safe_network 0.58.13

The Safe Network Core. API message definitions, routing and nodes, client core api.
// Copyright 2022 limited.
// This SAFE Network Software is licensed to you under The General Public License (GPL), version 3.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the SAFE Network Software distributed
// under the GPL Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY
// KIND, either express or implied. Please review the Licences for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations relating to use of the SAFE Network Software.

use eyre::Result;
use safe_network::client::{utils::test_utils::read_network_conn_info, Client, ClientConfig};
use sn_interface::types::{utils::random_bytes, Scope};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::sleep;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {

    println!("Reading network bootstrap information...");
    let (genesis_key, bootstrap_nodes) = read_network_conn_info()?;

    println!("Creating a Client to connect to {:?}", bootstrap_nodes);
        "Network's genesis key: {}",
    let config = ClientConfig::new(None, None, genesis_key, None, None, None, None).await;
    let client = Client::new(config, bootstrap_nodes, None).await?;

    let pk = client.public_key();
    println!("Client Public Key: {}", pk);

    let bytes = random_bytes(self_encryption::MIN_ENCRYPTABLE_BYTES);
    println!("Storing {} bytes..", bytes.len());

    let address = client.upload(bytes, Scope::Public).await?;
    println!("Bytes stored at address: {:?}", address);

    let delay = 5;
    println!("Reading bytes from the network in {} secs...", delay);

    println!("...reading bytes from the network now...");
    let _bytes = client.read_bytes(address).await?;
    println!("Bytes read from {:?}", address);

