sgx_trts 1.1.1

Rust SGX SDK provides the ability to write Intel SGX applications in Rust Programming Language.
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use sgx_types::*;

pub type exception_handle = *const c_void;

/// rsgx_register_exception_handler registers an exception handler.
/// rsgx_register_exception_handler allows developers to register an exception handler, and specify whether to prepend
/// (when is_first_handler is equal to 1) or append the handler to the handler chain.
/// # Description
/// The Intel(R) SGX SDK supports the registration of custom exception handler functions. You can write your own code to
/// handle a limited set of hardware exceptions. For example, a CPUID instruction inside an enclave will effectively result
/// in a #UD fault (Invalid Opcode Exception). ISV enclave code can have an exception handler to prevent the enclave from
/// being trapped into an exception condition.
/// Calling rsgx_register_exception_handler allows you to register an exception handler, and specify whether to prepend
/// (when is_first_handler is nonzero) or append the handler to the handler chain.
/// After calling rsgx_register_exception_handler to prepend an exception handler, a subsequent call to this function may
/// add another exception handler at the beginning of the handler chain. Therefore the order in which exception handlers
/// are called does not only depend on the value of the is_first_handler parameter. It depends on the order
/// in which exception handlers are registered.
/// # Parameters
/// **is_first_handler**
/// Specify the order in which the handler should be called. If the parameter is nonzero, the handler is the first handler
/// to be called. If the parameter is zero, the handler is the last handler to be called.
/// **exception_handler**
/// The exception handler to be called
/// # Requirements
/// Library: libsgx_trts.a
/// # Return value
/// **Some(exception_handle)**
/// Indicates the exception handler is registered successfully. The return value is an open handle to the custom exception handler.
/// **None**
/// The exception handler was not registered.
pub fn rsgx_register_exception_handler(is_first_handler: u32, exception_handler: sgx_exception_handler_t) -> Option<exception_handle> {
    let handle = unsafe {
        sgx_register_exception_handler(is_first_handler, exception_handler)
    if handle.is_null() {
    } else {

/// rsgx_unregister_exception_handler is used to unregister a custom exception handler.
/// # Description
/// The Intel(R) SGX SDK supports the registration of custom exception handler functions. An enclave developer
/// can write their own code to handle a limited set of hardware exceptions.
/// Calling rsgx_unregister_exception_handler allows developers to unregister an exception handler that was registered earlier.
/// # Parameters
/// **handle**
/// A handle to the custom exception handler previously registered using the rsgx_register_exception_handler function.
/// # Requirements
/// Library: libsgx_trts.a
/// # Return value
/// **true**
/// The custom exception handler is unregistered successfully.
/// **false**
/// The exception handler was not unregistered (not a valid pointer, handler not found).
pub fn rsgx_unregister_exception_handler(handle: exception_handle) -> bool {
    let ret = unsafe { sgx_unregister_exception_handler(handle) };
    ret != 0