sentry-core 0.20.0

Core sentry library used for instrumentation and integration development.
//! This provides testing functionality for building tests.
//! **Feature:** `test` (*disabled by default*)
//! If the sentry crate has been compiled with the test support feature this
//! module becomes available and provides functionality to capture events
//! in a block.
//! # Example usage
//! ```
//! use sentry::test::with_captured_events;
//! use sentry::{capture_message, Level};
//! let events = with_captured_events(|| {
//!     capture_message("Hello World!", Level::Warning);
//! });
//! assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(events[0].message.as_ref().unwrap(), "Hello World!");
//! ```

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

use crate::protocol::Event;
use crate::types::Dsn;
use crate::{ClientOptions, Envelope, Hub, Transport};

lazy_static::lazy_static! {
    static ref TEST_DSN: Dsn = "https://public@sentry.invalid/1".parse().unwrap();

/// Collects events instead of sending them.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use sentry::test::TestTransport;
/// use sentry::{ClientOptions, Hub};
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// let transport = TestTransport::new();
/// let options = ClientOptions {
///     dsn: Some("".parse().unwrap()),
///     transport: Some(Arc::new(transport.clone())),
///     ..ClientOptions::default()
/// };
/// Hub::current().bind_client(Some(Arc::new(options.into())));
/// ```
pub struct TestTransport {
    collected: Mutex<Vec<Envelope>>,

impl TestTransport {
    /// Creates a new test transport.
    pub fn new() -> Arc<TestTransport> {
        Arc::new(TestTransport {
            collected: Mutex::new(vec![]),

    /// Fetches and clears the contained events.
    pub fn fetch_and_clear_events(&self) -> Vec<Event<'static>> {
            .filter_map(|envelope| envelope.event().cloned())

    /// Fetches and clears the contained envelopes.
    pub fn fetch_and_clear_envelopes(&self) -> Vec<Envelope> {
        let mut guard = self.collected.lock().unwrap();
        std::mem::replace(&mut *guard, vec![])

impl Transport for TestTransport {
    fn send_envelope(&self, envelope: Envelope) {

/// Runs some code with the default test hub and returns the captured events.
/// See [`with_captured_envelopes_options`](fn.with_captured_envelopes_options.html)
pub fn with_captured_events<F: FnOnce()>(f: F) -> Vec<Event<'static>> {
    with_captured_events_options(f, ClientOptions::default())

/// Runs some code with the default test hub with the given options and
/// returns the captured events.
/// See [`with_captured_envelopes_options`](fn.with_captured_envelopes_options.html)
pub fn with_captured_events_options<F: FnOnce(), O: Into<ClientOptions>>(
    f: F,
    options: O,
) -> Vec<Event<'static>> {
    with_captured_envelopes_options(f, options)
        .filter_map(|envelope| envelope.event().cloned())

/// Runs some code with the default test hub and returns the captured envelopes.
/// See [`with_captured_envelopes_options`](fn.with_captured_envelopes_options.html)
pub fn with_captured_envelopes<F: FnOnce()>(f: F) -> Vec<Envelope> {
    with_captured_envelopes_options(f, ClientOptions::default())

/// Runs some code with the default test hub with the given options and
/// returns the captured envelopes.
/// If no DSN is set on the options a default test DSN is inserted.  The
/// transport on the options is also overridden with a `TestTransport`.
/// This is a shortcut for creating a testable client with the supplied options
/// and `TestTransport`, and bind it to a newly created hub for the duration of
/// the call.
pub fn with_captured_envelopes_options<F: FnOnce(), O: Into<ClientOptions>>(
    f: F,
    options: O,
) -> Vec<Envelope> {
    let transport = TestTransport::new();
    let mut options = options.into();
    options.dsn = Some(options.dsn.unwrap_or_else(|| TEST_DSN.clone()));
    options.transport = Some(Arc::new(transport.clone()));