rustydav 0.1.2

Small library that can be used to make calls to webdav server
# rustydav

[![GPL-3.0 licensed](](./LICENSE)

Implementation of webdav requests in rust

This is a small library written in rust and inspired by [hyperdav]( and uses [reqwest]( library as the base.

This library can be used to make calls to webdav server.

Supported methods are:
- **get**
- **put**
- **delete**
- **unzip**
- **mkcol**
- **mv**
- **list**


# Example
Small example how to use this library

include **rustydav** as a dependency
rustydav = "0.1.2"
Then add this to your code
extern crate rustydav;

use rustydav::client;
use rustydav::prelude::*;
Short methods call examples
// Every method will return a Result<Response, Error>

if (result.is_ok() {
    // the method completed with success
} else {
    // somenting when wrong

// Create the client
let client = client::Client::init(/*username*/, /*password*/);

// Get some file from server
// The result will contain the file data
let result = client.get(/*absolute url to the server file location*/);

// Upload a file to server. It can be any type of file as long as it is transformed to a vector of bytes (Vec<u8>).
// This can be achieved with std::fs::File or zip-rs for sending zip files.
let result = client.put(/*Vec<u8>*/, /*absolute path to the server file location*/);

// Delete a remote file from the server
let result = client.delete(/*absolute path to the file on the server*/);

// Unzip a zip archive on the server
let result = client.unzip(/*absolute path to the zip archive on the server*/);

// Create a new directory on server
let result = client.mkcol(/*absolute path to the server where to create the new folder*/);

// Rename or move a file / folder / zip on the server
// If the file location changes it will move the file, if only the file name changes it will rename it.
let result =*absolute path on the server for old file location/name*/, /*absolute on the server for new file location/name*/);

// List files and folders at the given path on the server
// Depth of "0" applies only to the resource, "1" to the resource and it's children, "infinity" to the resource and all it's children recursively
// The result will contain an xml list with the remote folder contents.
let result = client.list(/*absolute path on the server to list the files*/, /*depth being "0", "1" or "infinity"*/);
For some description about them please see the [****](src/ file.