sendgrid-api 0.3.1

A fully generated & opinionated API client for the SendGrid API.
use anyhow::Result;

use crate::Client;

pub struct Query {
    pub client: Client,

impl Query {
    pub fn new(client: Client) -> Self {
        Query { client }

     * Filter all messages.
     * This function performs a `GET` to the `/messages` endpoint.
     * This is **BETA** functionality. You may not have access, and we reserve the right to change functionality without notice.
     * Filter all messages to search your Email Activity. All queries need to be [URL encoded](, and have this format:
     * `query={query_type}="{query_content}"`
     * encoded, this would look like this:
     * `query=type%3D%22query_content%22`
     * for example:
     * Filter by a specific email - ``
     * Filter by subject line - `query=subject%3d%22A%20Great%20Subject%22`
     * **Full list of basic query types and examples:**
     * | **Filter query**    | **Unencoded Example** (put this one into the try it out query - it'll automatically encode it for you) | **Encoded Example** (use this one in your code)                        |
     * |-----------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|
     * | msg_id          | msg_id=“filter0307p1las1-16816-5A023E36-1.0”                                                                               | msg_id%3D%22filter0307p1las1-16816-5A023E36-1.0%22           |
     * | from_email      | from_email=“”                                                                                          |                    |
     * | subject         | subject="This is a subject test"                                                                                      | subject%22This%20is%20a%20subject%20test%22                  |
     * | to_email        | to_email=""                                                                                       |                       |
     * | status          |                                                                                                                            | status%22processed%22                                        |
     * | template_id     |                                                                                                                            |                                                                    |
     * | asm_group_id    |                                                                                                                            |                                                                    |
     * | api_key_id      |                                                                                                                            |                                                                    |
     * | events          | status="processed"                                                                                                   | status%3D%22processed%22                                     |
     * | originating_ip  |                                                                                                                            |                                                                    |
     * | categories      |                                                                                                                            |                                                                    |
     * | unique_args     |                                                                                                                            |                                                                    |
     * | outbound_ip     |                                                                                                                            |                                                                    |
     * | last_event_time | last_event_time=“2017-11-07T23:13:58Z”                                                                               | last_event_time%3D%E2%80%9C2017-11-07T23%3A13%3A58Z%E2%80%9D |
     * | clicks          | clicks="0"                                                                                                           | clicks%3D%220%22                                             |
     * For information about building compound queries, and for the full query language functionality, see the [query language reference](
     * Coming soon, example compound queries: limit + to email + date
     * **Parameters:**
     * * `query: &str` -- The license key provided with your New Relic account.
     * * `limit: f64` -- The number of messages returned. This parameter must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000.
     * * `x_query_id: &str` -- The license key provided with your New Relic account.
     * * `x_cursor: &str` -- The license key provided with your New Relic account.
     * * `authorization: &str` -- The license key provided with your New Relic account.
    pub async fn get_messages(
        query: &str,
        limit: f64,
    ) -> Result<crate::types::GetMessagesResponse> {
        let mut query_args: Vec<(String, String)> = Default::default();
        if !limit.to_string().is_empty() {
            query_args.push(("limit".to_string(), limit.to_string()));
        if !query.is_empty() {
            query_args.push(("query".to_string(), query.to_string()));
        let query_ = serde_urlencoded::to_string(&query_args).unwrap();
        let url = format!("/messages?{}", query_);

        self.client.get(&url, None).await

     * Filter messages by message ID.
     * This function performs a `GET` to the `/messages/{msg_id}` endpoint.
     * This is BETA functionality. You may not have access, and we reserve the right to change functionality without notice.
     * Get all of the details about the specified message.
     * **Parameters:**
     * * `authorization: &str` -- The license key provided with your New Relic account.
    pub async fn get_messages_msg(&self, msg_id: &str) -> Result<crate::types::Message> {
        let url = format!(

        self.client.get(&url, None).await