sharedlib 6.0.0

A cross-platform shared library loader.

A simple cross-platform library loader.

( (github)

Based on libloading by Simonas Kazlauskas.

Loading a library

To load a library you can use any of the Lib, LibTracked, or LibUnsafe structs. Each of these structs provides different guarantees. For more information about the guarantees they provide, see the chosing your guarantees section, below. We use Lib for the examples below.

Calling a function in another library

# use sharedlib::error::*;
# use sharedlib::Func;
# use sharedlib::Lib;
# use sharedlib::Symbol;
# fn test() -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
    let path_to_lib = "examplelib.dll";
    let lib = try!(Lib::new(path_to_lib));
    let hello_world_symbol: Func<extern "C" fn()> = try!(lib.find_func("hello_world"));
    let hello_world = hello_world_symbol.get();
# Ok(())
# }

Accessing data in another library

# use sharedlib::Data;
# use sharedlib::error::*;
# use sharedlib::Lib;
# use sharedlib::Symbol;
# fn test() -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
    let path_to_lib = "examplelib.dll";
    let lib = try!(Lib::new(path_to_lib));
    let my_usize_symbol: Data<usize> = try!(lib.find_data("my_usize"));
    let my_usize = my_usize_symbol.get();
    assert_eq!(*my_usize, 0);
# Ok(())
# }

Choosing your guarantees

A common problem when loading a shared library at runtime is that a symbol may be accessed after its library has been unloaded. sharedlib attempts to prevent this by allowing the lifetime of the library to be tracked. Each of the different libraries, LibUnsafe, Lib, LibTracked, LibArc, or LibRc, provides a different tracking mechanism. Below is a small overview. For more information, see the struct level documentation.

  • LibUnsafe does not provide any tracking at all. This requires no overhead but responsibility falls on the client to be sure that the library is still alive when its symbols are used.

  • Lib attaches its own lifetime to each symbol it returns. This requires no overhead but it can be difficult to store the returned symbol in a struct because the struct must have a trackable lifetime which outlives the Lib. In other words, a struct containing a symbol must parameterize around some lifetime a, where a is less than or equal to the lifetime of the library.

  • LibTracked returns symbols with ref-counts to the library. This requires overhead but it allows the returned symbol to be stored easily. Additionally, this struct is generic and can be used with Rc, Arc, or a user provided ref-count type.

  • LibArc is a LibTracked which uses atomic ref-counting. This type is provided for convienience.

  • LibRc is a LibTracked which uses non-atomic ref-counting. This type is provided for convienience.


While sharedlib attempts to prevent undefined behavior, loading shared libraries is inherently unsafe. Below are some tips which you may find helpful so that your code is not exposed to undefined behavior.

Avoid copying or moving data returned from get()

The get method on Symbol returns a transmuted pointer to something in a loaded library. While sharedlib tries to make sure that this pointer cannot outlive the library it is from, full protection is impossible. In particular: if a loaded struct contains pointers to things in the loaded library, and the loaded struct implements Clone, clients can clone the struct and make it to live longer than the library it is from. If this happens the pointers in the struct dangle. The example below demonstrate:

# use sharedlib::error::*;
# use sharedlib::Func;
# use sharedlib::Lib;
# use sharedlib::Symbol;
# fn test() -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
    let some_func = {
        let lib = try!(Lib::new("examplelib.dll"));
        let some_func_symbol: Func<extern "C" fn()> = try!(lib.find_func("some_func"));
        // All func pointers implement `Copy` so we can duplicate one.
        // lib goes out of scope here.
    // Undefined behavior
# Ok(())
# }

Use the correct method when getting functions or data

Each library provides two different ways to get symbols from shared libraries. One way is find_func, and the other is find_data. Two functions are provded because find_data needs to return a reference to a T rather than a T itself, while find_func just needs to return a T itself. Returning the wrong thing can cause some complications. For instance: suppose we only have the find_data method, and we want to get a function pointer with the signature fn(). We are inclined to call lib.find_data::<fn()>(b"some_func"). This searches the memory of the loaded binary and finds the address of the first line of the function some_func. Next, the contents of the first line of some_func are treated as a function pointer rather than the address of the first line of some_func. When the first line of some_func is returned it is incorrectly cast into a function pointer. Calling it produces undefined behavior. The example below demonstrates:

# use sharedlib::Data;
# use sharedlib::error::*;
# use sharedlib::Lib;
# use sharedlib::Symbol;
# fn test() -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
    let lib = try!(Lib::new("examplelib.dll"));
    let some_func_symbol: Data<extern "C" fn()> = try!(lib.find_data("some_func"));
    // some_func actually points to a function but rust thinks it points to a function pointer.
    let some_func = some_func_symbol.get();
    // Undefined behavior
# Ok(())
# }

The correct way to do this with find_data is as follows:

# use sharedlib::Data;
# use sharedlib::error::*;
# use sharedlib::Lib;
# use sharedlib::Symbol;
# fn test() -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
    let lib = try!(Lib::new("examplelib.dll"));
    // Get a pointer to the block of memory at "some_func", this is the function itself.
    let some_func_symbol: Data<u8> = try!(lib.find_data("some_func"));
    // The type of some_func is &u8, a reference to the first byte of `some_func`. We can convert this into a function pointer.
    let some_func = some_func_symbol.get();
    let some_func_ptr: extern "C" fn() = std::mem::transmute(some_func);
    // This works now.
# Ok(())
# }

For convienience, the second example is provided as the find_func method, which does this error-prone conversion behind the scenes.

Comparison with other crates for loabing shared libraries

sharedlib was created out of frusteration with the existing crates for loading shared libraries. Below is a list of some of these crates with some information abuot how sharedlib improves upon them.

  • dylib provides an extremely simple interface for loading shared libraries. For awhile, this was the standard for loading shared libraries at runtime. Unfortunately, development on dylib has been mostly abandoned and it is no longer supported on the latest versions of the rust compiler.

  • libloading provides additional safety guarantees on top of dylib and is more concise than sharedlib. sharedlib started as a fork of libloading. sharedlib provides a few more library types built-in than libloading.

Frequently asked questions

What is a shared library?

A shared library is a set of functions and variables which can be loaded after a program has been compiled. By loading a library after compilation, the library can be recompiled or changed without recompiling the main program. Shared libraries can even be loaded at runtime. Common shared library filetypes are .dll for windows, .so for unix, and .dylib for osx. For more information about what a shared library is, see wikipedia.

Doesn't rust already provide linking against shared libraries?

While rust provides linking against shared libraries, it does not provide the ability to load them at runtime. If you only want to use shared libraries that you know about before runtime, you may find not find this crate very useful. On the other hand, if you wish to load something at runtime, like a plugin, you are in the right place.