[][src]Crate serde_querystring


serde-querystring is a deserializer for query strings.

Query strings are often used to send data to a web server as part of a http request and they usually consist of a sequence of key/value pairs. While they are commonly used, they don't have a strong standard defining how they should be parsed, for anything more than just simple key/value pairs, so it is important to define how we are going to parse them, and what is considered an expected behaviour and what can be a bug. Serde-querystring tries to use the commonly used form key[subkey]=value pattern to provide a way to define different Rust data structures.

Before we begin

Formats used in de/serialization are either self-describing or non-self-describing which roughly means either you can imagine the backing data structure only by looking at the serialized format or not.

For example when looking at a json file, whenever you see some data in {...} form you can say it's a map, same goes for [...] for a sequence/list. But for formats like query strings, by looking at key[1]=value&key[2]=value you can't decide if key is a map with 1 and 2 as it's own keys, or if it's a sequence with 2 elements. So it's the final data structure that defines how we should look at the data.

So instead of defining the format itself, we define how we can represent a data structure using the format.


For every pair in a query string, there has to be a key(or key sequence) on the left hand side of = sign. If the key is of a simple form key we consider it a group name for its value, if it has subkeys in the form key[subkey] we read it as a group named key with some value that itself has a group called subkey. So the terms group name and key are interchangeable here.


Values are the leaves of our tree, meaning by looking at them we can instantly say what they are and we don't need to go any deeper to undestand their meaning, in other words, they can't have any sub value or sub keys(with one exception).

TypesExample valid representations
u64 u32 u16 u8210
i64 i32 i16 i8210 -210
f64 f321337 -1337 1337.4 -1337.4 1.4E5 1.2e-4 1.9e+4
strHello World
StringHello+World Hello%25World Hello
boolon true 1 for true and off false 0 for false
enum unit variantsCold Dark
Option(*)123 Hello depending on inner value or for None
Vec or tuple of values(*)210,340,450
new type struct123 Cold,Warm depending on inner value
  • It is only considered a value if it consist of other values.


A query string starts either by a map or a struct at its roots, these two are represented in the same way and are considered the same kind of entity except when dealing with repeated keys(Described later). To represent them, we start from the root's fields and consider every one of them a key, if the value associated with that group/key also needs a sub group itself, we consider that group name as a subkey of our main key.


This example is not tested
struct Home{
    lat: f64,
    long: f64

Will be represented as: lat=1.5&long=3.5

This example is not tested
struct Area{
    gym: Home,
    police: Home

Will be represented as: gym[lat]=1.5&gym[long]=3.5&police[lat]=1.5&police[long]=3.5

This example is not tested
type City = HashMap<String, Home>;

Will be also represented as: gym[lat]=1.5&gym[long]=3.5&police[lat]=1.5&police[long]=3.5

  • Ordering of the fields does not matter, they can be combined in any possible order and it shouldn't effect the result, unless there are repeated keys.
  • For structs it's an error to repeat the same key or subkey more than once, but for maps the values are overwritable.

Validity of example cases

  • (*)X means valid - means invalid ... means continue from above
  • (**) More on that on Repeated keys


Sequences are defined as a finite ordered set of groups, the group names in a sequence can be either empty as in key[], a string/name as in key[first] or a number as in key[1]. Here's what each kind of group name can be used for:

  • Empty: They can be used to represent some unspecified index for a value(as defined in Value section). it can't have subkeys unless there are only one subkey(and subkey of subkey..) possible for it.
  • String: They can be used to represent an unspecified index, and can also have subkeys.
  • Number: Same as String but will also define the order.
  • Keys in a sequence are read as the same order as they are defined, unspecified here means not defining a specific order for a key and depending on the default order.
  • In case of combining ordered and unordered, all unordered elements will come before ordered ones.
  • In case of repeating a key, we only consider the last group defined. More on that on "Repeated keys" section.


For a struct with only one field a of type Vec<T> for some type T

ValueExample valid representation
[{X:1,Y:2}] as mapa[group][X]=1&a[group][Y]=2


Enums in general can be represented the way as a map


For a struct defined as below

struct Game{
    last: Event

// modified from rust by example book
enum Event {
    Click { x: i64, y: i64 },
    Missed(i32, i32),

Here's how we represent different kinds of Event:

ValueExample valid representation
PageLoadlast=PageLoad is valid as unit variants are value
PageLoadlast[PageLoad]= is valid as value is unit
Missed(200,400)last[Missed]=200,400 list of values is a value

Repeated keys

Though the keys in a map or list are overwritable, repeating keys assosiated with a struct is an error, and as we consider keys, group names, the data structure in that level decides if it allows repeating or not. Ex. for map of structs it is not allowed, for struct with map fields it is allowed, for struct of map fields containing struct as values it is again not allowed.

Being overwritable for keys with subkeys(ex. Enums or Lists) creates a situation where we can't decide what the final value should be, consider the example from Enum section, and the following query string:


In this kind of situations, to keep consistency with other kinds of keys, we only consider the last defined group, so in the above example although the last key belongs to Click group name, we only consider Missed group as it is defined after Click.



