seq 0.1.0

Generic sequence container implementation for Rust.
seq-0.1.0 has been yanked.

seq module

The seq module is providing a generic sequence container Seq for Rust.

Seq is a lightweight container of data sequences, data being stacked on top of each other.

A sequence can be Empty or a construction Cons* of a value (called head aka first ft) on top of another sequence (called tail aka rest rt). Sequences are formed of immutable data elements; multiple sequences may share the same tail, permitting compact representation of hierarchical data.

Add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

seq = "0.1.0"

The sequence container Seq allows to construct dynamic, linked lists; each element of the sequence is one of the following variants:

  • Empty: The empty sequence <>
  • ConsRef(head, tail): Constructs a new sequence with head being the first element and tail referencing another, borrowed sequence: head|tail. This variant permits construction of sequences using stack-allocated data solely".
  • ConsOwn(head, boxedtail): Constructs a new sequence with head being the first element and tail referencing another, owned, boxed sequence: head|boxedtail. Here the tail is residing in heap allocated memory. This variant permits construction of sequences using heap-allocated dynamic data.

These variants may be combined with each other, representing a mixture of borrowed and owned elements. The memory safety feature of Rust allows automated and correct management of lifetime of each element of the sequence.

The lifetime of each element of the sequence depends on the function context it has been added to the top of the sequence; 'Empty' is the element with longest lifetime.

In first place Seq is intended as lightweight, dynamic, stack-allocated, linked list for use cases such as traversing tree-structures.
Traversal may be done using visitor pattern or nested functions calls; the top-most element of the sequence representing the current traversal context. In the ideal scenarios no dynamic memory allocation shall be involved.

The sequence type Seq implements the trait IntoIterator, enabling the usage of Rust's iterator framework.

extern crate seq;
use seq::Seq;
use std::ops;

// Recursive, nested invocation while val<max. Each function-call sums up the sequence.
fn recurs(val: u32, max: u32, tail: &Seq<u32>) {
   if val < max {
      let sequence = Seq::ConsRef(val, tail);
      println!("sum is: {}", sequence.into_iter().fold(0, ops::Add::add));
      recurs(val + 1, max, &sequence);

fn main() {
    recurs(0, 10, seq::empty());

'Seq' permits mixture of stack allocated data and heap allocated data within a single linked list. The following code is a variation of previous sample, just adding two heap-allocated elements onto top of sequence finally.

extern crate seq;
use seq::Seq;
use std::ops;

fn prependTwoBoxedValues <'a> (v: u32, w: u32, seq: &'a Seq<u32> ) -> Box<Seq< 'a, u32>> {
   Box::new(Seq::ConsOwn(v +1,
      Box::new(Seq::ConsRef(w, seq))))

// Recursive, nested invocation while val<max. Each function-call sums up the sequence.
fn recurs(val: u32, max: u32, tail: &Seq<u32>) {
   if val < max {
      let sequence = Seq::ConsRef(val, tail);
      println!("sum is: {}", sequence.into_iter().fold(0, ops::Add::add));
      recurs(val + 1, max, &sequence);
   } else {
      let sequence: Box<Seq<u32>> = prependTwoBoxedValues(max+1, max, tail);
      println!("sum is: {}", sequence.into_iter().fold(0, ops::Add::add));

fn main() {
   recurs(0, 10, seq::empty());

Seq is a sequence of data of type T and lifetime 'a.

A sequence is either Empty '<>' or a construction Cons* of a head (ft) and tail (rt): '3|2|1|0|<>'

Either the tail is referencing borrowed data within the current execution scope (ConsRef), or the tail is formed of owned, boxed data in heap allocated memory (ConsOwn).

A sequence can be a mixture of borrowed and owned data elements:

extern crate seq;
use seq::Seq;

fn myfun() {
   let s0: &Seq<u32> = empty();
   let s1: Seq<u32> = Seq::ConsRef(0, s0);
   let s2: Box<Seq<u32>> = Box::new(Seq::ConsRef(1, &s1));
   let s3: Box<Seq<u32>> = Box::new(Seq::ConsOwn(2, s2));
   let s4: Seq<u32> = Seq::ConsOwn(Data(3, s3));

Pattern-matching can be used to de-construct a sequence.

extern crate seq;
use seq::Seq;

fn head(sequence: &Seq<u32>) -> Option<u32> {
   match sequence {
      &Seq::Empty => Option::None,
      &Seq::ConsRef(ref ft, ref rt) => Option::Some(*ft),
      &Seq::ConsOwn(ref ft, ref rt) => Option::Some(*ft)