serial_test 0.6.0

Allows for the creation of serialised Rust tests


Version Downloads Docs MIT license Build Status MSRV: 1.39.0

serial_test allows for the creation of serialised Rust tests using the serial attribute e.g.

fn test_serial_one() {
  // Do things

fn test_serial_another() {
  // Do things

async fn test_serial_another() {
  // Do things asynchronously

Multiple tests with the serial attribute are guaranteed to be executed in serial. Ordering of the tests is not guaranteed however. Tests without the serial attribute may run at any time, including in parallel to tests marked as serial. Note that if you're using an async test reactor attribute (e.g. tokio::test or actix_rt::test) then they should be listed before serial, otherwise we don't get an async function and things break. There's now an error for this case to improve debugging.


We require at least Rust 1.39 for async/await support

Add to your Cargo.toml

serial_test = "*"

plus use serial_test::serial; (for Rust 2018) or

extern crate serial_test;

for earlier versions.

You can then either add #[serial] or #[serial(some_text)] to tests as required.