self_encryption 0.11.2

Self encrypting files (convergent encryption plus obfuscation)
# Self-Encryption - Change Log

## [0.11.2]
- Update rust_sodium to 0.6.0

## [0.11.1]
- Update futures to latest version and fix deprecated function calls

## [0.11.0]
- Use rust 1.19 stable / 2017-07-20 nightly
- rustfmt 0.9.0 and clippy-0.0.144
- Replace -Zno-trans with cargo check
- Make appveyor script using fixed version of stable

## [0.10.0]
- Self-encrypt is now asyc using futures

## [0.9.0]
- Use sha3_256 from tiny_keccak instead of rust_sodium
- Travis uses cargo_install script from QA
- Dependencies updated

## [0.8.0]
- Update maidsafe_utilities 0.11.0
- rustfmt 0.8.1
- switch to serde instead of rustc-serialize
- cleanup CI scripts

## [0.7.1]
- Update maidsafe_utilities to v0.10.0 which removes deprecated API's.

## [0.7.0]
- Use new rust_sodium crate instead of sodiumoxide.

## [0.6.0]
- Expose a new SequentialEncryptor which publishes its data immediately if possible.

## [0.5.1]
- Fix sodiumoxide to v0.0.10 as the new released v0.0.12 does not support rustc-serializable types anymore and breaks builds

## [0.5.0]
- Use SHA256 instead of SHA512.

## [0.4.0]
- Remove asynchronous code.
- Replace Deflate compression with Brotli.
- Use `Result`s instead of panic.

## [0.3.1]
- Fix truncate, flagging first two chunks for encryption, and add new test.
- Updates contributor agreement.
- Fixed failing test exceeding serialisation limits.
- Disable clippy use_debug check.
- Updated dependencies.

## [0.3.0]
- Updated dependencies.

## [0.2.6]
- Various bug fixes and tidy up.
- Setup clippy usage.
- Include nightly builds on travis.

## [0.2.5]
- Swap forked memory_map for original memmap crate.

## [0.2.4]
- Remove wildcards from dependencies.

## [0.2.3]
- Update in line with sodiumoxide 0.0.9 changes.

## [0.2.2]
- Increase file sizes to 1Gb using memory map (previously omitted).
- Compression pre encrypt and post encrypt in encrypt and decrypt methods
- Task passing to allow cores to be lit up when handling chunks

## [0.2.1]
- Fixed lint warnings caused by latest Rust nightly

## [0.0.0 - 0.2.0]
- Initial structure
- Test set-up
- Travis integration
- Docs creation
- Docs hosting (
- Windows CI set-up (
- Read/Write file in memory based buffer
- API version 0.0.8
- Implement disk based interface as example
- Full unit tests in
- Integrations tests in tests module
- Benchmark tests for varying file sizes from 1 byte to 10 M/b
- API stable version 0.1.0
- Coverage analysis (coveralls ?)