Three dimensional offset. |
OutOfMemory | Error that may occur when allocation fails because of either host or device memory is exhausted. |
Padded | |
PhysicalDevice | Opaque value representing a device (software emulated of hardware). Can be used to fetch information about device, its support of the surface and create graphics device. |
PipelineLayout | Resource that describes layout of a pipeline. |
PipelineLayoutInfo | Defines layouts of all descriptor sets used with pipeline. |
PipelineStageFlags | Flags to specify set of pipeline stages. |
PushConstant | |
Queue | |
QueueCapabilityFlags | Queue capability flags. |
QueueId | |
QueueNotFound | Could not find a queue with specified capabilities. |
QueuesQueryClosure | |
Rasterizer | |
RayTracingPipeline | Resource that describes whole ray-tracing pipeline state. |
RayTracingPipelineInfo | |
RaygenShader | |
Rect2d | |
RenderPass | Render pass represents collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between subpasses, and describes how they are used over the course of the subpasses. |
RenderPassEncoder | Command encoder that can encode commands inside render pass. |
RenderPassInfo | Defines render pass, its attachments and one implicit subpass. |
Sampler | |
SamplerInfo | |
Semaphore | |
Shader | Shader module and entry point. Uniquely identifies shader for pipeline. |
ShaderBindingTable | |
ShaderBindingTableInfo | |
ShaderModule | Resource that describes layout for descriptor sets. |
ShaderModuleInfo | Defines layout for descriptor sets. |
ShaderStageFlags | Flags for each of graphics shaders. |
SingleQueueQuery | Query only one queue with specified capabilities. |
Spirv | Valid SPIR-V shader code. |
StencilTest | |
StencilTests | |
StridedBufferRegion | Buffer region with specified stride value. |
Subpass | |
SubpassDependency | Defines memory dependency between two subpasses or subpass and commands outside render pass. |
Surface | |
SurfaceCapabilities | |
SurfaceInfo | |
Swapchain | |
SwapchainImage | |
SwapchainImageInfo | |
TessellationControlShader | |
TessellationEvaluationShader | |
TransformMatrix | |
VertexInputAttribute | Vertex sub-range to attribute mapping. |
VertexInputBinding | Vertex buffer binding bahavior. Controls what subrange corresponds for vertex X of instance Y. |
VertexShader | |
Viewport | Viewport transformation. |
WriteDescriptorSet | Defines how to write descriptors into set. |
WrongShaderStage | |
boolean | POD replacement for |
AccelerationStructureGeometry | Geometry data to build into acceleration structure. |
AccelerationStructureGeometryInfo | Specifies the shape of geometries that will be built into an acceleration structure. |
AccelerationStructureLevel | Acceleration structure level. |
AttachmentLoadOp | Specifies how render pass treats attachment content at the beginning. |
AttachmentStoreOp | |
BlendFactor | Defines how blend factor is calculated. |
BlendOp | Blending operation to be applied between color value from fragment shader’s color output and value stored in attachment. |
BorderColor | |
Capability | Capability a queue may have. |
ClearValue | Value for attachment load clear operation. |
ColorBlend | Defines how color stored in attachment should be blended with color output of fragment shader. |
Command | |
CompareOp | |
CreateBufferError | Possible error which can be returned from |
CreateDeviceError | |
CreateImageError | Possible error which can be returned from |
CreateShaderModuleError | |
CreateSurfaceError | |
Culling | Polygione culling mode. |
DescriptorType | Types of descriptors. |
Descriptors | Collection of descriptors. |
DeviceKind | Kind of the device. |
EnumerateDeviceError | Error occured during device enumeration. |
Feature | Features that optionally can be supported by devices. |
Filter | |
Format | Texel format. Images can have different texel formats. Some of which are color or depth and/or stencil. Format defines components, number of bits, layout and representation of texels. |
FormatDescription | |
FormatType | |
FrontFace | Polygon front face definition. |
ImageExtent | Extent of the image. |
ImageViewKind | Kind of image view. |
IndexData | |
IndexType | |
InvalidShader | |
Layout | Image layout defines how texels are placed in memory. Operations can be used in one or more layouts. User is responsible to insert layout transition commands to ensure that the image is in valid layout for each operation. Pipeline barriers can be used to change layouts. Additionally render pass can change layout of its attachments. |
LogicOp | Logical operation to be applied between color value from fragment shader’s color output and value stored in attachment. |
MapError | Possible error that may occur during memory mapping. |
MipmapMode | |
PipelineStage | Enum to specify one pipeline stage. |
PolygonMode | PolygonMode rasterization mode. |
PresentError | |
PresentMode | |
PresentOk | |
PrimitiveTopology | Topology of primitives. |
RawWindowHandleKind | Kind of raw window handles |
RayTracingShaderGroupInfo | |
SamplerAddressMode | |
Samples | Number of samples for an image. |
ShaderLanguage | Shader language. |
ShaderStage | |
State | Wrapper for pipeline states that can be either static or dynamic. |
Std140 | Default layout for [ |
Std430 | Can be used only for storage buffers. |
StencilOp | Defines what operation should be peformed on value in stencil buffer. |
SurfaceError | |
VertexInputRate | Controls vertex input iteration frequency. |
RENDERPASS_SMALLVEC_ATTACHMENTS | Upper limit for smallvec array size for attachments. |
SMALLVEC_SUBPASSES | Upper limit for smallvec array size for subpasses. |
Align | |
DescriptorsInput | |
DescriptorsInstance | |
DescriptorsLayout | |
Padding | |
Pod | Marker trait for “plain old data”. |
QueuesQuery | Trait for querying command queues. |
ShaderNative | Type that can be represented in shader natively. i.e. with matching layout, and can be copied as-is. |
ShaderRepr | Type that can be represented in shader. |
Zeroable | Trait for types that can be safely created with
align_down | |
align_up | |
host_memory_space_overlow | Handles host OOM the same way global allocator does. This function should be called on host OOM error returned from Vulkan API. |
image_eq_view | |
next_offset | |
out_of_host_memory | Handles host OOM the same way global allocator does. This function should be called on host OOM error returned from Vulkan API. |
pad_size |
Type Definitions
ImageOffset | Image offset is defiend to |
ImageSize | Image size is defined to |
bmat2 | |
bmat2x2 | |
bmat2x3 | |
bmat2x4 | |
bmat3 | |
bmat3x2 | |
bmat3x3 | |
bmat3x4 | |
bmat4 | |
bmat4x2 | |
bmat4x3 | |
bmat4x4 | |
bvec2 | |
bvec3 | |
bvec4 | |
dmat2 | |
dmat2x2 | |
dmat2x3 | |
dmat2x4 | |
dmat3 | |
dmat3x2 | |
dmat3x3 | |
dmat3x4 | |
dmat4 | |
dmat4x2 | |
dmat4x3 | |
dmat4x4 | |
dvec2 | |
dvec3 | |
dvec4 | |
imat2 | |
imat2x2 | |
imat2x3 | |
imat2x4 | |
imat3 | |
imat3x2 | |
imat3x3 | |
imat3x4 | |
imat4 | |
imat4x2 | |
imat4x3 | |
imat4x4 | |
ivec2 | |
ivec3 | |
ivec4 | |
mat2 | |
mat2x2 | |
mat2x3 | |
mat2x4 | |
mat3 | |
mat3x2 | |
mat3x3 | |
mat3x4 | |
mat4 | |
mat4x2 | |
mat4x3 | |
mat4x4 | |
umat2 | |
umat2x2 | |
umat2x3 | |
umat2x4 | |
umat3 | |
umat3x2 | |
umat3x3 | |
umat3x4 | |
umat4 | |
umat4x2 | |
umat4x3 | |
umat4x4 | |
uvec2 | |
uvec3 | |
uvec4 | |
vec2 | Vector with 2-elements. |
vec3 | Vector with 3-elements. |
vec4 | Vector with 4-elements. |
Attribute Macros
descriptors | |
shader_repr |