rx-editor 0.3.0

a modern, extensible pixel editor
use crate::image;
use crate::session::Rgb8;
use crate::view::{ViewExtent, ViewId};

use nonempty::NonEmpty;
use rgx::core::{Bgra8, Rgba8};

use gif::{self, SetParameter};
use png;

use std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::time;

pub struct ResourceManager {
    resources: Rc<RefCell<Resources>>,

pub struct Resources {
    data: BTreeMap<ViewId, ViewResources>,

impl Resources {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            data: BTreeMap::new(),

    pub fn get_snapshot(&self, id: ViewId) -> (&Snapshot, &[Bgra8]) {
            .map(|r| r.current_snapshot())
                "view #{} must exist and have an associated snapshot",

    pub fn get_snapshot_mut(&mut self, id: ViewId) -> (&mut Snapshot, &[Bgra8]) {
            .map(|r| r.current_snapshot_mut())
                "view #{} must exist and have an associated snapshot",

    pub fn get_view_mut(&mut self, id: ViewId) -> Option<&mut ViewResources> {

impl ResourceManager {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            resources: Rc::new(RefCell::new(Resources::new())),

    pub fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            resources: self.resources.clone(),

    pub fn lock(&self) -> Ref<Resources> {

    pub fn lock_mut(&self) -> RefMut<Resources> {

    pub fn remove_view(&mut self, id: ViewId) {

    pub fn add_blank_view(&mut self, id: ViewId, w: u32, h: u32) {
        let len = w as usize * h as usize;
        let pixels = vec![Bgra8::TRANSPARENT; len];

        self.add_view(id, w, h, &pixels);

    pub fn load_image<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<(u32, u32, Vec<Bgra8>)> {
        let (buffer, width, height) = image::load(path)?;

        // Convert pixels to BGRA, since they are going to be loaded into
        // the view framebuffer, which is BGRA.
        let mut pixels: Vec<Bgra8> = Vec::with_capacity(buffer.len() / 4);
        for rgba in buffer.chunks(4) {
            match rgba {
                [r, g, b, a] => pixels.push(Bgra8::new(*b, *g, *r, *a)),
                _ => {
                    return Err(io::Error::new(
                        "invalid pixel buffer size",

        Ok((width, height, pixels))

    pub fn save_view<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        id: ViewId,
        path: P,
    ) -> io::Result<(SnapshotId, usize)> {
        let mut resources = self.lock_mut();
        let (snapshot, pixels) = resources.get_snapshot_mut(id);
        let (w, h) = (snapshot.width(), snapshot.height());

        let f = File::create(path.as_ref())?;
        let out = &mut io::BufWriter::new(f);
        let mut encoder = png::Encoder::new(out, w, h);


        // Convert pixels from BGRA to RGBA, for writing to disk.
        // TODO: (perf) Can this be made faster?
        let mut image: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(snapshot.size);
        for bgra in pixels.iter().cloned() {
            let rgba: Rgba8 = bgra.into();
            image.extend_from_slice(&[rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, rgba.a]);

        let mut writer = encoder.write_header()?;

        Ok((snapshot.id, (w * h) as usize))

    pub fn save_view_svg<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, id: ViewId, path: P) -> io::Result<usize> {
        use std::io::Write;

        let resources = self.lock();
        let (snapshot, pixels) = resources.get_snapshot(id);
        let (w, h) = (snapshot.width() as usize, snapshot.height() as usize);

        let f = File::create(path.as_ref())?;
        let out = &mut io::BufWriter::new(f);

            r#"<svg width="{}" height="{}" viewBox="0 0 {} {}" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">"#,
            w, h, w, h,

        for (i, bgra) in pixels.iter().cloned().enumerate().filter(|(_, c)| c.a > 0) {
            let rgba: Rgba8 = bgra.into();
            let rgb: Rgb8 = rgba.into();

            let x = i % w;
            let y = i / h;

                r#"<rect x="{}" y="{}" width="1" height="1" fill="{}"/>"#,
                x, y, rgb

        writeln!(out, "</svg>")?;

        Ok(w * h)

    pub fn save_view_gif<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        id: ViewId,
        path: P,
        frame_delay: time::Duration,
        palette: &[Rgba8],
    ) -> io::Result<usize> {
        // The gif encoder expects the frame delay in units of 10ms.
        let frame_delay = frame_delay.as_millis() / 10;
        // If the passed in delay is larger than a `u16` can hold,
        // we ensure it doesn't overflow.
        let frame_delay = u128::min(frame_delay, u16::max_value() as u128) as u16;

        let mut resources = self.lock_mut();
        let (snapshot, pixels) = resources.get_snapshot_mut(id);
        let extent = snapshot.extent;
        let nframes = extent.nframes;

        // Create a color palette for the gif, where the zero index is used
        // for transparency.
        let transparent: u8 = 0;
        let mut palette = palette.to_vec();

        assert!(palette[transparent as usize] == Rgba8::TRANSPARENT);
        assert!(palette.len() <= 256);

        // Convert BGRA pixels into indexed pixels.
        let mut image: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(snapshot.size);
        for bgra in pixels.iter().cloned() {
            let rgba: Rgba8 = bgra.into();

            if let Ok(index) = palette.binary_search(&rgba) {
                image.push(index as u8);
            } else {

        let (fw, fh) = (extent.fw as usize, extent.fh as usize);
        let mut frames: Vec<Vec<u8>> = Vec::with_capacity(nframes);
        frames.resize(nframes, Vec::with_capacity(fw * fh));

            // Convert animation strip into discrete frames for gif encoder.
            let nrows = fh as usize * nframes;
            let row_nbytes = fw as usize;

            for i in 0..nrows {
                let offset = i * row_nbytes;
                let row = &image[offset..offset + row_nbytes];

                frames[i % nframes].extend_from_slice(row);

        // Discard alpha channel and convert to a `&[u8]`.
        let palette: Vec<Rgb8> = palette.into_iter().map(Rgb8::from).collect();
        let (head, palette, tail) = unsafe { palette.align_to::<u8>() };
        assert!(head.is_empty() && tail.is_empty());

        let mut f = File::create(path.as_ref())?;
        let mut encoder = gif::Encoder::new(&mut f, fw as u16, fh as u16, palette)?;

        for frame in frames.iter_mut() {
            let mut frame =
                gif::Frame::from_indexed_pixels(fw as u16, fh as u16, &frame, Some(transparent));
            frame.delay = frame_delay;
            frame.dispose = gif::DisposalMethod::Background;


        Ok(fw * fh * nframes)

    pub fn add_view(&mut self, id: ViewId, fw: u32, fh: u32, pixels: &[Bgra8]) {
            .insert(id, ViewResources::new(pixels, fw, fh));

pub struct ViewResources {
    /// Non empty list of view snapshots.
    snapshots: NonEmpty<Snapshot>,
    /// Current view snapshot.
    snapshot: usize,
    /// Current view pixels. We keep a separate decompressed
    /// cache of the view pixels for performance reasons.
    pixels: Box<[Bgra8]>,

impl ViewResources {
    fn new(pixels: &[Bgra8], fw: u32, fh: u32) -> Self {
        Self {
            snapshots: NonEmpty::new(Snapshot::new(
                ViewExtent::new(fw, fh, 1),
            snapshot: 0,
            pixels: pixels.into(),

    pub fn current_snapshot(&self) -> (&Snapshot, &[Bgra8]) {
                .expect("there must always be a current snapshot"),

    pub fn current_snapshot_mut(&mut self) -> (&mut Snapshot, &[Bgra8]) {
                .expect("there must always be a current snapshot"),

    pub fn push_snapshot(&mut self, pixels: &[Bgra8], extent: ViewExtent) {
        // FIXME: If pixels match current snapshot exactly, don't add the snapshot.

        // If we try to add a snapshot when we're not at the
        // latest, we have to clear the list forward.
        if self.snapshot != self.snapshots.len() - 1 {
            self.snapshots.truncate(self.snapshot + 1);
            self.snapshot = self.snapshots.len() - 1;
        self.snapshot += 1;
        self.pixels = pixels.into();

            .push(Snapshot::new(SnapshotId(self.snapshot), pixels, extent));

    pub fn prev_snapshot(&mut self) -> Option<&Snapshot> {
        if self.snapshot == 0 {
            return None;
        if let Some(snapshot) = self.snapshots.get(self.snapshot - 1) {
            self.snapshot -= 1;
            self.pixels = snapshot.pixels().into();

        } else {

    pub fn next_snapshot(&mut self) -> Option<&Snapshot> {
        if let Some(snapshot) = self.snapshots.get(self.snapshot + 1) {
            self.snapshot += 1;
            self.pixels = snapshot.pixels().into();

        } else {

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SnapshotId(usize);

impl fmt::Display for SnapshotId {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

impl Default for SnapshotId {
    fn default() -> Self {

pub struct Snapshot {
    pub id: SnapshotId,
    pub extent: ViewExtent,

    size: usize,
    pixels: Compressed<Box<[u8]>>,

impl Snapshot {
    pub fn new(id: SnapshotId, pixels: &[Bgra8], extent: ViewExtent) -> Self {
        let size = pixels.len();
        let pixels =
            Compressed::from(pixels).expect("compressing snapshot shouldn't result in an error");

            (extent.fw * extent.fh) as usize * extent.nframes == size,
            "the pixel buffer has the expected size"

        Self {

    pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {
        self.extent.fw * self.extent.nframes as u32

    pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {


    fn pixels(&self) -> Vec<Bgra8> {
        // TODO: (perf) Any way not to clone here?
                .expect("decompressing snapshot shouldn't result in an error"),


pub struct Compressed<T>(T);

impl Compressed<Box<[u8]>> {
    fn from(input: &[Bgra8]) -> snap::Result<Self> {
        let mut enc = snap::Encoder::new();
        let (_, bytes, _) = unsafe { input.align_to::<u8>() };
        enc.compress_vec(bytes).map(|v| Self(v.into_boxed_slice()))

    fn decompress(&self) -> snap::Result<Vec<u8>> {
        let mut dec = snap::Decoder::new();