shellcaster 2.0.1

A terminal-based podcast manager to subscribe to and play podcasts.
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;
use std::sync::mpsc;

use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use clap::{Arg, Command};

mod config;
mod db;
mod downloads;
mod feeds;
mod keymap;
mod main_controller;
mod opml;
mod play_file;
mod threadpool;
mod types;
mod ui;

use crate::config::Config;
use crate::db::Database;
use crate::feeds::{FeedMsg, PodcastFeed};
use crate::main_controller::{MainController, MainMessage};
use crate::threadpool::Threadpool;
use crate::types::*;

const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");

/// Main controller for shellcaster program.
/// *Main command:*
/// Setup involves connecting to the sqlite database (creating it if
/// necessary), then querying the list of podcasts and episodes. This
/// is then passed off to the UI, which instantiates the menus displaying
/// the podcast info.
/// After this, the program enters a loop that listens for user keyboard
/// input, and dispatches to the proper module as necessary. User input
/// to quit the program breaks the loop, tears down the UI, and ends the
/// program.
/// *Sync subcommand:*
/// Connects to the sqlite database, then initiates a full sync of all
/// podcasts. No UI is created for this, as the intention is to be used
/// in a programmatic way (e.g., setting up a cron job to sync
/// regularly.)
/// *Import subcommand:*
/// Reads in an OPML file and adds feeds to the database that do not
/// already exist. If the `-r` option is used, the database is wiped
/// first.
/// *Export subcommand:*
/// Connects to the sqlite database, and reads all podcasts into an OPML
/// file, with the location specified from the command line arguments.
fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // SETUP -----------------------------------------------------------

    // set up the possible command line arguments and subcommands
    let args = Command::new(clap::crate_name!())
        // .author(clap::crate_authors!(", "))
        .author("Jeff Hughes <>")
            .help("Sets a custom config file location. Can also be set with environment variable."))
            .about("Syncs all podcasts in database")
                .help("Suppresses output messages to stdout.")))
            .about("Imports podcasts from an OPML file")
                .help("Specifies the filepath to the OPML file to be imported. If this flag is not set, the command will read from stdin."))
                .help("If set, the contents of the OPML file will replace all existing data in the shellcaster database."))
                .help("Suppresses output messages to stdout.")))
            .about("Exports podcasts to an OPML file")
                .help("Specifies the filepath for where the OPML file will be exported. If this flag is not set, the command will print to stdout.")))

    // figure out where config file is located -- either specified from
    // command line args, set via $SHELLCASTER_CONFIG, or using default
    // config location for OS
    let config_path = get_config_path(args.value_of("config"))
        .unwrap_or_else(|| {
            eprintln!("Could not identify your operating system's default directory to store configuration files. Please specify paths manually using config.toml and use `-c` or `--config` flag to specify where config.toml is located when launching the program.");
    let config = Config::new(&config_path)?;

    let mut db_path = config_path;
    if !db_path.pop() {
        return Err(anyhow!("Could not correctly parse the config file location. Please specify a valid path to the config file."));

    return match args.subcommand() {
        // SYNC SUBCOMMAND ----------------------------------------------
        Some(("sync", sub_args)) => sync_podcasts(&db_path, config, sub_args),

        // IMPORT SUBCOMMAND --------------------------------------------
        Some(("import", sub_args)) => import(&db_path, config, sub_args),

        // EXPORT SUBCOMMAND --------------------------------------------
        Some(("export", sub_args)) => export(&db_path, sub_args),

        // MAIN COMMAND -------------------------------------------------
        _ => {
            let mut main_ctrl = MainController::new(config, &db_path)?;

            main_ctrl.loop_msgs(); // main loop

            main_ctrl.ui_thread.join().unwrap(); // wait for UI thread to finish teardown

/// Gets the path to the config file if one is specified in the command-
/// line arguments, or else returns the default config path for the
/// user's operating system.
/// Returns None if default OS config directory cannot be determined.
/// Note: Right now we only have one possible command-line argument,
/// specifying a config path. If the command-line API is
/// extended in the future, this will have to be refactored.
fn get_config_path(config: Option<&str>) -> Option<PathBuf> {
    return match config {
        Some(path) => Some(PathBuf::from(path)),
        None => {
            let default_config = dirs::config_dir();
            match default_config {
                Some(mut path) => {
                None => None,

/// Synchronizes RSS feed data for all podcasts, without setting up a UI.
fn sync_podcasts(db_path: &Path, config: Config, args: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
    let db_inst = Database::connect(db_path)?;
    let podcast_list = db_inst.get_podcasts()?;

    if podcast_list.is_empty() {
        if !args.is_present("quiet") {
            println!("No podcasts to sync.");
        return Ok(());

    let threadpool = Threadpool::new(config.simultaneous_downloads);
    let (tx_to_main, rx_to_main) = mpsc::channel();

    for pod in podcast_list.iter() {
        let feed = PodcastFeed::new(Some(, pod.url.clone(), Some(pod.title.clone()));
        feeds::check_feed(feed, config.max_retries, &threadpool, tx_to_main.clone());

    let mut msg_counter: usize = 0;
    let mut failure = false;
    while let Some(message) = rx_to_main.iter().next() {
        match message {
            Message::Feed(FeedMsg::SyncData((pod_id, pod))) => {
                let title = pod.title.clone();
                let db_result = db_inst.update_podcast(pod_id, pod);
                match db_result {
                    Ok(_) => {
                        if !args.is_present("quiet") {
                            println!("Synced {title}");
                    Err(_err) => {
                        failure = true;
                        eprintln!("Error synchronizing {title}");

            Message::Feed(FeedMsg::Error(feed)) => {
                failure = true;
                match feed.title {
                    Some(t) => eprintln!("Error retrieving RSS feed for {}.", t),
                    None => eprintln!("Error retrieving RSS feed."),
            _ => (),

        msg_counter += 1;
        if msg_counter >= podcast_list.len() {

    if failure {
        return Err(anyhow!("Process finished with errors."));
    } else if !args.is_present("quiet") {
        println!("Sync successful.");
    return Ok(());

/// Imports a list of podcasts from OPML format, either reading from a
/// file or from stdin. If the `replace` flag is set, this replaces all
/// existing data in the database.
fn import(db_path: &Path, config: Config, args: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
    // read from file or from stdin
    let xml = match args.value_of("file") {
        Some(filepath) => {
            let mut f = File::open(filepath)
                .with_context(|| format!("Could not open OPML file: {filepath}"))?;
            let mut contents = String::new();
            f.read_to_string(&mut contents)
                .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read from OPML file: {filepath}"))?;
        None => {
            let mut contents = String::new();
                .read_to_string(&mut contents)
                .with_context(|| "Failed to read OPML file from stdin")?;

    let mut podcast_list = opml::import(xml).with_context(|| {
        "Could not properly parse OPML file -- file may be formatted improperly or corrupted."

    if podcast_list.is_empty() {
        if !args.is_present("quiet") {
            println!("No podcasts to import.");
        return Ok(());

    let db_inst = Database::connect(db_path)?;

    // delete database if we are replacing the data
    if args.is_present("replace") {
            .with_context(|| "Error clearing database")?;
    } else {
        let old_podcasts = db_inst.get_podcasts()?;

        // if URL is already in database, remove it from import
        podcast_list = podcast_list
            .filter(|pod| {
                for op in &old_podcasts {
                    if pod.url == op.url {
                        return false;
                return true;

    // check again, now that we may have removed feeds after looking at
    // the database
    if podcast_list.is_empty() {
        if !args.is_present("quiet") {
            println!("No podcasts to import.");
        return Ok(());

    println!("Importing {} podcasts...", podcast_list.len());

    let threadpool = Threadpool::new(config.simultaneous_downloads);
    let (tx_to_main, rx_to_main) = mpsc::channel();

    for pod in podcast_list.iter() {

    let mut msg_counter: usize = 0;
    let mut failure = false;
    while let Some(message) = rx_to_main.iter().next() {
        match message {
            Message::Feed(FeedMsg::NewData(pod)) => {
                let title = pod.title.clone();
                let db_result = db_inst.insert_podcast(pod);
                match db_result {
                    Ok(_) => {
                        if !args.is_present("quiet") {
                            println!("Added {title}");
                    Err(_err) => {
                        failure = true;
                        eprintln!("Error adding {title}");

            Message::Feed(FeedMsg::Error(feed)) => {
                failure = true;
                if let Some(t) = feed.title {
                    eprintln!("Error retrieving RSS feed: {t}");
                } else {
                    eprintln!("Error retrieving RSS feed");
            _ => (),

        msg_counter += 1;
        if msg_counter >= podcast_list.len() {

    if failure {
        return Err(anyhow!("Process finished with errors."));
    } else if !args.is_present("quiet") {
        println!("Import successful.");
    return Ok(());

/// Exports all podcasts to OPML format, either printing to stdout or
/// exporting to a file.
fn export(db_path: &Path, args: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
    let db_inst = Database::connect(db_path)?;
    let podcast_list = db_inst.get_podcasts()?;
    let opml = opml::export(podcast_list);

    let xml = opml
        .map_err(|err| anyhow!(err))
        .with_context(|| "Could not create OPML format")?;

    match args.value_of("file") {
        // export to file
        Some(file) => {
            let mut dst = File::create(file)
                .with_context(|| format!("Could not create output file: {file}"))?;
                .with_context(|| format!("Could not copy OPML data to output file: {file}"))?;
        // print to stdout
        None => println!("{xml}"),
    return Ok(());