s3handler 0.5.3

An s3 handler for s3rs s3fs
//! Initilize S3 handler to manipulate objects and buckets
//! ```
//! let config = s3handler::CredentialConfig{
//!     host: "s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com".to_string(),
//!     access_key: "akey".to_string(),
//!     secret_key: "skey".to_string(),
//!     user: None,
//!     region: None, // default is us-east-1
//!     s3_type: None, // default will try to config as AWS S3 handler
//!     secure: None, // dafault is false, because the integrity protect by HMAC
//! };
//! let mut handler = s3handler::Handler::from(&config);
//! let _ = handler.la();
//! ```
extern crate log;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate colored;
extern crate failure;
extern crate url;

use std::cmp;
use std::convert::From;
use std::fs::{metadata, write, File};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;

use crate::aws::{AWS2Client, AWS4Client};
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::upload_pool::{MultiUploadParameters, UploadRequestPool, BYTE_PERPART};

use mime_guess::from_path;
use quick_xml::events::Event;
use quick_xml::Reader;
use regex::Regex;
use reqwest::{blocking::Response, StatusCode};
use serde_json;
use url::Url;

mod aws;
mod error;
mod upload_pool;

static RESPONSE_CONTENT_FORMAT: &'static str =
static RESPONSE_MARKER_FORMAT: &'static str = r#""NextMarker":"([^"]+?)","#;

/// # The struct for credential config for each S3 cluster
/// - host is a parameter for the server you want to link
///     - it can be s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com or a ip, ex, for a ceph node
/// - user name is not required, because it only show in the prompt of shell
/// - access_key and secret_key are keys to connect to the cluster providing S3
/// - region is a paramter for the S3 cluster location
///     - if region is not specified, it will take default value us-east-1
/// - s3 type is a shortcut to set up auth type, format, url style for aws or ceph
///     - if s3_type is not specified, it will take aws as default value, aws
/// - secure is the request will send via https or not.  The integrity of requests is provided by
/// HMAC, and the https requests can provid the confidentiality.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
pub struct CredentialConfig {
    pub host: String,
    pub user: Option<String>,
    pub access_key: String,
    pub secret_key: String,
    pub region: Option<String>,
    pub s3_type: Option<String>,
    pub secure: Option<bool>,

/// # The signature type of Authentication
/// AWS2, AWS4 represent for AWS signature v2 and AWS signature v4
/// The v2 and v4 signature are both supported by CEPH.
/// Generally, AWS support v4 signature, and only limited support v2 signature.
/// following AWS region support v2 signature before June 24, 2019
/// - US East (N. Virginia) Region
/// - US West (N. California) Region
/// - US West (Oregon) Region
/// - EU (Ireland) Region
/// - Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region
/// - Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region
/// - Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region
/// - South America (So Paulo) Region
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum AuthType {

/// # The response format
/// AWS only support XML format (default)
/// CEPH support JSON and XML
pub enum Format {

/// # The request URL style
/// CEPH support JSON and XML
pub enum UrlStyle {

/// # The trait for S3Client
/// - handle a valid request
pub(crate) trait S3Client {
    fn request(
        method: &str,
        host: &str,
        uri: &str,

        // TODO: refact these into HashMap and break api
        query_strings: &mut Vec<(&str, &str)>,
        headers: &mut Vec<(&str, &str)>,

        payload: &Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<(StatusCode, Vec<u8>, reqwest::header::HeaderMap), Error>;

    fn redirect_parser(&self, body: Vec<u8>, format: Format) -> Result<String, Error>;
    fn update(&mut self, region: String, secure: bool);
    fn current_region(&self) -> Option<String>;

/// # The struct for generate the request
/// - host is a parameter for the server you want to link
///     - it can be s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com or a ip, ex, for a ceph node
/// - auth_type specify the signature version of S3
/// - format specify the s3 response from server
/// - url_style specify the s3 request url style
/// - region is a paramter for the S3 cluster location
///     - if region is not specified, it will take default value us-east-1
/// - handle redirect
/// It can be init from the config structure, for example:
/// ```
/// let config = s3handler::CredentialConfig{
///     host: "s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com".to_string(),
///     access_key: "akey".to_string(),
///     secret_key: "skey".to_string(),
///     user: None,
///     region: None, // default is us-east-1
///     s3_type: None, // default will try to config as AWS S3 handler
///     secure: None, // dafault is false, because the integrity protect by HMAC
/// };
/// let mut handler = s3handler::Handler::from(&config);
/// ```
pub struct Handler<'a> {
    pub access_key: &'a str,
    pub secret_key: &'a str,
    pub host: &'a str,

    s3_client: Box<dyn S3Client + 'a>,
    pub auth_type: AuthType,
    pub format: Format,
    pub url_style: UrlStyle,
    pub region: Option<String>,

    // redirect related paramters
    domain_name: String,

    // https for switch s3_client
    secure: bool,

/// # Flexible S3 format parser
/// - bucket - the objeck belonge to which
/// - key - the object key
/// - mtime - the last modified time
/// - etag - the etag calculated by server (MD5 in general)
/// - storage_class - the storage class of this object
/// ```
/// use s3handler::{S3Object, S3Convert};
/// let s3_object = S3Object::from("s3://bucket/objeckt_key".to_string());
/// assert_eq!(s3_object.bucket, Some("bucket".to_string()));
/// assert_eq!(s3_object.key, Some("/objeckt_key".to_string()));
/// assert_eq!("s3://bucket/objeckt_key".to_string(), String::from(s3_object));
/// let s3_object: S3Object = S3Object::from("S3://bucket/objeckt_key".to_string());
/// assert_eq!("s3://bucket/objeckt_key".to_string(), String::from(s3_object));
/// let s3_object: S3Object = S3Object::from("/bucket/objeckt_key".to_string());
/// assert_eq!("s3://bucket/objeckt_key".to_string(), String::from(s3_object));
/// let s3_object: S3Object = S3Object::from("bucket/objeckt_key".to_string());
/// assert_eq!("s3://bucket/objeckt_key".to_string(), String::from(s3_object));
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct S3Object {
    pub bucket: Option<String>,
    pub key: Option<String>,
    pub mtime: Option<String>,
    pub etag: Option<String>,
    pub storage_class: Option<String>,

impl From<String> for S3Object {
    fn from(s3_path: String) -> Self {
        if s3_path.starts_with("s3://") || s3_path.starts_with("S3://") {
            let url_parser = Url::parse(&s3_path).unwrap();
            let bucket = match url_parser.host_str() {
                Some(h) if h != "" => Some(h.to_string()),
                _ => None,
            match url_parser.path() {
                "/" | "" => S3Object {
                    key: None,
                    mtime: None,
                    etag: None,
                    storage_class: None,
                _ => S3Object {
                    key: Some(url_parser.path().to_string()),
                    mtime: None,
                    etag: None,
                    storage_class: None,
        } else {

impl From<S3Object> for String {
    fn from(s3_object: S3Object) -> Self {
        match s3_object.bucket {
            Some(b) => match s3_object.key {
                Some(k) => format!("s3://{}{}", b, k),
                None => format!("s3://{}", b),
            None => format!("s3://"),

pub trait S3Convert {
    fn virtural_host_style_links(&self, host: String) -> (String, String);
    fn path_style_links(&self, host: String) -> (String, String);
    fn new_from_uri(path: String) -> Self;
    fn new(
        bucket: Option<String>,
        key: Option<String>,
        mtime: Option<String>,
        etag: Option<String>,
        storage_class: Option<String>,
    ) -> Self;

impl S3Convert for S3Object {
    fn virtural_host_style_links(&self, host: String) -> (String, String) {
        match self.bucket.clone() {
            Some(b) => (
                format!("{}.{}", b, host),
            None => (host, "/".to_string()),
    fn path_style_links(&self, host: String) -> (String, String) {
        match self.bucket.clone() {
            Some(b) => (
                format!("/{}{}", b, self.key.clone().unwrap_or("/".to_string())),
            None => (host, "/".to_string()),
    fn new_from_uri(uri: String) -> S3Object {
        let re = Regex::new(r#"/?(?P<bucket>[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]+)(?P<object>[A-Za-z0-9\-\._/]*)\s*"#)
        let caps = re.captures(&uri).expect("S3 object uri format error.");
        if &caps["object"] == "" || &caps["object"] == "/" {
            S3Object {
                bucket: Some(caps["bucket"].to_string()),
                key: None,
                mtime: None,
                etag: None,
                storage_class: None,
        } else {
            S3Object {
                bucket: Some(caps["bucket"].to_string()),
                key: Some(caps["object"].to_string()),
                mtime: None,
                etag: None,
                storage_class: None,
    fn new(
        bucket: Option<String>,
        object: Option<String>,
        mtime: Option<String>,
        etag: Option<String>,
        storage_class: Option<String>,
    ) -> S3Object {
        let key = match object {
            None => None,
            Some(b) => {
                if b.starts_with("/") {
                } else {
                    Some(format!("/{}", b))

        S3Object {

trait ResponseHandler {
    fn handle_response(&mut self) -> (StatusCode, Vec<u8>, reqwest::header::HeaderMap);

impl ResponseHandler for Response {
    fn handle_response(&mut self) -> (StatusCode, Vec<u8>, reqwest::header::HeaderMap) {
        let body: Vec<u8> = self.bytes().map(|b| b.unwrap_or_default()).collect();
        if self.status().is_success() || self.status().is_redirection() {
            info!("Status: {}", self.status());
            info!("Headers:\n{:?}", self.headers());
        } else {
            error!("Status: {}", self.status());
            error!("Headers:\n{:?}", self.headers());
        (self.status(), body, self.headers().clone())

impl Handler<'_> {
    fn request(
        &mut self,
        method: &str,
        s3_object: &S3Object,
        qs: &Vec<(&str, &str)>,
        headers: &mut Vec<(&str, &str)>,
        payload: &Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, reqwest::header::HeaderMap), Error> {
        let mut query_strings = vec![];
        match self.format {
            Format::JSON => query_strings.push(("format", "json")),
            _ => {}

        let (request_host, uri) = match self.url_style {
            UrlStyle::HOST => s3_object.virtural_host_style_links(self.domain_name.to_string()),
            UrlStyle::PATH => s3_object.path_style_links(self.domain_name.to_string()),

        debug!("method: {}", method);
        debug!("request_host: {}", request_host);
        debug!("uri: {}", uri);

        let (status_code, body, response_headers) = self.s3_client.request(
            &mut query_strings,
        match status_code.is_redirection() {
            true => {
                self.region = Some(
                // TODO: This should be better
                // Change the region and request once
                let origin_region = self.s3_client.current_region();
                    .update(self.region.clone().unwrap(), self.secure);
                let (_status_code, body, response_headers) = self.s3_client.request(
                    &self.s3_client.redirect_parser(body, self.format.clone())?,
                    &mut query_strings,
                self.s3_client.update(origin_region.unwrap(), self.secure);
                Ok((body, response_headers))
            false => Ok((body, response_headers)),
    fn next_marker_xml_parser(&self, body: &str) -> Option<String> {
        // let result = std::str::from_utf8(body).unwrap_or("");
        let mut reader = Reader::from_str(body);
        let mut in_tag = false;
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        let mut output = "".to_string();
        loop {
            match reader.read_event(&mut buf) {
                Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => match e.name() {
                    b"NextMarker" => in_tag = true,
                    _ => {}
                Ok(Event::End(ref e)) => match e.name() {
                    _ => {}
                Ok(Event::Text(e)) => {
                    if in_tag {
                        output = e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).unwrap();
                Ok(Event::Eof) => break,
                Err(e) => panic!("Error at position {}: {:?}", reader.buffer_position(), e),
                _ => (),
        if output.is_empty() {
        } else {

    fn object_list_xml_parser(&self, body: &str) -> Result<Vec<S3Object>, Error> {
        let mut reader = Reader::from_str(body);
        let mut output = Vec::new();
        let mut in_name_tag = false;
        let mut in_key_tag = false;
        let mut in_mtime_tag = false;
        let mut in_etag_tag = false;
        let mut in_storage_class_tag = false;
        let mut bucket = String::new();
        let mut key = String::new();
        let mut mtime = String::new();
        let mut etag = String::new();
        let mut storage_class = String::new();
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        loop {
            match reader.read_event(&mut buf) {
                Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => match e.name() {
                    b"Name" => in_name_tag = true,
                    b"Key" => in_key_tag = true,
                    b"LastModified" => in_mtime_tag = true,
                    b"ETag" => in_etag_tag = true,
                    b"StorageClass" => in_storage_class_tag = true,
                    _ => {}
                Ok(Event::End(ref e)) => match e.name() {
                    b"Name" => {
                        output.push(S3Convert::new(Some(bucket.clone()), None, None, None, None))
                    b"Contents" => output.push(S3Convert::new(
                        Some(etag[1..etag.len() - 1].to_string()),
                    _ => {}
                Ok(Event::Text(e)) => {
                    if in_key_tag {
                        key = e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).unwrap();
                        in_key_tag = false;
                    if in_mtime_tag {
                        mtime = e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).unwrap();
                        in_mtime_tag = false;
                    if in_etag_tag {
                        etag = e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).unwrap();
                        in_etag_tag = false;
                    if in_storage_class_tag {
                        storage_class = e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).unwrap();
                        in_storage_class_tag = false;
                    if in_name_tag {
                        bucket = e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).unwrap();
                        in_name_tag = false;
                Ok(Event::Eof) => break,
                Err(e) => return Err(Error::XMLParseError(e)),
                _ => (),

    /// List all objects in a bucket
    pub fn la(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<S3Object>, failure::Error> {
        let mut output = Vec::new();
        let content_re = Regex::new(RESPONSE_CONTENT_FORMAT).unwrap();
        let next_marker_re = Regex::new(RESPONSE_MARKER_FORMAT).unwrap();
        let s3_object = S3Object::from("s3://".to_string());
        let res = &self
            .request("GET", &s3_object, &Vec::new(), &mut Vec::new(), &Vec::new())?
        let mut buckets = Vec::new();
        match self.format {
            Format::JSON => {
                let result: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&res).unwrap();
                result[1].as_array().map(|bucket_list| {
                            .map(|b| b["Name"].as_str().unwrap().to_string()),
            Format::XML => {
                        .map(|o| o.bucket.clone().unwrap()),
        for bucket in buckets {
            let s3_object = S3Object::from(format!("s3://{}", bucket));
            let mut next_marker = Some("".to_string());
            while next_marker.is_some() {
                let body = &self
                        &vec![("marker", &next_marker.clone().unwrap())],
                        &mut Vec::new(),

                match self.format {
                    Format::JSON => {
                        next_marker = match next_marker_re
                            Some(c) => Some(c[1].to_string()),
                            None => None,
                                .map(|cap| {
                    Format::XML => {
                        next_marker =

    /// List all bucket of an account or List all object of an bucket
    pub fn ls(&mut self, prefix: Option<&str>) -> Result<Vec<S3Object>, failure::Error> {
        let mut output = Vec::new();
        let mut res: String;
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(prefix.unwrap_or("s3://").to_string());
        let s3_bucket = S3Object::new(s3_object.bucket, None, None, None, None);
        match s3_bucket.bucket.clone() {
            Some(b) => {
                let re = Regex::new(RESPONSE_CONTENT_FORMAT).unwrap();
                let next_marker_re = Regex::new(RESPONSE_MARKER_FORMAT).unwrap();
                let mut next_marker = Some("".to_string());
                while next_marker.is_some() {
                    res = std::str::from_utf8(
                                    ("marker", &next_marker.clone().unwrap()),
                                &mut Vec::new(),
                    match self.format {
                        Format::JSON => {
                            next_marker = match next_marker_re.captures_iter(&res).nth(0) {
                                Some(c) => Some(c[1].to_string()),
                                None => None,
                            output.extend(re.captures_iter(&res).map(|cap| {
                        Format::XML => {
                            next_marker = self.next_marker_xml_parser(&res);
            None => {
                let s3_object = S3Object::from("s3://".to_string());
                let body = &self
                    .request("GET", &s3_object, &Vec::new(), &mut Vec::new(), &Vec::new())?
                match self.format {
                    Format::JSON => {
                        let result: serde_json::Value =
                        result[1].as_array().map(|bucket_list| {
                            output.extend(bucket_list.iter().map(|b| {
                    Format::XML => {

    fn multipart_uplodad(
        &mut self,
        file: &str,
        file_size: u64,
        s3_object: S3Object,
        headers: Vec<(&str, &str)>,
    ) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        let total_part_number = (file_size / BYTE_PERPART + 1) as usize;
        debug!("upload file in {} parts", total_part_number);
        let res = std::str::from_utf8(
                    &vec![("uploads", "")],
                    &mut headers.clone(),
        let mut upload_id = "".to_string();
        match self.format {
            Format::JSON => {
                let re = Regex::new(r#""UploadId":"(?P<upload_id>[^"]+)""#).unwrap();
                let caps = re.captures(&res).expect("Upload ID missing");
                upload_id = caps["upload_id"].to_string();
            Format::XML => {
                let mut reader = Reader::from_str(&res);
                let mut in_tag = false;
                let mut buf = Vec::new();

                loop {
                    match reader.read_event(&mut buf) {
                        Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => {
                            if e.name() == b"UploadId" {
                                in_tag = true;
                        Ok(Event::End(ref e)) => {
                            if e.name() == b"UploadId" {
                                in_tag = false;
                        Ok(Event::Text(e)) => {
                            if in_tag {
                                upload_id = e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).unwrap();
                        Ok(Event::Eof) => break,
                        Err(e) => return Err(Error::XMLParseError(e).into()),
                        _ => (),

        info!("upload id: {}", upload_id);

        let mut part = 0usize;
        let mut fin = File::open(file)?;
        // Once we have retry mechanism in workers, we can make this bigger
        // Magic number, I do not tune on this currently
        let worker_number = cmp::min(10, total_part_number);
            "{} part and {} workers to upload",
            total_part_number, worker_number
        let mut rp = UploadRequestPool::new(
        let (host, uri) = match self.url_style {
            UrlStyle::HOST => s3_object.virtural_host_style_links(self.domain_name.to_string()),
            UrlStyle::PATH => s3_object.path_style_links(self.domain_name.to_string()),
        loop {
            part += 1;

            let mut buffer = [0; BYTE_PERPART as usize];
            let mut tail_buffer = Vec::new();
            if part == total_part_number {
                fin.read_to_end(&mut tail_buffer)?;
            } else {
                fin.read_exact(&mut buffer)?

            if part == total_part_number {
                rp.run(MultiUploadParameters {
                    host: host.clone(),
                    uri: uri.clone(),
                    part_number: part,
                    payload: tail_buffer,
            } else {
                rp.run(MultiUploadParameters {
                    host: host.clone(),
                    uri: uri.clone(),
                    part_number: part,
                    payload: buffer.to_vec().clone(),
            if part as u64 * BYTE_PERPART >= file_size {

        let content = rp.wait()?;
        let _ = self.request(
            &vec![("uploadId", upload_id.as_str())],
            &mut headers.clone(),
        info!("complete multipart");

    /// Upload a file to a S3 bucket
    pub fn put(&mut self, file: &str, dest: &str) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        // TODO: handle XCOPY
        if file == "" || dest == "" {
            return Err(Error::UserError("please specify the file and the destiney").into());

        let mut s3_object = S3Object::from(dest.to_string());

        let mut content: Vec<u8>;

        let gusess_mime = from_path(Path::new(file)).first_raw();
        let mut headers = if let Some(mime) = gusess_mime {
            vec![(reqwest::header::CONTENT_TYPE.as_str(), mime)]
        } else {

        if s3_object.key.is_none() {
            let file_name = Path::new(file).file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy();
            s3_object.key = Some(format!("/{}", file_name));

        if !Path::new(file).exists() && file == "test" {
            // TODO: add time info in the test file
            content = vec![83, 51, 82, 83, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116, 10]; // S3RS test/n
            let _ = self.request(
                &mut vec![(reqwest::header::CONTENT_TYPE.as_str(), "text/plain")],
        } else {
            let file_size = match metadata(Path::new(file)) {
                Ok(m) => m.len(),
                Err(e) => {
                    error!("file meta error: {}", e);

            debug!("upload file size: {}", file_size);
            if file_size > BYTE_PERPART {
                self.multipart_uplodad(file, file_size, s3_object, headers)?;
            } else {
                content = Vec::new();
                let mut fin = File::open(file)?;
                let _ = fin.read_to_end(&mut content);
                let _ = self.request("PUT", &s3_object, &Vec::new(), &mut headers, &content)?;

    /// Download an object from S3 service
    pub fn get(&mut self, src: &str, file: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(src.to_string());
        if s3_object.key.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("Please specific the object").into());

        let fout = match file {
            Some(fname) => fname,
            None => Path::new(src)

            self.request("GET", &s3_object, &Vec::new(), &mut Vec::new(), &Vec::new())?

    /// Show the content and the content type of an object
    pub fn cat(&mut self, src: &str) -> Result<(String, Option<String>), failure::Error> {
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(src.to_string());
        if s3_object.key.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("Please specific the object").into());
        let (output, content_type) = self
            .request("GET", &s3_object, &Vec::new(), &mut Vec::new(), &Vec::new())
            .map(|r| {
                    format!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&r.0).unwrap_or("")),
                        .and_then(|v| std::str::from_utf8(v.as_bytes()).ok())
                        .and_then(|s| Some(s.to_string())),
        Ok((output, content_type))

    /// Delete with header flags for some deletion features
    /// - AWS - delete-marker
    /// - Bigtera - secure-delete
    pub fn del_with_flag(
        &mut self,
        src: &str,
        headers: &mut Vec<(&str, &str)>,
    ) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        debug!("headers: {:?}", headers);
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(src.to_string());
        if s3_object.key.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("Please specific the object").into());
        self.request("DELETE", &s3_object, &Vec::new(), headers, &Vec::new())?;

    /// Delete an object
    pub fn del(&mut self, src: &str) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        self.del_with_flag(src, &mut Vec::new())

    /// Make a new bucket
    pub fn mb(&mut self, bucket: &str) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(bucket.to_string());
        if s3_object.bucket.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("please specific the bucket name").into());
        self.request("PUT", &s3_object, &Vec::new(), &mut Vec::new(), &Vec::new())?;

    /// Remove a bucket
    pub fn rb(&mut self, bucket: &str) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(bucket.to_string());
        if s3_object.bucket.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("please specific the bucket name").into());
            &mut Vec::new(),

    /// list all tags of an object
    pub fn list_tag(&mut self, target: &str) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        let res: String;
        debug!("target: {:?}", target);
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(target.to_string());
        if s3_object.key.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("Please specific the object").into());
        let query_string = vec![("tagging", "")];
        res = std::str::from_utf8(
                    &mut Vec::new(),
        // TODO:
        // parse tagging output when CEPH tagging json format respose bug fixed
        println!("{}", res);

    /// Put a tag on an object
    pub fn add_tag(
        &mut self,
        target: &str,
        tags: &Vec<(&str, &str)>,
    ) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        debug!("target: {:?}", target);
        debug!("tags: {:?}", tags);
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(target.to_string());
        if s3_object.key.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("Please specific the object").into());
        let mut content = format!("<Tagging><TagSet>");
        for tag in tags {
                tag.0, tag.1
        debug!("payload: {:?}", content);

        let query_string = vec![("tagging", "")];
            &mut Vec::new(),

    /// Remove aa tag from an object
    pub fn del_tag(&mut self, target: &str) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        debug!("target: {:?}", target);
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(target.to_string());
        if s3_object.key.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("Please specific the object").into());
        let query_string = vec![("tagging", "")];
            &mut Vec::new(),

    /// Show the usage of a bucket (CEPH only)
    pub fn usage(
        &mut self,
        target: &str,
        options: &Vec<(&str, &str)>,
    ) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        let s3_admin_bucket_object = S3Convert::new_from_uri("/admin/buckets".to_string());
        let s3_object = S3Object::from(target.to_string());
        let mut query_strings = options.clone();
        if s3_object.bucket.is_none() {
            return Err(Error::UserError("S3 format not correct.").into());
        let bucket = s3_object.bucket.unwrap();
        query_strings.push(("bucket", &bucket));
        let result = self.request(
            &mut Vec::new(),
        match self.format {
            Format::JSON => {
                let json: serde_json::Value;
                json = serde_json::from_str(std::str::from_utf8(&result.0).unwrap_or("")).unwrap();
            Format::XML => {
                // TODO:
                // Ceph Ops api may not support xml

    /// Do a GET request for the specific URL
    /// This method is easily to show the configure of S3 not implemented
    pub fn url_command(&mut self, url: &str) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        let s3_object;
        let mut raw_qs = String::new();
        let mut query_strings = Vec::new();
        match url.find('?') {
            Some(idx) => {
                s3_object = S3Object::from(url[..idx].to_string());
                raw_qs.push_str(&String::from_str(&url[idx + 1..]).unwrap());
                for q_pair in raw_qs.split('&') {
                    match q_pair.find('=') {
                        Some(_) => query_strings.push((
                        None => query_strings.push((&q_pair, "")),
            None => {
                s3_object = S3Object::from(url.to_string());

        let result = self.request(
            &mut Vec::new(),
        println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&result.0).unwrap_or(""));
    /// Change S3 type to aws/ceph
    pub fn change_s3_type(&mut self, command: &str) {
        println!("set up s3 type as {}", command);
        if command.ends_with("aws") {
            self.auth_type = AuthType::AWS4;
            self.format = Format::XML;
            self.url_style = UrlStyle::HOST;
            self.s3_client = Box::new(AWS4Client {
                tls: self.secure,
                access_key: self.access_key,
                secret_key: self.secret_key,
                host: self.host,
                region: self.region.clone().unwrap(),
            println!("using aws verion 4 signature, xml format, and host style url");
        } else if command.ends_with("ceph") {
            self.auth_type = AuthType::AWS4;
            self.format = Format::JSON;
            self.url_style = UrlStyle::PATH;
            self.s3_client = Box::new(AWS4Client {
                tls: self.secure,
                access_key: self.access_key,
                secret_key: self.secret_key,
                host: self.host,
                region: self.region.clone().unwrap(),
            println!("using aws verion 4 signature, json format, and path style url");
        } else {
            println!("usage: s3_type [aws/ceph]");

    /// Change signature version to aws2/aws4
    /// CEPH support aws2 and aws4
    /// following AWS region support v2 signature before June 24, 2019
    /// - US East (N. Virginia) Region
    /// - US West (N. California) Region
    /// - US West (Oregon) Region
    /// - EU (Ireland) Region
    /// - Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region
    /// - Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region
    /// - Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region
    /// - South America (So Paulo) Region
    pub fn change_auth_type(&mut self, command: &str) {
        if command.ends_with("aws2") {
            self.auth_type = AuthType::AWS2;
            self.s3_client = Box::new(AWS2Client {
                tls: self.secure,
                access_key: self.access_key,
                secret_key: self.secret_key,
            println!("using aws version 2 signature");
        } else if command.ends_with("aws4") || command.ends_with("aws") {
            self.auth_type = AuthType::AWS4;
            self.s3_client = Box::new(AWS4Client {
                tls: self.secure,
                access_key: self.access_key,
                secret_key: self.secret_key,
                host: self.host,
                region: self.region.clone().unwrap(),
            println!("using aws verion 4 signature");
        } else {
            println!("usage: auth_type [aws4/aws2]");

    /// Change response format to xml/json
    /// CEPH support json and xml
    /// AWS only support xml
    pub fn change_format_type(&mut self, command: &str) {
        if command.ends_with("xml") {
            self.format = Format::XML;
            println!("using xml format");
        } else if command.ends_with("json") {
            self.format = Format::JSON;
            println!("using json format");
        } else {
            println!("usage: format_type [xml/json]");

    /// Change request url style
    pub fn change_url_style(&mut self, command: &str) {
        if command.ends_with("path") {
            self.url_style = UrlStyle::PATH;
            println!("using path style url");
        } else if command.ends_with("host") {
            self.url_style = UrlStyle::HOST;
            println!("using host style url");
        } else {
            println!("usage: url_style [path/host]");

impl<'a> From<&'a CredentialConfig> for Handler<'a> {
    fn from(credential: &'a CredentialConfig) -> Self {
        debug!("host: {}", credential.host);
        debug!("access key: {}", credential.access_key);
        debug!("secret key: {}", credential.secret_key);

        match credential
            "aws" => Handler {
                access_key: &credential.access_key,
                secret_key: &credential.secret_key,
                host: &credential.host,

                s3_client: Box::new(AWS4Client {
                    tls: credential.secure.unwrap_or(false),
                    access_key: &credential.access_key,
                    secret_key: &credential.secret_key,
                    host: &credential.host,
                    region: credential.region.clone().unwrap(),
                auth_type: AuthType::AWS4,
                format: Format::XML,
                url_style: UrlStyle::HOST,
                region: credential.region.clone(),
                secure: credential.secure.unwrap_or(false),
                domain_name: credential.host.to_string(),
            "ceph" => Handler {
                access_key: &credential.access_key,
                secret_key: &credential.secret_key,
                host: &credential.host,

                s3_client: Box::new(AWS4Client {
                    tls: credential.secure.unwrap_or(false),
                    access_key: &credential.access_key,
                    secret_key: &credential.secret_key,
                    host: &credential.host,
                    region: credential.region.clone().unwrap(),
                auth_type: AuthType::AWS4,
                format: Format::JSON,
                url_style: UrlStyle::PATH,
                region: credential.region.clone(),
                secure: credential.secure.unwrap_or(false),
                domain_name: credential.host.to_string(),
            _ => Handler {
                access_key: &credential.access_key,
                secret_key: &credential.secret_key,
                host: &credential.host,
                auth_type: AuthType::AWS4,
                format: Format::XML,
                url_style: UrlStyle::PATH,
                region: credential.region.clone(),
                secure: credential.secure.unwrap_or(false),
                domain_name: credential.host.to_string(),
                s3_client: Box::new(AWS4Client {
                    tls: credential.secure.unwrap_or(false),
                    access_key: &credential.access_key,
                    secret_key: &credential.secret_key,
                    host: &credential.host,
                    region: credential.region.clone().unwrap_or("us-east-1".to_string()),

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    fn test_s3object_for_dummy_folder() {
        let s3_object = S3Object::from("s3://bucket/dummy_folder/".to_string());
        assert_eq!(s3_object.bucket, Some("bucket".to_string()));
        assert_eq!(s3_object.key, Some("/dummy_folder/".to_string()));
    fn test_s3object_for_bucket() {
        let s3_object = S3Object::from("s3://bucket".to_string());
        assert_eq!(s3_object.bucket, Some("bucket".to_string()));
        assert_eq!(s3_object.key, None);
        assert_eq!("s3://bucket".to_string(), String::from(s3_object));
    fn test_s3object_for_dummy_folder_from_uri() {
        let s3_object: S3Object = S3Convert::new_from_uri("/bucket/dummy_folder/".to_string());
    fn test_s3object_for_root() {
        let s3_object = S3Object::from("s3://".to_string());
        assert_eq!(s3_object.bucket, None);
        assert_eq!(s3_object.key, None);
    fn test_s3object_for_bucket_from_uri() {
        let s3_object: S3Object = S3Convert::new_from_uri("/bucket".to_string());
        assert_eq!("s3://bucket".to_string(), String::from(s3_object));
    fn test_s3object_for_slash_end_bucket_from_uri() {
        let s3_object: S3Object = S3Convert::new_from_uri("/bucket/".to_string());
        assert_eq!("s3://bucket".to_string(), String::from(s3_object));
    fn test_s3object_for_bucket_from_bucket_name() {
        let s3_object: S3Object = S3Convert::new_from_uri("bucket".to_string());
        assert_eq!("s3://bucket".to_string(), String::from(s3_object));