self_encryption 0.11.2

Self encrypting files (convergent encryption plus obfuscation)
# self_encryption

**Maintainer:** Spandan Sharma (

Self encrypting files (convergent encryption plus obfuscation)

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## Overview

A version of [convergent encryption]( with an additional obfuscation step. This pattern allows secured data that can also be [de-duplicated]( This library presents an API that can be utilised in any application that provides a POSIX like filesystem interface, dealing very effectively with the content part of any data (in tests the parallelised approach can actually be faster than reading/writing data as a single stream). It is important to realise two important aspects of this library:

1. This library deals with file content **only**
2. This library provides very secure data, but does return a data structure (DataMap) that in turn requires to be secured.

![image of self encryption](

## Video of the process
[self_encryption process and use case video](

## Examples

### Using `self_encryptor`

This library splits a file into encrypted chunks and also produces a data map for the same. This data map with encrypted chunks enables the file to be reconstituted. Instructions to use the 'basic_encryptor' example are as follows:

##### Encrypt a file:

    cargo run --example basic_encryptor -- -e <full_path_to_any_file>

You should now have the example binary in `../self_encryption/target/debug/examples/`. The `data_map` for the given file and it's encrypted chunks will be written to the current directory.

##### Decrypt a file:

    cargo run --example basic_encryptor -- -d <full_path_to_data_map> <full_destination_path_including_filename>

This will restore the original file to the given destination path.

## License

Licensed under either of

* the Commercial License, version 1.0 or later ([LICENSE](LICENSE))
* the General Public License (GPL), version 3 ([COPYING](COPYING) or

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the
work by you, as defined in the MaidSafe Contributor Agreement ([CONTRIBUTOR](CONTRIBUTOR)), shall be
dual licensed as above, and you agree to be bound by the terms of the MaidSafe Contributor Agreement.