sdl2 0.30.0-beta

SDL2 bindings for Rust
# Rust-SDL2 [![Build Status][trav-ci-img]][trav-ci] [![ badge][crates-io-badge]][crates-io-url]

Bindings for SDL2 in Rust

# Overview

Rust-SDL2 is a library for talking to the new SDL2.0 libraries from Rust.
Low-level C components are wrapped in Rust code to make them more idiomatic and
abstract away inappropriate manual memory management.

Rust-SDL2 uses the MIT license.

If you want a library compatible with earlier versions of SDL, please see

# Documentation

* [master documentation]
* [ documentation]

# Requirements

## Rust

We currently target the latest stable release of Rust.

## *SDL2.0 development libraries*
### Linux
Install these through your favourite package management tool, or via

Ubuntu example:
> sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev

Fedora example:
> sudo dnf install SDL2-devel

You might also need a C compiler (`gcc`).

### Mac OS X
#### If you are using homebrew
On OSX, it's a good idea to install these via

> brew install sdl2

Then add the following to your `~/.bash_profile` if not already present.

> export LIBRARY\_PATH="$LIBRARY\_PATH:/usr/local/lib"

##### Otherwise if you are using macports
You can also get sdl2 via `macports`.

> sudo port install libsdl2

Then add the following to your `~/.bash_profile` if not already present.

> export LIBRARY\_PATH="$LIBRARY\_PATH:/opt/local/lib/"

If you're having issues with either homebrew or macports, [see here][pdev-issue].

#### If you are using the SDL2 framework

You can download and install the SDL2 Mac OS X framework from:

To make the `sdl2` crate link with the SDL2 framework, you will need to enable
the `use_mac_framework` feature.  To build and test the `sdl2` crate with this
feature, use:

> cargo test --features use\_mac\_framework

To depend on the `sdl2` crate with this feature enabled, put the following in
your project's `Cargo.toml` file:

features = ["use_mac_framework"]
version = ...  # Whichever version you are using

Alternatively, you can re-export the feature in your package by putting the
following in your `Cargo.toml` file:

default = []
use_sdl2_mac_framework = ["sdl2/use_mac_framework"]

### Windows with build script

1. Download mingw and msvc development libraries from (SDL2-devel-2.0.x-mingw.tar.gz &
2. Unpack to folders of your choosing (You can delete it afterwards).
3. Create the following folder structure in the same folder as your Cargo.toml:


4. Copy the lib and dll files from the source archive to the directories we created in step 3 like so:
SDL2-devel-2.0.x-mingw.tar.gz\SDL2-2.0.x\i686-w64-mingw32\bin 		-> 	gnu-mingw\dll\32
SDL2-devel-2.0.x-mingw.tar.gz\SDL2-2.0.x\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin 	-> 	gnu-mingw\dll\64
SDL2-devel-2.0.x-mingw.tar.gz\SDL2-2.0.x\i686-w64-mingw32\lib 		-> 	gnu-mingw\lib\32
SDL2-devel-2.0.x-mingw.tar.gz\SDL2-2.0.x\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib 	-> 	gnu-mingw\lib\64\SDL2-2.0.x\lib\x86\*.dll	 		-> 	msvc\dll\32\SDL2-2.0.x\lib\x64\*.dll 			-> 	msvc\dll\64\SDL2-2.0.x\lib\x86\*.lib	 		-> 	msvc\lib\32\SDL2-2.0.x\lib\x64\*.lib	 		-> 	msvc\lib\64

5. Create a build script, if you don't already have one put this in your Cargo.toml under `[package]`:
> build = ""

6. Create a file in the same directory as Cargo.toml called (if you didn't already have a build script) and paste this into it:

use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
    let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
    if target.contains("pc-windows") {
        let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
        let mut lib_dir = manifest_dir.clone();
        let mut dll_dir = manifest_dir.clone();
        if target.contains("msvc") {
        else {
        if target.contains("x86_64") {
        else {
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=all={}", lib_dir.display());
        for entry in std::fs::read_dir(dll_dir).expect("Can't read DLL dir")  {
            let entry_path = entry.expect("Invalid fs entry").path();
            let file_name_result = entry_path.file_name();
            let mut new_file_path = manifest_dir.clone();
            if let Some(file_name) = file_name_result {
                let file_name = file_name.to_str().unwrap();
                if file_name.ends_with(".dll") {
                    std::fs::copy(&entry_path, new_file_path.as_path()).expect("Can't copy from DLL dir");

7. On build the build script will copy the needed DLLs into the same directory as your Cargo.toml, you probably don't want to commit these to any Git repositories though so add the following line to your .gitignore file


8. When you're shipping your game make sure to copy the corresponding SDL2.dll to the same directory that your compiled exe is in, otherwise the game won't launch.

And now your project should build and run on any Windows computer!

### Windows (MinGW)

1. Download mingw development libraries from (SDL2-devel-2.0.x-mingw.tar.gz).
2. Unpack to a folder of your choosing (You can delete it afterwards).
3. Copy all lib files from
    > SDL2-devel-2.0.x-mingw\SDL2-2.0.x\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib

    to (for Rust 1.6 and above)
    > C:\Program Files\Rust\\**lib**\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-gnu\lib

    or to (for Rust versions 1.5 and below)
    > C:\Program Files\Rust\\**bin**\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-gnu\lib

    or to your library folder of choice, and ensure you have a system environment variable of
    > LIBRARY_PATH = C:\your\rust\library\folder

	For Rustup users, this folder will be in
	> C:\Users\\{Your Username}\.multirust\toolchains\\{current toolchain}\lib\rustlib\\{current toolchain}\lib

  Where current toolchain is likely `stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu`.

4. Copy SDL2.dll from
    > SDL2-devel-2.0.x-mingw\SDL2-2.0.x\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin

    into your cargo project, right next to your Cargo.toml.

5. When you're shipping your game make sure to copy SDL2.dll to the same directory that your compiled exe is in, otherwise the game won't launch.

### Windows (MSVC)

1. Download MSVC development libraries from (
2. Unpack to a folder of your choosing (You can delete it afterwards).
3. Copy all lib files from
    > SDL2-devel-2.0.x-VC\SDL2-2.0.x\lib\x64\

    to (for Rust 1.6 and above)
    > C:\Program Files\Rust\\**lib**\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib

    or to (for Rust versions 1.5 and below)
    > C:\Program Files\Rust\\**bin**\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib

    or to your library folder of choice, and ensure you have a system environment variable of
    > LIB = C:\your\rust\library\folder

	For Rustup users, this folder will be in
	> C:\Users\\{Your Username}\.multirust\toolchains\\{current toolchain}\lib\rustlib\\{current toolchain}\lib

  Where current toolchain is likely `stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc`.

4. Copy SDL2.dll from
    > SDL2-devel-2.0.x-VC\SDL2-2.0.x\lib\x64\

    into your cargo project, right next to your Cargo.toml.

 5. When you're shipping your game make sure to copy SDL2.dll to the same directory that your compiled exe is in, otherwise the game won't launch.

# Installation

If you're using [cargo][crates] to manage your project, you can
download through

    sdl2 = "0.29" 
    sdl2 = "0.30.0-beta" # beta version

Alternatively, pull it from GitHub to obtain the latest version from master

    git = ""

Otherwise, clone this repo and run [cargo][crates]

cargo build

You can enable features such as ttf, image, gfx and mixer by
adding this instead:

    version = "0.29" # or "0.30.0-beta" for the beta version
    default-features = false
    features = ["ttf","image","gfx","mixer"]

Those features need their respective libraries, which
can be found at these locations : (the install process
is the same as SDL2)

* [image, ttf, mixer]
* [gfx]

## What about sdl2\_net ?

As of now, sdl2\_net is meaningless compared to what other crates
such as `serde` and `bincode` can offer.
We highly recommend using those to develop anything UDP or TCP
related (along with futures or TCP/UDP from the standard library).

If you still want an implementation of sdl2\_net, you can try to
add it in this repo as a feature via a Pull Request. A somewhat
outdated version of this binding can be found

# Demo

We have several simple example projects included:

> cargo run --example demo

You can see the full list in the `examples/` folder

# OpenGL

If you want to use OpenGL, you also need the
[gl-rs][gl-rs] package. If you're using
[cargo][crates], just add these lines to your Cargo.toml:

    git = ""

Then you need to add this initialization code to establish the

let sdl_context = sdl2::init().unwrap();
let video_subsystem =;

gl::load_with(|name| video_subsystem.gl_get_proc_address(name) as *const _);

Note that these bindings are very raw, and many of the calls will require
unsafe blocks.

# When things go wrong
Rust, and Rust-SDL2, are both still heavily in development, and you may run
into teething issues when using this. Before panicking, check that you're using
the latest version of both Rust and Cargo, check that you've updated Rust-SDL2
to the latest version, and run `cargo clean`. If that fails, please let us know
on the issue tracker.

# Contributing

Any Pull Request is welcome, however small your contribution may be ! There are, however, conditions to contribute:

* New features must be properly documented, be it via examples or inline documentation (via `cargo doc`). Documentation must be for the end user as well as your next fellow contributor.
* Breaking changes must have a proper argumentation with it. While the pre-1.0 state of this crate allows us to be somewha unstable, **useless breaking changes will be denied**.
* Minor changes, breaking changes and new features added via Pull Request must be added in the [changelog][changelog] file. It is now **mandatory** to log your changes in the changelog. A short description with a link to your commit/pull request within GitHub is fine. Internal, documentation or meta-changes (travis build change, README instructions updates, ...) don't have to be added in the changelog.

[changelog]: ./