scd4x 0.1.0

Rust driver for the Sensirion SCD4x series. Carbon Dioxide / Temperature / Humidity sensors.

Sensirion I2C SCD4x Driver

This library provides an embedded no_std driver for the Sensirion SCD4x series. This driver was built using embedded-hal traits. The implementaion are based on embedded-i2c-scd4x and sgpc3-rs.

Sensirion SCD4x

The SCD4x is a miniature carbon dioxide sensor. It also measure temperature and relative humidity.

Further information: Datasheet CO2 Sensor SCD4x


See an example using linux-embedded-hal in examples/

cargo run --example linux

Development Status

The driver is in an early development state. It allows you to:

  • Get the serial number.
  • Read the measurement output.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.