sgx_trts 1.1.1

Rust SGX SDK provides the ability to write Intel SGX applications in Rust Programming Language.
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use sgx_types::*;
use sgx_types::marker::ContiguousMemory;
use core::mem;
use crate::libc;

/// rsgx_read_rand function is used to generate a random number inside the enclave.
/// # Description
/// The rsgx_read_rand function is provided to replace the standard pseudo-random sequence generation functions
/// inside the enclave, since these standard functions are not supported in the enclave, such as rand, srand, etc.
/// For HW mode, the function generates a real-random sequence; while in simulation mode, the function generates
/// a pseudo-random sequence.
/// # Parameters
/// **rand**
/// A pointer to the buffer that stores the generated random number. The rand buffer can be either within or outside the enclave,
/// but it is not allowed to be across the enclave boundary or wrapped around.
/// # Requirements
/// Library: libsgx_trts.a
/// # Errors
/// Invalid input parameters detected.
/// Indicates an unexpected error occurs during the valid random number generation process.
pub fn rsgx_read_rand(rand: &mut [u8]) -> SgxError {
    let ret = unsafe { sgx_read_rand(rand.as_mut_ptr(), rand.len()) };
    match ret {
        sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS => Ok(()),
        _ => Err(ret),

/// rsgx_data_is_within_enclave checks whether a given address is within enclave memory.
pub fn rsgx_data_is_within_enclave<T: Copy + ContiguousMemory>(data: &T) -> bool {
    rsgx_raw_is_within_enclave(data as *const _ as *const u8, mem::size_of::<T>())

/// rsgx_slice_is_within_enclave checks whether a given address is within enclave memory.
pub fn rsgx_slice_is_within_enclave<T: Copy + ContiguousMemory>(data: &[T]) -> bool {
    rsgx_raw_is_within_enclave(data.as_ptr() as *const u8, mem::size_of_val(data))

/// rsgx_raw_is_within_enclave checks whether a given address is within enclave memory.
/// The rsgx_raw_is_within_enclave function checks that the buffer located at the pointer addr with its
/// length of size is an address that is strictly within the calling enclave address space.
/// # Description
/// rsgx_raw_is_within_enclave simply compares the start and end address of the buffer with the calling
/// enclave address space. It does not check the property of the address. Given a function pointer, you
/// sometimes need to confirm whether such a function is within the enclave. In this case, it is recommended
/// to use rsgx_raw_is_within_enclave with a size of 1.
/// # Parameters
/// **addr**
/// The start address of the buffer.
/// **size**
/// The size of the buffer.
/// # Requirements
/// Library: libsgx_trts.a
/// # Return value
/// **true**
/// The buffer is strictly within the enclave address space.
/// **false**
/// The whole buffer or part of the buffer is not within the enclave, or the buffer is wrapped around.
pub fn rsgx_raw_is_within_enclave(addr: *const u8, size: usize) -> bool {
    let ret = unsafe { sgx_is_within_enclave(addr as *const c_void, size) };
    ret != 0

/// rsgx_data_is_outside_enclave checks whether a given address is outside enclave memory.
pub fn rsgx_data_is_outside_enclave<T: Copy + ContiguousMemory>(data: &T) -> bool {
    rsgx_raw_is_outside_enclave(data as *const _ as *const u8,  mem::size_of::<T>())

/// rsgx_slice_is_outside_enclave checks whether a given address is outside enclave memory.
pub fn rsgx_slice_is_outside_enclave<T: Copy + ContiguousMemory>(data: &[T]) -> bool {
    rsgx_raw_is_outside_enclave(data.as_ptr() as *const u8, mem::size_of_val(data))

/// rsgx_raw_is_outside_enclave checks whether a given address is outside enclave memory.
/// The rsgx_raw_is_outside_enclave function checks that the buffer located at the pointer addr with its
/// length of size is an address that is strictly outside the calling enclave address space.
/// # Description
/// rsgx_raw_is_outside_enclave simply compares the start and end address of the buffer with the calling
/// enclave address space. It does not check the property of the address.
/// # Parameters
/// **addr**
/// The start address of the buffer.
/// **size**
/// The size of the buffer.
/// # Requirements
/// Library: libsgx_trts.a
/// # Return value
/// **true**
/// The buffer is strictly outside the enclave address space.
/// **false**
/// The whole buffer or part of the buffer is not outside the enclave, or the buffer is wrapped around.
pub fn rsgx_raw_is_outside_enclave(addr: *const u8, size: usize) -> bool {
    let ret = unsafe { sgx_is_outside_enclave(addr as *const c_void, size) };
    ret != 0

pub fn rsgx_is_enclave_crashed() -> bool {
    let ret = unsafe { sgx_is_enclave_crashed() };
    ret != 0

pub use libc::exit_function_t;

pub fn rsgx_abort() -> ! {
    unsafe { libc::abort() }

pub fn rsgx_atexit(fun: exit_function_t) -> bool {
    let ret = unsafe { libc::atexit(fun) };
    ret >= 0

pub fn rsgx_lfence() {
    unsafe { asm!{"lfence"}; }

pub fn rsgx_sfence() {
    unsafe { asm!{"sfence"}; }

pub fn rsgx_mfence() {
    unsafe { asm!{"mfence"}; }