sample 0.10.0

A crate providing the fundamentals for working with audio PCM DSP.
//! Module for windowing over a batch of Frames. Includes default Hanning and Rectangle window
//! types.

use {FloatSample, Sample};
use core;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use frame::Frame;
use signal::{self, Signal};

/// The window function used within a `Window`.
pub trait Type {
    /// Returns the amplitude for the given phase, given as some `Sample` type.
    fn at_phase<S: Sample>(phase: S) -> S;

/// A type of window function, also known as teh "raised cosine window".
/// [Wiki entry](
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Hanning;

/// The simplest window type, equivalent to replacing all but *N* values of data sequence by
/// zeroes, making it appear as though the waveform suddenly turns on and off.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Rectangle;

/// A `Signal` type that for every yielded `phase`, yields the amplitude across the `window::Type`
/// for that phase.
pub struct Window<F, W>
    F: Frame,
    W: Type,
    /// Yields phase stepped at a constant rate to be passed to the window function `W`.
    pub phase: signal::Phase<signal::ConstHz>,
    marker: PhantomData<(F, W)>,

/// Takes a long slice of frames and yields `Windowed` chunks of size `bin` once every `hop` frames.
pub struct Windower<'a, F, W>
    F: 'a + Frame,
    W: Type,
    /// The size of each `Windowed` chunk to be yielded.
    pub bin: usize,
    /// The step size over `frames` for the start of each new `Windowed` chunk.
    pub hop: usize,
    /// The beginning of the remaining slice to be yielded by the `Windower`.
    pub frames: &'a [F],
    wttype: PhantomData<W>,

/// An Iterator that multiplies a Signal with a Window.
/// Returns `None` once the `Window` has been exhausted.
pub struct Windowed<S, W>
    S: Signal,
    W: Type,
    signal: S,
    window: Window<<S::Frame as Frame>::Float, W>,

impl Type for Hanning {
    fn at_phase<S: Sample>(phase: S) -> S {
        const PI_2: f64 = core::f64::consts::PI * 2.0;
        let v = phase.to_float_sample().to_sample() * PI_2;
        (0.5 * (1.0 - super::ops::f64::cos(v)))

impl Type for Rectangle {
    fn at_phase<S: Sample>(_phase: S) -> S {
        <S::Float as FloatSample>::identity().to_sample::<S>()

impl<F, W> Window<F, W>
    F: Frame,
    W: Type,
    /// Construct a new `Window` with the given length as a number of frames.
    pub fn new(len: usize) -> Self {
        let step = signal::rate(len as f64 - 1.0).const_hz(1.0);
        Window {
            phase: signal::phase(step),
            marker: PhantomData,

impl<'a, F, W> Windower<'a, F, W>
    F: 'a + Frame,
    W: Type,
    /// Constructor for a new `Windower` iterator.
    pub fn new(frames: &'a [F], bin: usize, hop: usize) -> Self {
        Windower {
            bin: bin,
            hop: hop,
            frames: frames,
            wttype: PhantomData,

impl<'a, F> Windower<'a, F, Rectangle>
    F: 'a + Frame,
    /// Constructor for a `Windower` using the `Rectangle` window function.
    pub fn rectangle(frames: &'a [F], bin: usize, hop: usize) -> Self {
        Windower::new(frames, bin, hop)

impl<'a, F> Windower<'a, F, Hanning>
    F: 'a + Frame,
    /// Constructor for a `Windower` using the `Hanning` window function.
    pub fn hanning(frames: &'a [F], bin: usize, hop: usize) -> Self {
        Windower::new(frames, bin, hop)

impl<F, W> Iterator for Window<F, W>
    F: Frame,
    W: Type,
    type Item = F;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let v = W::at_phase(self.phase.next_phase());
        let v_f: <F::Sample as Sample>::Float = v.to_sample();
        Some(F::from_fn(|_| v_f.to_sample::<F::Sample>()))

impl<'a, F, W> Iterator for Windower<'a, F, W>
    F: 'a + Frame,
    W: Type,
    type Item = Windowed<signal::FromIterator<core::iter::Cloned<core::slice::Iter<'a, F>>>, W>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let num_frames = self.frames.len();
        if self.bin <= num_frames {
            let frames = &self.frames[..self.bin];
            let window = Window::new(self.bin);
            self.frames = if self.hop < num_frames {
            } else {
            Some(Windowed {
                signal: signal::from_iter(frames.iter().cloned()),
                window: window,
        } else {

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        let num_frames = self.frames.len();
        // Must have at least `bin` number of frames left to iterate at all.
        if self.bin < num_frames {
            // If the hop size is 0, we'll iterate forever.
            if self.hop == 0 {
                return (core::usize::MAX, None);
            // Otherwise we can determine exactly how many iterations remain.
            let remaining_hop_frames = self.frames.len() - self.bin;
            let remaining_iterations = remaining_hop_frames / self.hop;
            (remaining_iterations, Some(remaining_iterations))
        } else {
            (0, Some(0))

impl<S, W> Iterator for Windowed<S, W>
    S: Signal,
    W: Type,
    type Item = S::Frame;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|w_f| {
            let s_f =;

/// A helper function for constructing a `Window` that uses a `Hanning` `Type` function.
pub fn hanning<F>(num_frames: usize) -> Window<F, Hanning>
    F: Frame,

/// A helper function for constructing a `Window` that uses a `Rectangle` `Type` function.
pub fn rectangle<F>(num_frames: usize) -> Window<F, Rectangle>
    F: Frame,