[][src]Crate shellfn


This is a rust attribute-like proc macro which reduces the amount of code required to call shell commands and parse the results.

It allows you to wrap a script in any language with strongly typed functions. The function's arguments are set as env variables and the result of the script is parsed either as a value or as an iterator.

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use shellfn::shell;
use std::error::Error;

fn list_modified(dir: &str) -> Result<impl Iterator<Item=String>, Box<Error>> { r#"
    cd $DIR
    git status | grep '^\s*modified:' | awk '{print $2}'
"# }

Different interpreter

use shellfn::shell;
use std::error::Error;

#[shell(cmd = "python -c")]
fn pretty_json(json: &str, indent: u8, sort_keys: bool) -> Result<String, Box<Error>> { r#"
import os, json

input = os.environ['JSON']
indent = int(os.environ['INDENT'])
sort_keys = os.environ['SORT_KEYS'] == 'true'
obj = json.loads(input)

print(json.dumps(obj, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys))
 "# }


You can use the #[shell] attribute on functions that have:

  • a body containing only one expression - a string literal representing the script to execute
  • types that implement the .to_string() method
  • return a value that is either void, T, Result<T, E>, impl Iterator<Item=T>, Result<impl Iterator<Item=T>> or Result<impl Iterator<Item=Result<T, E>>> with constrains:
T: FromStr,
<T as FromStr>::Err: StdError,
E: From<shellfn::Error<<T as FromStr>::Err>>,

The #[shell] attribute does the following:

  1. Sets every argument as an env variable
  2. Runs a shell command
  3. Launches the command using std::process::Command
  4. Depending on the return type, it may parse the output

Most of the steps can be adjusted:

  • the default command is bash -c. You can change it using the cmd parameter:
#[shell(cmd = "python -c")]
  • by default, the script is added as the last argument. You can change it using the special variable PROGRAM in the cmd parameter:
#[shell(cmd = "bash -c PROGRAM -i")]
  • if the return type is not wrapping some part of the result in Result, you may decide to suppress panics by adding the no_panic flag:

Following return types are currently recognized:

return type flags on parse fail on error exit code on spawn fail notes
- panic panic
no_panic - nothing nothing
T panic panic panic 2
T no_panic panic panic panic 1,2
Result<T, E> error error error 2
Result<T, E> no_panic error error error 1,2
impl Iterator<Item=T> panic panic panic
impl Iterator<Item=T> no_panic ignore errors ignore errors empty iter 3
impl Iterator<Item=Result<T, E>> item error panic panic 3
impl Iterator<Item=Result<T, E>> no_panic item error ignored empty iter
Result<impl Iterator<Item=T>, E> panic ignored error
Result<impl Iterator<Item=T>, E> no_panic ignore errors ignored error
Result<impl Iterator<Item=Result<T, E1>>, E2> item error ignored error
Result<impl Iterator<Item=Result<T, E1>>, E2> no_panic item error ignored error 1


action meaning
panic panics (.expect or panic!)
nothing consumes and ignores error (let _ = ...)
error returns error
ignore errors yields all successfuly parsed items, ignores parsing failures (flat_map)
empty iter returns empty iterator
item error when parsing fails, yields Err
ignored ignores exit code, behaves in the same way for exit code 0 and != 0


  1. The no_panic attribute makes no difference
  2. It reads all of stdout before producing any failures
  3. It yields all items until it encounters an error or an exit code





Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output line by line


Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output line by line


Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output line by line


Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output line by line


Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output line by line


Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output line by line


Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output line by line


Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output


Executes command with args and environment variables, parses output


Executes command with args and environment variables, ignores output


Executes command with args and environment variables, ignores output