sdl2 0.30.0-beta

SDL2 bindings for Rust
In this file will be listed the changes, especially the breaking ones that one should be careful of
when upgrading from a version of rust-sdl2 to another.

### v0.30

[PR #632](

The path of soundness isn't an easy one; sometimes ease of use has to be sacrificed
for soundness and safety! This change is a breaking change, and a **huge** one at that.

**You will probably have to refactor some parts of your code**, but this is the price to
pay for soundness and runtime safety.

**Breaking Changes:**

* `Renderer` has been renamed and split into `Canvas` and `TextureCreator`.
* `Canvas` can store a `Surface` or a `Window`, and can be used to render into these as well.
`TextureCreator` creates `Texture`s and is used by Texture to make sure they don't live
longer than expected.
* `set_render_target` has been removed and has been replaced with `Canvas::with_target`.
* Deleted `WindowRef`, it wasn't useful anymore.

Other Changes:

* Added `PixelFormatEnum::supports_alpha(&self) -> bool` method.
* A single Game Of Life example has been added to show the basic capabilities of the new `Canvas`
and `TextureCreator` structs, as well as adding a very basic game to show how to handle input / game
changes in a basic game.

You won't have to worry about what target your `Renderer` has at runtime anymore, everything
is done at compile time now !

[PR #628](

* Changed signature of `Surface::fill_rects` ([old] | [new]
* Changed various `Option<T>` parameters  into `Into<Option<T>>` parameters. For instance, it is now possible to do this:

surface.blit(None,Rect::new(5,5,5,5)); // instead of surface.blit(None,Some(Rect::new(5,5,5,5)));

[PR #639](

* Added hint-specific functions to `sdl2::hint`

sdl2::hint::set_video_minimize_on_focus_lost(bool) -> bool;
sdl2::hint::set_video_minimize_on_focus_lost_with_priority(bool, sdl2::hint::Hint) -> bool;
sdl2::hint::get_video_minimize_on_focus_lost() -> bool;

[PR #629](

* **Breaking Change: Changed Color to be a struct rather than an enum.**
* Takes less space, easier to use, old constructors are still available.
* Matching is no longer necessary to read the component values.
* Struct rather than variant construction is required in static initializers.

let color = Color { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 };
let color = Color::RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255);
let color = Color::RGB(255, 0, 0);
let (r, g, b) = color.rgb();
let (r, g, b, a) = color.rgba();

[PR #651](

* **VideoSystem::display_name** now returns a `Result<String, String>` instead of a `String`.
* This prevents a segfault when the requested display index is out of bounds

[commit e9681a0fe](

* `window.surface()` has been changed and is now more intuitive to use.
* The example in `examples/` shows how to use this feature.

[PR #635](

* **Depprecated `Rect::contains`**, added `Rect::contains_point` and `Rect::contains_rect`. **`contains` and `contains_point` are close but different ! See [here]**