shellfn 0.1.0

Attribute-like proc macro which reduces the amount of code required to call shell commands and parse the results
name          = "shellfn"
version       = "0.1.0"
authors       = ["Marcin Sas-Szymanski <>"]
description   = "Attribute-like proc macro which reduces the amount of code required to call shell commands and parse the results"
keywords      = ["shell", "command", "bash"]
categories    = ["command-line-interface", "os"]
readme        = ""
license       = "MIT"
repository    = ""
documentation = ""
edition       = "2018"

members = [

travis-ci = { repository = "synek317/shellfn", branch = "master" }

doctest = false
path = "src/"

shellfn-attribute = { path = "./shellfn-attribute", version = "0.1.0" }
shellfn-core      = { path = "./shellfn-core", version = "0.1.0" }