shortscale 1.3.1

Convert numbers into English words using the short scale.
# shortscale

[Rust docs] | []

Rust lib to convert numbers into English words.

The [short scale](,
has different words for each power of 1000.

This library expresses numbers from zero to thousands,
millions, billions, trillions, and quadrillions, up to 999_999_999_999_999_999.

### Function
pub fn shortscale(num: u64) -> String

### Example
use shortscale::shortscale;

    "four hundred and twenty billion nine hundred \
    and ninety nine thousand and fifteen"

### String writer
For efficient writing into a mutable pre-allocated string.  
The performance difference is small and varies across systems.

pub fn shortscale_string_writer(s: &mut String, num: u64)

use shortscale::shortscale_string_writer;
let mut my_string = String::new();
shortscale_string_writer(&mut my_string, 0);
assert_eq!(my_string, "zero");

### Extra
As a record of my first foray into rust, older implementations are preserved under
For benchmarks run `RUSTFLAGS="--cfg extra" cargo bench`. 

GitHub Actions, running on Ubuntu.
test a_shortscale                        ... bench:         290 ns/iter (+/- 20)
test b_shortscale_string_writer_no_alloc ... bench:         265 ns/iter (+/- 47)
test c_str_push                          ... bench:         278 ns/iter (+/- 44)
test d_vec_push                          ... bench:         264 ns/iter (+/- 30)
test e_display_no_alloc                  ... bench:         687 ns/iter (+/- 283)
test f_vec_concat                        ... bench:       1,622 ns/iter (+/- 72)
test g_string_join                       ... bench:       1,751 ns/iter (+/- 57)

On MacOS Catalina 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 memory allocation appears to be a lot slower.
test a_shortscale                        ... bench:         251 ns/iter (+/- 18)
test b_shortscale_string_writer_no_alloc ... bench:         191 ns/iter (+/- 11)
test c_str_push                          ... bench:         247 ns/iter (+/- 22)
test d_vec_push                          ... bench:         363 ns/iter (+/- 26)
test e_display_no_alloc                  ... bench:         498 ns/iter (+/- 21)
test f_vec_concat                        ... bench:       4,459 ns/iter (+/- 344)
test g_string_join                       ... bench:       5,549 ns/iter (+/- 378)

### JavaScript

Running `npm run bench` on the JavaScript version at [jldec/shortscale](
shows that JavaScript is really fast as well - faster on MacOS than my first 2 naive rust implementations.

Ubuntu, Node v14
20000 calls, 3280000 bytes, 2211 ns/call
20000 calls, 3280000 bytes, 2180 ns/call
20000 calls, 3280000 bytes, 2172 ns/call
20000 calls, 3280000 bytes, 1342 ns/call
20000 calls, 3280000 bytes, 1363 ns/call
20000 calls, 3280000 bytes, 1342 ns/call

Copyright 2021, Jürgen Leschner - - MIT license