serde-lite 0.3.1

A general-purpose serialization/de-serialization library
# Serde Lite

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This library provides a bit more lightweight implementation (compared to Serde)
of general-purpose serialization and de-serialization. **The intention here is
not to replace Serde completely** though. Serde does an amazing job and it
wouldn't make much sense to compete with Serde in terms of
serialization/de-serialization speed and the amount of memory used in runtime.

We focus mainly on the one thing where Serde can be a pain in the... code :) -
and it's the size of the resulting binary. Depending on the complexity of the
types that you try to serialize/de-serialize, Serde can produce quite a lot of
code. Plus there is also some monomorphization which may add even more code to
your binary.

In order to achieve it's goal, this library does some assumptions about the
underlying format. It uses an intermediate data representation that is similar
to JSON. The intermediate format can be then serialized/deserialized using
Serde. This implies that this library will never be as fast as Serde itself.

## Usage

You can use this library as a drop-in replacement for Serde. There are
`Serialize` and `Deserialize` traits that can be automatically derived and
there are also some attributes (compatible with Serde), so all you really have
to do is to put `serde-lite` instead of `serde` into your `Cargo.toml`.

### Serialization

Here is a brief example of serialization into JSON:
use serde_lite::Serialize;
use serde_lite_derive::Serialize;

struct MyStruct {
    field1: u32,
    field2: String,

let instance = MyStruct {
    field1: 10,
    field2: String::from("Hello, World!"),

let intermediate = instance.serialize().unwrap();
let json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&intermediate).unwrap();

### De-serialization

Here is a brief example of de-serialization from JSON:
use serde_lite::Deserialize;
use serde_lite_derive::Deserialize;

struct MyStruct {
    field1: u32,
    field2: String,

let input = r#"{
    "field1": 10,
    "field2": "Hello, World!"

let intermediate = serde_json::from_str(input).unwrap();
let instance = MyStruct::deserialize(&intermediate).unwrap();

### Update

Wait. What? Yes, this library has one more cool feature - partial updates.
Simply derive `Update` the same way you'd derive `Deserialize`. Example:
use serde_lite::{Deserialize, Update};
use serde_lite_derive::{Deserialize, Update};

#[derive(Deserialize, Update)]
struct MyStruct {
    field1: u32,
    field2: String,

let mut instance = MyStruct {
    field1: 10,
    field2: String::new(),

let input = r#"{
    "field2": "Hello, World!"

let intermediate = serde_json::from_str(input).unwrap();
let instance = instance.update(&intermediate).unwrap();

This feature can be especially handy if you're constructing a REST API and
you'd like to allow partial updates of your data.

### Supported attributes

The library does not support all Serde attributes at this moment. Patches are
definitely welcome. These attributes are supported:

* Container attributes:
    * `tag`
    * `content`
* Field attributes:
    * `default`
    * `flatten`
    * `rename`
    * `skip`
    * `skip_serializing`
    * `skip_serializing_if`
    * `skip_deserializing`
* Enum variant attributes:
    * `rename`

## When to use this library

You can use this library whenever you need to serialize/de-serialize some
complex types and the size of the resulting binary matters to you. It is also
very useful in projects where you need to be able to partially update your data
based on the user input (e.g. REST APIs).

## When to avoid using this library

If the only thing that matters to you is the runtime performance, you probably
don't want to use this library. It also isn't very useful for
serializing/de-serializing huge amount of data because it needs to be
transformed into the intermediate representation at first. And, finally, this
library can only be used with self-describing formats like JSON.