[][src]Trait serenity::framework::Framework

pub trait Framework {
    pub fn dispatch(&mut self, _: Context, _: Message, _: &ThreadPool);

A trait for defining your own framework for serenity to use.

Should you implement this trait, or define a message handler, depends on you. However, using this will benefit you by abstracting the EventHandler away, and providing a reference to serenity's threadpool, so that you may run your commands in separate threads.

Required methods

pub fn dispatch(&mut self, _: Context, _: Message, _: &ThreadPool)[src]

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<F: Framework + ?Sized> Framework for Box<F>[src]

impl<'a, F: Framework + ?Sized> Framework for &'a mut F[src]

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impl Framework for StandardFramework[src]

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