shell-string 0.1.5

Obvious CLI for basic string manipulation
shell-string-0.1.5 is not a library.


Simple CLI to perform common string operations


shell-string 0.1.5
Cli for common string operations. Takes input from stdin.

    string <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    length     Returns the length of string
    line       Pick a single line by linenumber
    replace    Replace all matching words
    split      Split up a string by a separator and print the parts on separate lines
    substr     Extract a part of a given string


Given cargo is installed on your machine execute

cargo install shell-string

To verify your installation worked type string -v and you should see the appropriate version number.

if you want the very latest version, check out this repository locally using

git clone

and build and install the code using

cd string   # go into the repository
cargo install --path . --force      # use force in case the binary is alread installed