is a directory iteration module like os.walk()
, but with more features and higher speed. Depending on the function call
it yields a list of paths, tuple of lists grouped by their entry type or DirEntry
objects that include file type and stat information along
with the name. Using scandir_rs
is about 2-17 times faster than os.walk()
(depending on the platform, file system and file tree structure)
by parallelizing the iteration in background.
If you are just interested in directory statistics you can use the Count
contains following classes:
for determining statistics of a directory.Walk
for getting names of directory entries.Scandir
for getting detailed stats of directory entries.
For the API see:
- Class
doc/ - Class
doc/ - Class
For building this wheel from source you need the tool maturin
Install maturin
IMPORTANT: In order to build this project at least Rust version 1.61 is needed!
Build wheel (not on Windows):
Build wheel on Windows:
will build the wheels for all Python versions installed on your system.
Building and running tests for different Python versions
To make it easier to build wheels for several different Python versions the script
has been added.
It creates wheels for Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11. In addition it runs pytest
after successfull creation of each wheel.
Instruction how to install pyenv
can be found here.
Get statistics of a directory:
The collect
method releases the GIL. So other Python threads can run in parallel.
The same, but asynchronously in background using a class instance:
= )
) # Start scanning the directory
= # Returns the current statistics. Can be read at any time
# Check if the task is still running.
# If you want to cancel the task
# Wait for the instance to finish.
and with a context manager:
# Do something
# Do something
with extended data:
# Do something
# entry is a custom DirEntry object
In the below table the line Walk.iter returns comparable results to os.walk.
Linux with Ryzen 5 2400G and SSD
Directory /usr with
- 110171 directories
- 862634 files
- 47804 symlinks
- 12275 hardlinks
- 12 devices
- 0 pipes
- 32.7GB size and 34.8GB usage on disk
Time [s] | Method |
3.450 | os.walk (Python 3.10) |
6.021 | scantree (Python 3.10) |
1.186 | Count.collect |
1.416 | Count(ReturnType=Ext).collect |
1.089 | Walk.iter |
1.350 | Walk.collect |
1.336 | Walk(ReturnType=Ext).collect |
2.232 | Scandir.collect |
1.839 | Scandir.iter |
2.437 | Scandir(ReturnType=Ext).collect |
Around ~3 times faster on Linux (os.walk compared to Walk.iter).
Windows 10 with Laptop Core i7-4810MQ @ 2.8GHz Laptop, MTF SSD
Directory C:\Windows with
- 132604 directories
- 349911 files
- 44.4GB size and 45.2GB usage on disk
Time [s] | Method |
21.779 | os.walk (Python 3.10) |
13.085 | scantree (Python 3.10) |
3.257 | Count.collect |
16.605 | Count(ReturnType=Ext).collect |
4.102 | Walk.iter |
4.056 | Walk.collect |
4.190 | Walk(ReturnType=Ext).collect |
3.993 | Scandir.collect |
8.921 | Scandir.iter |
17.616 | Scandir(ReturnType=Ext).collect |
Around ~5.3 times faster on Windows 10 (os.walk compared to Walk.iter).
Directory linux-5.9 with
- 4711 directories
- 69973 files
- 1.08GB size and 1.23GB usage on disk
Time [s] | Method |
0.411 | os.walk (Python 3.10) |
1.203 | os.walk (stat) |
0.218 | scandir.Count() |
0.278 | scandir.Count(return_type=ReturnType.Ext).collect() |
0.227 | scandir_rs.Walk().collect() |
0.164 | scandir.Walk(return_type=scandir.ReturnType.Ext) (iter) |
0.204 | scandir.Walk(return_type=scandir.ReturnType.Ext) (collect) |
0.350 | scandir.Scandir(return_type=ReturnType.Base).collect() |
0.426 | scandir.Scandir(return_type=ReturnType.Ext).collect() |
Around ~2.5 times faster on Linux (os.walk compared to Walk.iter).
Time [s] | Method |
1.998 | os.walk (Python 3.10) |
14.875 | os.walk (stat) |
0.278 | scandir.Count() |
2.114 | scandir.Count(return_type=ReturnType.Ext).collect() |
0.464 | scandir_rs.Walk().collect() |
0.313 | scandir.Walk(return_type=scandir.ReturnType.Ext) (iter) |
0.455 | scandir.Walk(return_type=scandir.ReturnType.Ext) (collect) |
0.624 | scandir.Scandir(return_type=ReturnType.Base).collect() |
2.409 | scandir.Scandir(return_type=ReturnType.Ext).collect() |
Around ~6.4 times faster on Windows 10 (os.walk compared to Walk.iter).