sentry-core 0.34.0

Core sentry library used for instrumentation and integration development.
//! Sentry Scope Benchmarks
//! Run the benchmarks with:
//! ```text
//! $ cargo bench -p sentry-core
//! ```
//! We have the following tests:
//! * [`scope_with_breadcrumbs`]
//! * [`scope_with_tags`]
//! We do test the following permutations:
//! * No active Hub is bound, meaning most API functions will just noop
//! * Doing scope manipulation with an active Hub, but *not* capturing any messages
//! * Doing scope manipulation with an active Hub, and capturing messages, discarding
//!   them in the transport layer.
//! # Testing the minimal API
//! Due to our circular dev-dependency on `sentry`, we will *always* run with the
//! `client` feature. To test without it, one needs to comment the circular dependency
//! before running the benchmark.

use std::ops::Range;
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
use std::sync::Arc;

use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
use sentry::protocol::Breadcrumb;
#[cfg(not(feature = "client"))]
use sentry_core as sentry;

/// Tests Scopes with Breadcrumbs
/// This uses the [`sentry::add_breadcrumb`] API in *callback mode*, which means
/// it is essentially a noop when the current Hub is inactive.
fn scope_with_breadcrumbs(capture: bool) {

    if capture {
        sentry::capture_message("capturing on outer scope", sentry::Level::Info);

        |_| (),
        || {
            // 50 + 70 exceeds the default max_breadcrumbs of 100

            if capture {
                sentry::capture_message("capturing within a nested scope", sentry::Level::Info);

    sentry::configure_scope(|scope| scope.clear());

/// This does multiple nested [`sentry::with_scope`] calls that manipulates breadcrumbs
fn outer_scope_with_breadcrumbs() {
        |_| (),
        || {
                |_| (),
                || {

/// Tests Scopes with Tags
/// This uses the [`sentry::Scope::set_tag`] function to define, and then overwrite/extend
/// the set of tags.
fn scope_with_tags(capture: bool) {
    sentry::configure_scope(|scope| add_tags(scope, 0..20));

    if capture {
        sentry::capture_message("capturing on outer scope", sentry::Level::Info);

        |scope| {
            // since this is a hashmap, we basically overwrite 10, and add 10 new tags
            add_tags(scope, 10..30)
        || {
            if capture {
                sentry::capture_message("capturing within a nested scope", sentry::Level::Info);

    sentry::configure_scope(|scope| scope.clear());

/// This does multiple nested [`sentry::with_scope`] calls that manipulates tags
fn outer_scope_with_tags() {
        |scope| add_tags(scope, 20..22),
        || sentry::with_scope(|scope| add_tags(scope, 22..24), || {}),

/// Adds a bunch of breadcrumbs
fn add_breadcrumbs(range: Range<usize>) {
    for i in range {
        sentry::add_breadcrumb(|| Breadcrumb {
            message: Some(format!("Breadcrumb {}", i)),

/// Adds a bunch of tags
fn add_tags(scope: &mut sentry::Scope, range: Range<usize>) {
    for i in range {
        scope.set_tag(&format!("tag {}", i), format!("tag value {}", i));

/// Returns a new *active* [`sentry::Hub`] which discards Events in the Transport.
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
fn discarding_hub() -> sentry::Hub {
    struct NoopTransport;

    impl sentry::Transport for NoopTransport {
        fn send_envelope(&self, envelope: sentry::Envelope) {

    let client = Arc::new(sentry::Client::from(sentry::ClientOptions {
        dsn: Some("https://public@sentry.invalid/1".parse().unwrap()),
        // lol, this double arcing -_-
        transport: Some(Arc::new(Arc::new(NoopTransport))),
        // before_send: Some(Arc::new(|_| None)),
    let scope = Arc::new(sentry::Scope::default());
    sentry::Hub::new(Some(client), scope)

fn scope_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let mut group = c.benchmark_group("scoped-tags");

    group.bench_function("no-client", |b| b.iter(|| scope_with_tags(true)));
    #[cfg(feature = "client")]
        group.bench_function("with-client", |b| {
            let hub = Arc::new(discarding_hub());
            sentry::Hub::run(hub, || b.iter(|| scope_with_tags(false)))
        group.bench_function("dropping-client", |b| {
            let hub = Arc::new(discarding_hub());
            sentry::Hub::run(hub, || b.iter(|| scope_with_tags(true)))
        group.bench_function("outer-scope", |b| {
            let hub = Arc::new(discarding_hub());
            sentry::configure_scope(|scope| add_tags(scope, 0..20));
            sentry::Hub::run(hub, || b.iter(outer_scope_with_tags))


    let mut group = c.benchmark_group("scoped-breadcrumbs");

    group.bench_function("no-client", |b| b.iter(|| scope_with_breadcrumbs(true)));
    #[cfg(feature = "client")]
        group.bench_function("with-client", |b| {
            let hub = Arc::new(discarding_hub());
            sentry::Hub::run(hub, || b.iter(|| scope_with_breadcrumbs(false)))
        group.bench_function("dropping-client", |b| {
            let hub = Arc::new(discarding_hub());
            sentry::Hub::run(hub, || b.iter(|| scope_with_breadcrumbs(true)))
        group.bench_function("outer-scope", |b| {
            let hub = Arc::new(discarding_hub());
            sentry::Hub::run(hub, || b.iter(outer_scope_with_breadcrumbs))


criterion_group!(benches, scope_benchmark);