safe-regex-compiler 0.2.5

Regex compiler for the safe-regex crate
//! [![ version](](
//! [![license: Apache 2.0](](
//! [![unsafe forbidden](](
//! [![pipeline status](](
//! A regular expression compiler.
//! If you want to use regular expressions in your software, use the
//! [`safe_regex`]( crate.
//! # Cargo Geiger Safety Report
//! # Changelog
//! See [`safe_regex`]( create.
//! # Release Process
//! 1. Edit `Cargo.toml` and bump version number.
//! 1. Run `../`
use crate::generator::generate;
use safe_proc_macro2::{TokenStream, TokenTree};

pub mod generator;
pub mod parser;

macro_rules! dprintln {
    // ($($args:tt)+) => { println!( $($args)+ ) };
    ($($args:tt)+) => {};

/// Converts the bytes into an ASCII string.
pub fn escape_ascii(input: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> String {
    let mut result = String::new();
    for byte in input.as_ref() {
        for ascii_byte in core::ascii::escape_default(*byte) {

/// Implements the `regex!` macro.
/// # Errors
/// Returns `Err(String)` with a human-readable description of the problem.
pub fn impl_regex(stream: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream, String> {
    // Ident { sym: regex }
    // Punct { char: '!', spacing: Alone }
    // Group {
    //   delimiter: Parenthesis,
    //   stream: TokenStream [
    //     Literal { lit: br"a" }
    //   ]
    // }
    const ERR: &str = "expected a raw byte string, like br\"abc\"";
        "impl_regex {:?}",
            .map(|tree| format!("{:?} ", tree))
    let mut stream_iter = stream.into_iter();
    let literal = match {
        Some(TokenTree::Literal(literal)) => literal,
        _ => return Err(ERR.to_string()),
    if {
        return Err(ERR.to_string());

    // The compiler already parsed the literal, but does not expose its fields.
    // So we convert the literal to a string and parse it ourselves.
    let literal_string = literal.to_string();
    // println!("compiling safe_regex::regex!({})", literal_string);
    let raw_byte_string = literal_string
        .ok_or_else(|| ERR.to_string())?
        // Compiler guarantees that strings are closed.
    // The compiler guarantees that a literal byte string contains only ASCII.
    // > regex!(br"€"); // error: raw byte string must be ASCII
    // Therefore, we can slice the string at any byte offset.
    let final_node = crate::parser::parse(raw_byte_string.as_bytes())?;