shesek-bitcoincore-rpc 0.11.0

a fork of rust-bitcoincore-rpc with some minor changes.
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
// the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
// any warranty.
// You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
// along with this software.
// If not, see <>.

extern crate bitcoincore_rpc;
extern crate jsonrpc;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;

use bitcoincore_rpc::{Client, Error, Result, RpcApi};

pub struct RetryClient {
    client: Client,

const INTERVAL: u64 = 1000;
const RETRY_ATTEMPTS: u8 = 10;

impl RpcApi for RetryClient {
    fn call<T: for<'a> serde::de::Deserialize<'a>>(
        cmd: &str,
        args: &[serde_json::Value],
    ) -> Result<T> {
        for _ in 0..RETRY_ATTEMPTS {
            match, args) {
                Ok(ret) => return Ok(ret),
                Err(Error::JsonRpc(jsonrpc::error::Error::Rpc(ref rpcerr)))
                    if rpcerr.code == -28 =>
                Err(e) => return Err(e),
        }, args)

fn main() {}