sfs-core 0.1.0

Core implementation of tools for working with site frequency spectra

Tools for working with site frequency spectra.

This serves as the core library implementation for the sfs CLI, but can also be used as a free-standing library for working with frequency spectra.


The core struct is a [Spectrum], which is backed by an N-dimensional [Array]. A spectrum may either be a frequency spectrum ([Sfs]), in which case we say that it is normalized, or it may be a count spectrum ([Scs]).


As a very brief introduction to the API, let's create a count spectrum, and then normalize it to obtain a per-base estimate of θ using Watterson's estimator.

use sfs_core::Scs;

// Create a 1-dimensional SCS from some data
let scs = Scs::from_vec([25., 8., 4., 2., 1., 0.]);

// Normalize the spectrum to frequencies
let sfs = scs.into_normalized();

// Calculate θ
let theta = sfs.theta_watterson().expect("θ only defined in 1D");

assert!((theta - 0.18).abs() < 1e-16);