short-paths 0.1.0

Iterate over s-t paths in a graph in increasing order of length.
// Enumerate shortest s-t paths in a graph, following the algorithm in
// For sake of simplicity, when enumerating the paths we simply do
// a Dijkstra-esque walk with an auxilliary heap, so the i'th path
// is generated in O(log i), rather than constant time. This also means
// that no explicit path count or length bound needs to be given, and
// paths are generated in increasing order of length.
extern crate petgraph;

mod scored;

mod tests;

use petgraph::{Direction, Graph};
use petgraph::graph::{EdgeIndex, NodeIndex};
use petgraph::algo::Measure;
use petgraph::visit::{EdgeRef, IntoEdgesDirected, IntoNodeReferences, NodeRef, Visitable, VisitMap};
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::ops::Sub;

use scored::{MinScored, Scored};

pub struct ShortPathsIterator<'a, N: 'a, E: 'a, K>
    K: PartialOrd
    graph: &'a Graph<N, E>,
    source: NodeIndex,
    spt: HashMap<NodeIndex, (K, Option<EdgeIndex>)>,
    path_graph: Graph<PathNode, (PathEdge, K)>,
    path_graph_root: NodeIndex,
    generated_paths: Vec<PathData>,
    visit_queue: BinaryHeap<MinScored<K, PathData>>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PathData {
    Augment(usize, EdgeIndex),

// Compute the shortest path tree toward the target. Returns it as a map
// mapping node IDs to the distance from the target and the outgoing edge
// in the SPT.
// The code is similar to that of the `dijkstra` function in petgraph, but
// the main Dijkstra loop is structured slightly differently.
fn build_shortest_path_tree<G, F, K>(graph: G, target: G::NodeId, mut edge_cost: F)
    -> HashMap<G::NodeId, (K, Option<G::EdgeId>)> 
    G: IntoEdgesDirected + Visitable,
    G::NodeId: Eq + Hash,
    F: FnMut(G::EdgeRef) -> K,
    K: Measure + Copy,
    let mut visited = graph.visit_map();
    let mut tree = HashMap::new();
    let mut visit_next = BinaryHeap::new();
    let zero_score = K::default();

    tree.insert(target, (zero_score, None));
    visit_next.push(MinScored(zero_score, target));

    while let Some(MinScored(node_score, node)) = visit_next.pop() {
        if visited.is_visited(&node) {


        for e in graph.edges_directed(node, Direction::Incoming) {
            let next = e.source();
            if visited.is_visited(&next) {


            let next_score = node_score + edge_cost(e);
            match tree.entry(next) {
                Entry::Occupied(ent) => {
                    let (previous_score, _) = *ent.get();
                    if next_score < previous_score {
                        *ent.into_mut() = (next_score, Some(;
                    } else {
                Entry::Vacant(ent) => {
                    ent.insert((next_score, Some(;

            visit_next.push(MinScored(next_score, next));


// Compute the graph denoted D(G) in the source paper, and the mapping
// V(G) -> V(D(G))
// A vertex can be missing from this mapping if the only outgoing paths
// toward the sink are in the shortest path tree.
fn build_heap_graph<N, E, K, F>(
    graph: &Graph<N, E>,
    target: NodeIndex,
    spt: &HashMap<NodeIndex, (K, Option<EdgeIndex>)>,
    mut edge_cost: F,
) -> (Graph<(EdgeIndex, K), ()>, HashMap<NodeIndex, NodeIndex>)
    E: Copy,
    F: FnMut(E) -> K,
    K: Measure + Sub<Output=K> + Copy,
    let mut result_graph = Graph::<(EdgeIndex, K), ()>::new();
    let mut heap_roots = HashMap::new();

    let mut inverse_spt: HashMap<NodeIndex, Vec<NodeIndex>> = HashMap::new();
    for (&node, &(_, successor)) in spt.iter() {
        if let Some(successor_edge) = successor {
            let successor_node = graph.edge_endpoints(successor_edge).unwrap().1;

    let mut edge_sidetrack_cost = |e: EdgeIndex| -> K {
        let (edge_source, edge_target) = match graph.edge_endpoints(e) {
            Some(endpoints) => endpoints,
            None => return K::default(),
        let source_distance = match spt.get(&edge_source) {
            Some(&(dist, _)) => dist,
            None => return K::default(),
        let target_distance = match spt.get(&edge_target) {
            Some(&(dist, _)) => dist,
            None => return K::default(),
        edge_cost(graph[e]) + target_distance - source_distance

    let mut visit_order = VecDeque::new();

    while let Some(node) = visit_order.pop_front() {
        let (_, successor) = spt[&node];
        match successor {
            Some(successor_edge_id) => {
                let successor_target = graph.edge_endpoints(successor_edge_id).unwrap().1;

                match heap_roots.get(&successor_target) {
                    Some(&successor_heap_root) => {
                        let mut outgoing_edges: Vec<EdgeIndex> = Vec::new();
                        for e in graph.edges(node) {
                            let e_id =;
                            if e_id == successor_edge_id {

                        let new_root = merge_and_embed(&mut result_graph, outgoing_edges, successor_heap_root, &mut edge_sidetrack_cost);
                        heap_roots.insert(node, new_root);
                    None => {
                        // The target heap is empty, so we simply embed the appropriate heap
                        let mut scored_edges: Vec<Scored<K, EdgeIndex>> = Vec::new();
                        for e in graph.edges(node) {
                            let e_id =;
                            if e_id == successor_edge_id {
                            scored_edges.push(Scored(edge_sidetrack_cost(e_id), e_id));

                        if scored_edges.len() > 0 {
                            min_heapify(&mut scored_edges);

                            let mut heap_nodes = Vec::new();
                            for &Scored(e_cost, e_id) in scored_edges.iter() {
                                let new_node = result_graph.add_node((e_id, e_cost));
                            for (i, &node) in heap_nodes.iter().enumerate() {
                                if 2*i + 1 < heap_nodes.len() {
                                    let child_node = heap_nodes[2*i+1];
                                    result_graph.add_edge(node, child_node, ());
                                if 2*i + 2 < heap_nodes.len() {
                                    let child_node = heap_nodes[2*i+2];
                                    result_graph.add_edge(node, child_node, ());
                            heap_roots.insert(node, heap_nodes[0]);
            None => {
                // This is the target vertex, so we simply embed a heap of all
                // outgoing edges.
                let mut scored_edges: Vec<Scored<K, EdgeIndex>> = Vec::new();
                for e in graph.edges(node) {
                    let e_id =;
                    scored_edges.push(Scored(edge_sidetrack_cost(e_id), e_id));
                if scored_edges.len() > 0 {
                    min_heapify(&mut scored_edges);

                    let mut heap_nodes = Vec::new();
                    for &Scored(e_cost, e_id) in scored_edges.iter() {
                        let new_node = result_graph.add_node((e_id, e_cost));
                    for (i, &node) in heap_nodes.iter().enumerate() {
                        if 2*i + 1 < heap_nodes.len() {
                            let child_node = heap_nodes[2*i+1];
                            result_graph.add_edge(node, child_node, ());
                        if 2*i + 2 < heap_nodes.len() {
                            let child_node = heap_nodes[2*i+2];
                            result_graph.add_edge(node, child_node, ());
                    heap_roots.insert(node, heap_nodes[0]);
        if let Some(predecessors) = inverse_spt.get(&node) {
            for &pred in predecessors.iter() {

    (result_graph, heap_roots)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum PathNode {

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum PathEdge {

fn build_path_graph<N, E, K>(
    graph: &Graph<N, E>,
    source: NodeIndex,
    spt: &HashMap<NodeIndex, (K, Option<EdgeIndex>)>,
    heap_graph: &Graph<(EdgeIndex, K), ()>,
    heap_roots: &HashMap<NodeIndex, NodeIndex>,
) -> (Graph<PathNode, (PathEdge, K)>, NodeIndex)
    E: Copy,
    K: Measure + Sub<Output=K> + Copy,
    let mut result_graph = Graph::<PathNode, (PathEdge, K)>::new();
    // Map from heap graph `dg` nodes to result graph's nodes.
    let mut node_map: HashMap<NodeIndex, NodeIndex> = HashMap::new();

    let root_node = result_graph.add_node(PathNode::Root);

    for n in heap_graph.node_references() {
        let &(e_id, _) = n.weight();
        let new_node = result_graph.add_node(PathNode::Heap(e_id));

        node_map.insert(, new_node);

    // Create heap edges
    for e in heap_graph.edge_references() {
        let s = e.source();
        let t =;
        let &(_, source_edge_sidetrack) = heap_graph.node_weight(s).unwrap();
        let &(_, target_edge_sidetrack) = heap_graph.node_weight(t).unwrap();

        let s_node = node_map[&s];
        let t_node = node_map[&t];
        result_graph.add_edge(s_node, t_node, (PathEdge::Heap, target_edge_sidetrack - source_edge_sidetrack));

    // Create cross edges
    for n in heap_graph.node_references() {
        let &(e_id, _) = n.weight();
        let (e_source, e_target) = graph.edge_endpoints(e_id).unwrap();
        if let Some(&(_, Some(spt_edge_id))) = spt.get(&e_source) {
            if e_id == spt_edge_id {
        let new_source = node_map[&];
        if let Some(&root_node) = heap_roots.get(&e_target) {
            let &(_, root_edge_sidetrack) = heap_graph.node_weight(root_node).unwrap();
            let new_target = node_map[&root_node];
            result_graph.add_edge(new_source, new_target, (PathEdge::Cross, root_edge_sidetrack));

    // Create initial edge
    let initial_root = heap_roots[&source];
    let &(_, initial_root_sidetrack) = heap_graph.node_weight(initial_root).unwrap();
    let initial_target = node_map[&initial_root];
    result_graph.add_edge(root_node, initial_target, (PathEdge::Initial, initial_root_sidetrack));

    (result_graph, root_node)

// Creates a heap out of the given values, merges it with the existing heap
// at target_root, and returns the root of the new merged heap. The existing
// heap should be untouched.
fn merge_and_embed<N, K, F>(graph: &mut Graph<(N, K), ()>, values: Vec<N>, target_root: NodeIndex, mut cost: F) -> NodeIndex
    N: Copy,
    F: FnMut(N) -> K,
    K: PartialOrd + Copy,
    // If there is nothing to merge, we can just use the existing heap root.
    if values.len() == 0 {
        return target_root

    let mut scored_values = Vec::new();
    for v in values {
        scored_values.push(Scored(cost(v), v));
    min_heapify(&mut scored_values);

    // Create a new 3-heap where the root has out-degree 1, including
    // the root of the 2-heap and the entire 3-heap.
    let new_root = make_root(graph, scored_values[0].1, target_root, cost);

    // Create nodes for the remaining nodes of the 2-heap and link them together.
    let mut heap_nodes = Vec::new();

    for &Scored(v_cost, v) in scored_values.iter().skip(1) {
        let new_node = graph.add_node((v, v_cost));

    for (i, &node) in heap_nodes.iter().enumerate() {
        if 2*i + 1 < heap_nodes.len() {
            let child_node = heap_nodes[2*i + 1];
            graph.add_edge(node, child_node, ());
        if 2*i + 2 < heap_nodes.len() {
            let child_node = heap_nodes[2*i + 2];
            graph.add_edge(node, child_node, ());


// Conceptually create a node linking to the given root and sift down,
// but avoid making any unnecessary nodes. Returns the index of the new root,
// which will have out-degree 1 (so that it can be linked to two other nodes).
fn make_root<N, F, K>(graph: &mut Graph<(N, K), ()>, new_value: N, target_root: NodeIndex, mut cost: F) -> NodeIndex
    N: Copy,
    F: FnMut(N) -> K,
    K: PartialOrd + Copy,
    let value_cost = cost(new_value);
    let root_cost = graph[target_root].1;
    if value_cost <= root_cost {
        let new_root = graph.add_node((new_value, value_cost));
        graph.add_edge(new_root, target_root, ());
        return new_root;
    let mut least_child_edge = None;
    for e in graph.edges(target_root) {
        match least_child_edge {
            None => {
                let child_node =;
                let child_cost = graph[child_node].1;
                least_child_edge = Some((child_cost,;
            Some((old_child_cost, _)) => {
                let child_node =;
                let child_cost = graph[child_node].1;
                if child_cost < old_child_cost {
                    least_child_edge = Some((child_cost,;
    match least_child_edge {
        Some((_, e_id)) => {
            let least_child_node = graph.edge_endpoints(e_id).unwrap().1;
            // Put the new value into the least child's subtree, which will
            // result in a root no larger than the smallest child.
            let new_child = make_root(graph, new_value, least_child_node, cost);
            // Link the resulting root to the other children of the old root.
            let mut targets = Vec::new();
            for e in graph.edges(target_root) {
                if == e_id {
            for t in targets {
                graph.add_edge(new_child, t, ());
            // Create a new root with the value of the old root, and link it
            // to the child created above.
            let target_root_value = graph[target_root];
            let new_root = graph.add_node(target_root_value);
            graph.add_edge(new_root, new_child, ());

        None => {
            // The target root doesn't have any children, so we just link
            // the new nodes in reverse order.
            let new_child = graph.add_node((new_value, cost(new_value)));
            let (target_root_value, target_root_cost) = graph[target_root];
            let new_root = graph.add_node((target_root_value, target_root_cost));
            graph.add_edge(new_root, new_child, ());


fn min_heapify<T: PartialOrd>(vec: &mut [T]) {
    let mut n = vec.len() / 2;
    while n > 0 {
        n -= 1;
        sift_down(vec, n);

fn test_heapify() {
    let mut vec = vec![3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5,8,9,7,9,3,2,3];
    min_heapify(&mut vec);

    for (i, &v) in vec.iter().enumerate() {
        if 2*i + 1 < vec.len() {
            assert!(v <= vec[2*i + 1]);
        if 2*i + 2 < vec.len() {
            assert!(v <= vec[2*i + 2]);

fn sift_down<T: PartialOrd>(vec: &mut [T], mut pos: usize) {
    loop {
        let mut child = 2 * pos + 1;
        if child >= vec.len() {
        let right = child + 1;
        // Find smaller child
        if right < vec.len() && vec[right] < vec[child] {
            child = right;
        // If we're in order, do nothing.
        if vec[pos] < vec[child] {
        // Otherwise, swap down and continue
        vec.swap(pos, child);
        pos = child;

impl<'a, N, E, K> ShortPathsIterator<'a, N, E, K>
    N: 'a + Eq + Copy,
    E: 'a + Copy,
    K: PartialOrd + Measure + Sub<Output=K> + Copy,
    pub fn new<F>(graph: &'a Graph<N, E>, source: NodeIndex, target: NodeIndex, mut edge_cost: F) -> Self
        F: FnMut(E) -> K,
        let spt = build_shortest_path_tree(graph, target, |e_ref| { edge_cost(*e_ref.weight()) });
        let (heap_graph, heap_roots) = build_heap_graph(graph, target, &spt, edge_cost);
        let (path_graph, path_graph_root) = build_path_graph(graph, source, &spt, &heap_graph, &heap_roots);

        let generated_paths = Vec::new();
        let mut visit_queue = BinaryHeap::new();
        visit_queue.push(MinScored(K::default(), PathData::Empty));

        ShortPathsIterator {

    // Returns the final node of the path graph for the given path data.
    fn path_end(&self, path_data: &PathData) -> NodeIndex {
        match path_data {
            &PathData::Empty => {
            &PathData::Augment(_, edge_idx) => {

    fn unwind_path_graph_path(&self, path_data: &PathData) -> Vec<EdgeIndex> {
        match path_data {
            &PathData::Empty => {
            &PathData::Augment(parent_idx, edge_idx) => {
                let mut path = self.unwind_path_graph_path(&self.generated_paths[parent_idx]);

    fn expand_path(&self, path_graph_path: &[EdgeIndex]) -> Vec<EdgeIndex> {
        let mut path = Vec::new();
        let mut current_vertex = self.source;
        let mut final_node = self.path_graph_root;

        // Follow the shortest path tree to each cross edge
        for &e_id in path_graph_path.iter() {
            let (e_source, e_target) = self.path_graph.edge_endpoints(e_id).unwrap();
            final_node = e_target;
            if let Some(&(PathEdge::Cross, _)) = self.path_graph.edge_weight(e_id) {
                if let Some(&PathNode::Heap(non_spt_edge)) = self.path_graph.node_weight(e_source) {
                    let (non_spt_source, non_spt_target) = self.graph.edge_endpoints(non_spt_edge).unwrap();
                    while current_vertex != non_spt_source {
                        match self.spt.get(&current_vertex) {
                            Some(&(_, Some(spt_edge))) => {
                                let (_, spt_edge_target) = self.graph.edge_endpoints(spt_edge).unwrap();
                                current_vertex = spt_edge_target;
                            _ => {
                                panic!("Reached a vertex with no outgoing shortest path tree edge!")
                    current_vertex = non_spt_target;
                } else {
                    panic!("Cross edge doesn't correspond to a heap edge?")

        // Use one more non-SPT edge defined by the ending node of the path graph path
        if let Some(&PathNode::Heap(non_spt_edge)) = self.path_graph.node_weight(final_node) {
            let (non_spt_source, non_spt_target) = self.graph.edge_endpoints(non_spt_edge).unwrap();
            while current_vertex != non_spt_source {
                match self.spt.get(&current_vertex) {
                    Some(&(_, Some(spt_edge))) => {
                        let (_, spt_edge_target) = self.graph.edge_endpoints(spt_edge).unwrap();
                        current_vertex = spt_edge_target;
                    _ => panic!("Reached a vertex with no outgoing shortest path tree edge!"),
            current_vertex = non_spt_target;

        // Finish the path via the shortest path tree
        while let Some(&(_, Some(spt_edge))) = self.spt.get(&current_vertex) {
            let (_, spt_edge_target) = self.graph.edge_endpoints(spt_edge).unwrap();
            current_vertex = spt_edge_target;


impl<'a, N, E, K> Iterator for ShortPathsIterator<'a, N, E, K>
    N: 'a + Eq + Copy,
    E: 'a + Copy,
    K: PartialOrd + Measure + Sub<Output=K> + Copy,
    type Item=Vec<EdgeIndex>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let front = self.visit_queue.pop();
        match front {
            Some(MinScored(path_score, path_data)) => {
                let path_graph_path = self.unwind_path_graph_path(&path_data);
                let path_to_return = self.expand_path(&path_graph_path);

                let final_node = self.path_end(&path_data);

                let path_index = self.generated_paths.len();

                for edge in self.path_graph.edges(final_node) {
                    let &(_, edge_cost) = edge.weight();
                    let new_path_cost = path_score + edge_cost;
                    let new_path_data = PathData::Augment(path_index,;

                    self.visit_queue.push(MinScored(new_path_cost, new_path_data));

            None => {