serde_closure 0.2.4

Serializable and debuggable closures. This library provides macros that wrap closures to make them serializable and debuggable.
# serde_closure

[![MIT / Apache 2.0 licensed](](#License)
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Serializable and debuggable closures.

This library provides macros that wrap closures to make them serializable and

let one = 1;
let plus_one = Fn!(|x: i32| x + one);

assert_eq!(2, plus_one(1));
println!("{:#?}", plus_one);

// prints:
// Fn<main::{{closure}} at> {
//     one: 1,
//     source: "| x : i32 | x + one",
// }

This library aims to work in as simple and safe a way as possible. It currently
requires nightly Rust for the `unboxed_closures` and `fn_traits` features (rust
issue [#29625](

 * There are three macros,
   and [`Fn`],
   corresponding to the three types of Rust closure.
 * Wrap your closure with one of the macros and it will now implement `Copy`,
   `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, `Hash`, `PartialOrd`, `Ord`, `Serialize`,
   `Deserialize` and `Debug`.
 * There are some minor syntax limitations, which are documented below.
 * This crate has one unavoidable but documented and sound usage of

## Examples of wrapped closures
**Inferred, non-capturing closure:**
|a| a+1
FnMut!(|a| a+1)

**Annotated, non-capturing closure:**
|a: String| -> String { a.to_uppercase() }
FnMut!(|a: String| -> String { a.to_uppercase() })

**Inferred closure, capturing `num`:**
let mut num = 0;
|a| num += a
let mut num = 0;
FnMut!(|a| num += a)

**`move` closure, capturing `hello` and `world`:**
let hello = String::from("hello");
let mut world = String::new();
move |name| {
    world += (hello.to_uppercase() + name).as_str();
let hello = String::from("hello");
let mut world = String::new();
FnMut!(move |name| {
    world += (hello.to_uppercase() + name).as_str();

## Limitations
There are currently some minor limitations:
 * Captured variables with an uppercase first letter need to be explicitly
   captured. If you see a panic like the following, fix the case of the
thread 'main' panicked at 'A variable with an upper case first letter was implicitly captured.
Unfortunately due to current limitations it must be captured explicitly.
Please refer to the README.', tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
 * Functions called inside the closure might need to be disambiguated. This
   also affects enum unit and tuple variants with a lowercase first letter.
   If you see an error like either of the following, qualify `my_function`
   as `self::my_function` and `my_enum_variant` as
error[E0277]: the trait bound `fn(usize) -> std::option::Option<usize> {my_function::<usize>}: fnref::_IMPL_DESERIALIZE_FOR_Fn::_serde::Serialize` is not satisfied
   --> tests/
314 |     fn unfold<A, St, F>(initial_state: St, f: F) -> Unfold<St, F>
    |        ------
315 |     where
316 |         F: Fn(&mut St) -> Option<A> + Serialize,
    |                                       --------- required by this bound in `fnref::unfold`
327 |     let _ = unfold(0_usize, Fn!(|acc: &mut _| my_function(*acc)));
    |             ^^^^^^ the trait `fnref::_IMPL_DESERIALIZE_FOR_Fn::_serde::Serialize` is not implemented for `fn(usize) -> std::option::Option<usize> {my_function::<usize>}`
error[E0530]: function parameters cannot shadow tuple variants
   --> tests/
173 |     FnMut!(|acc: &mut _| my_enum_variant(*acc))
    |     ---------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-------
    |     |                    |
    |     |                    cannot be named the same as a tuple variant
    |     in this macro invocation

## Serializing between processes

Closures created by this crate are unnameable – i.e. just like normal closures,
there is no Rust syntax available with which to write the type. What this means
is that to deserialize a closure, you either need to specify the precise type
you're deserializing without naming it (which is possible but not particularly
practical), or *erase* the type by storing it in a
[trait object](

The [`serde_traitobject`](
crate enables trait objects to be safely serialized and sent between other
processes running the same binary.

For example, if you have multiple forks of a process, or the same binary running
on each of a cluster of machines,
[`serde_traitobject`]( would
help you to send serializable closures between them.

## License
Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE.txt]LICENSE-APACHE.txt or
 * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT.txt]LICENSE-MIT.txt or

at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.