seed 0.1.1

A frontend framework for Rust, via WebAssembly
use std::{cell::{RefCell}, rc::Rc};

use crate::dom_types;
use crate::dom_types::El;
use crate::websys_bridge;

// todo: Get rid of the clone assiated with MS everywhere if you can!

pub struct Mailbox<Message: 'static> {
    func: Rc<Fn(Message)>,

impl<Ms: 'static> Mailbox<Ms> {
    pub fn new(func: impl Fn(Ms) + 'static) -> Self {
        Mailbox {
            func: Rc::new(func),

    pub fn send(&self, message: Ms) {

impl<Ms> Clone for Mailbox<Ms> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Mailbox {
            func: self.func.clone(),

// todo: Examine what needs to be ref cells, rcs etc

/// Used as part of an interior-mutability pattern, ie Rc<RefCell<>>
pub struct Data<Ms: Clone + Sized + 'static , Mdl: Sized + 'static> {
    document: web_sys::Document,
    pub mount_point: web_sys::Element,
    // Model is in a RefCell here so we can replace it in self.update_dom().
    pub model: RefCell<Mdl>,
    update: fn(Ms, Mdl) -> Mdl,
    pub view: fn(Mdl) -> El<Ms>,
    pub main_el_vdom: RefCell<El<Ms>>,

pub struct App<Ms: Clone + Sized + 'static , Mdl: Sized + 'static> {
    pub data: Rc<Data<Ms, Mdl>>

/// We use a struct instead of series of functions, in order to avoid passing
/// repetative sequences of parameters.
impl<Ms: Clone + Sized + 'static, Mdl: Clone + Sized + 'static> App<Ms, Mdl> {
    pub fn new(model: Mdl, update: fn(Ms, Mdl) -> Mdl,
               view: fn(Mdl) -> El<Ms>, parent_div_id: &str) -> Self {

        let window = web_sys::window().expect("no global `window` exists");
        let document = window.document().expect("should have a document on window");

        let mount_point = document.get_element_by_id(parent_div_id).unwrap();

        Self {
            data: Rc::new(Data {
                mount_point: mount_point.clone(),
                model: RefCell::new(model),

                main_el_vdom: RefCell::new(El::empty(dom_types::Tag::Div)),

    /// This runs whenever the state is changed, ie the user-written update function is called.
    /// It updates the state, and any DOM elements affected by this change.
    /// todo this is where we need to compare against differences and only update nodes affected
    /// by the state change.
    /// We re-create the whole virtual dom each time (Is there a way around this? Probably not without
    /// knowing what vars the model holds ahead of time), but only edit the rendered, web_sys dom
    /// for things that have been changed.
    /// We re-render the virtual DOM on every change, but (attempt to) only change
    /// the actual DOM, via web_sys, when we need.
    /// The model storred in inner is the old model; updated_model is a newly-calculated one.
    fn update_dom(&self, message: Ms) {
        // data.model is the old model; pass it to the update function created in the app,
        // which outputs an updated model.

        // We clone the model before running update, and again before passing it
        // to the view func, instead of using refs, to improve API syntax.
        // This approach may have performance impacts of unknown magnitude.
        let model_to_update =;
        let updated_model = (, model_to_update);

        // Create a new vdom: The top element, and all its children. Does not yet
        // have ids, nest levels, or associated web_sys elements.
        // We accept cloning here, for the benefit of making data easier to work
        // with in the app.
        let mut topel_new_vdom = (;

        // We're now done with this updated model; store it for use as the old
        // model for the next update.
        // Note: It appears that this step is why we need data.model to be in a RefCell.;

        // We setup the vdom (which populates web_sys els through it, but don't
        // render them with attach_children; we try to do it cleverly via patch().
        self.setup_vdom(&mut topel_new_vdom, 0, 0);

//        let el_ws = websys_bridge::make_websys_el(&mut, &, self.mailbox());


        // We haven't updated data.main_el_vdom, so we use it as our old (previous) state.
        patch(&, &mut, &mut topel_new_vdom, &;

        // Now that we've re-rendered, replace our stored El with the new one;
        // it will be used as the old El next (.;

    fn mailbox(&self) -> Mailbox<Ms> {
        let cloned = self.clone();
        Mailbox::new(move |message| {

    /// Populate the attached web_sys elements, ids, and nest-levels. Run this after creating a vdom, but before
    /// using it to process the web_sys dom. Does not attach children in the DOM. Run this on the top-level element.
    pub fn setup_vdom(&self, el_vdom: &mut El<Ms>, active_level: u32, active_id: u32) {
        // id iterates once per item; active-level once per nesting level.
        let mut id = active_id; = Some(id);
        id += 1;  // Raise the id after each element we process.
        el_vdom.nest_level = Some(active_level);

        // Create the web_sys element; add it to the working tree; store it in
        // its corresponding vdom El.
        let el_ws = websys_bridge::make_websys_el(el_vdom, &, self.mailbox());
        el_vdom.el_ws = Some(el_ws);
        for child in &mut el_vdom.children {
            // Raise the active level once per recursion.
            self.setup_vdom(child, active_level + 1, id);
            id += 1;

// trying this approach leads to lifetime problems.
//fn mailbox<Ms, Mdl>(app: &'static App<Ms, Mdl>) -> Mailbox<Ms>
//    where Ms: Clone + Sized + 'static, Mdl: Clone + Sized + 'static {
//    Mailbox::new(move |message| {
//        app.clone().update_dom(message);
//    })

impl<Ms: Clone + Sized + 'static , Mdl: Sized + 'static> std::clone::Clone for App<Ms, Mdl> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        App {
            data: Rc::clone(&,

fn patch<Ms>(document: &web_sys::Document, old: &mut El<Ms>, new: &mut El<Ms>, parent: &web_sys::Element)
    where Ms: Clone + Sized + 'static
    // Todo: Current sceme is that if the parent changes, redraw all children...
    // todo fix this later.
    // We make an assumption that most of the page is not dramatically changed
    // by each event, to optimize.
    // todo: There are a lot of ways you could make this more sophisticated.

    // Assume setup_vdom has been run on the new el, but only the old vdom's nodes are attached.

    // todo only redraw teh whole subtree if children are diff; if it's
    // todo just text or attrs etc, patch them.

    // take removes the interior value from the Option; otherwise we run into problems
    // about not being able to remove from borrowed content.
    // We remove it from the old el_vodom now, and at the end... add it to the new one.
    // We don't run attach_children() when patching, hence this approach.

//        if new.is_dummy() == true { return }

    let old_el_ws = old.el_ws.take().expect("No old elws");

    if old != new {
        // Something about this element itself is different: patch it.
        // At this step, we already assume we have the right element - either
        // by entering this func directly for the top-level, or recursively after
        // analyzing children
        if old.tag != new.tag {
            parent.remove_child(&old_el_ws).expect("Problem removing this element");
            websys_bridge::attach(new, parent);
            // We've re-rendered this child and all children; we're done with this recursion.

        // Patch attributes.
        websys_bridge::patch_el_details(old, new, &old_el_ws, document);

    // If there are the same number of children, assume there's a 1-to-1 mapping,
    // where we will not add or remove any; but patch as needed.

    // A more sophisticated approach would be to find the best match of every
    // combination of score of new vs old, then rank them somehow. (Eg even
    // if old id=2 is the best match for the first new, if it's only a marginal
    // winner, but a strong winner for the second, it makes sense to put it
    // in the second, but we are not allowing it this opporunity as-is.
    // One approach would be check all combinations, combine scores within each combo, and pick the one
    // with the highest total score, but this increases with the factorial of
    // child size!
    // todo: Look into this improvement sometime after the initial release.

    let avail_old_children = &mut old.children;
    for child_new in &mut new.children {
        if avail_old_children.is_empty() {
            // One or more new children has been added, or much content has
            // changed, or we've made a mistake: Attach new children.
            websys_bridge::attach(child_new, &old_el_ws);
        } else {

            // We still have old children to pick a match from. If we pick
            // incorrectly, or there is no "good" match, we'll have some
            // patching and/or attaching (rendering) to do in subsequent recursions.
            let mut scores: Vec<(u32, f32)> = avail_old_children.iter()
                .map(|c| (, match_score(c, child_new))).collect();

            // should put highest score at the end.
            scores.sort_by(|b, a| b.1.partial_cmp(&a.1).unwrap());

            // Sorting children vice picking the best one makes this easier to handle
            // without irking the borrow checker, despite appearing less counter-intuitive,
            // due to the convenient pop method.
            avail_old_children.sort_by(|b, a| {
                scores.iter().find(|s| s.0 ==
                    &scores.iter().find(|s| s.0 ==

            let mut best_match = avail_old_children.pop().expect("Probably popping");

            patch(document, &mut best_match, child_new, &old_el_ws); // todo old vs new for par

    // Now purge any existing children; they're not part of the new model.
    for child in avail_old_children {
        let child_el_ws = child.el_ws.take().expect("Missing child el_ws");
        old_el_ws.remove_child(&child_el_ws).expect("Problem removing child");

    new.el_ws = Some(old_el_ws);

/// Compare two elements. Rank based on how similar they are, using subjective criteria.
fn match_score<Ms: Clone>(old: &El<Ms>, new: &El<Ms>) -> f32 {
    // children_to_eval is the number of children to look at on each nest level.
//    let children_to_eval = 3;
    // Don't weight children as heavily as the parent. This effect acculates the further down we go.
//    let child_score_significance = 0.6;

    let mut score = 0.;

    // Tags are not likely to change! Good indicator of it being the wrong element.
    if old.tag == new.tag { score += 0.3 } else { score -= 0.3 };
    // Attrs are not likely to change.
    // todo: Compare attrs more directly.
    if old.attrs == new.attrs { score += 0.15 } else { score -= 0.15 };
    // Style is likely to change.
    if == { score += 0.05 } else { score -= 0.05 };
    // Text is likely to change, but may still be a good indicator.
    if old.text == new.text { score += 0.05 } else { score -= 0.05 };

    // For children length, don't do it based on the difference, since children that actually change in
    // len may have very large changes. But having identical length is a sanity check.
    if old.children.len() == new.children.len() {
        score += 0.1
//    } else if (old.children.len() as i16 - new.children.len() as i16).abs() == 1 {
//        // Perhaps we've added or removed a child.
//        score += 0.05  // todo non-even transaction
    } else { score -= 0.1 }
    // Same id implies it may have been added in the same order.
    if"Missing id") =="Missing id") { score += 0.15 } else { score -= 0.15 };

    // For now, just look at the first child: Easier to code, and still helps.
    // Doing indefinite recursion of first child for now. Weight each child
    // subsequently-less.  This is effective for some common HTML patterns.
//    for posit in 0..children_to_eval {
//        if let Some(child_old) = &old.children.get(posit) {
//            if let Some(child_new) = &old.children.get(posit) {
//                score += child_score_significance * match_score(child_old, child_new);
//            }
//        }
//    }


pub mod tests {
    use super::*;

    use crate as seed;  // required for macros to work.
    use crate::dom_types::{UpdateListener, UpdateEl};

    fn make_doc() -> web_sys::Document {
        let window = web_sys::window().unwrap();

    enum Msg {}

    fn el_added() {
        // todo macros not working here.
        let old_vdom: El<Msg> = div![ "text", vec![
            li![ "child1" ],
        ] ];

        let new_vdom: El<Msg> = div![ "text", vec![
            li![ "child1" ],
            li![ "child2" ]
        ] ];

        let doc = make_doc();
        let old_ws = doc.create_element("div").unwrap();
        let new_ws = doc.create_element("div").unwrap();

        let child1 = doc.create_element("li").unwrap();
        let child2 = doc.create_element("li").unwrap();
        // todo make this match how you're setting text_content, eg could
        // todo be adding a text node.


//        let patched = patch();

        assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);