rusty-screeps 0.0.2

An Abstraction Library for the programming game Screeps for Rust
extern crate core;
extern crate log;
extern crate lazy_static;

use crate::data::Game;
use crate::lazy_static::__Deref;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard};
use stdweb::js;

mod tests {
    fn it_works() {
        assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);

pub mod data;
pub mod logging;

lazy_static! {
    static ref GAME: Mutex<Game> = Mutex::new(Game::new());

pub fn game<'a>() -> MutexGuard<'a, Game> {

pub fn init_screeps_connection(game_loop: &'static dyn Fn(&Game)) {
    std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|info| {
        let msg = &info.to_string();
        let panic_message = msg.to_owned();
        In case this might be useful
        // Add the error stack to our message.
        // This ensures that even if the `console` implementation doesn't
        // include stacks for `console.error`, the stack is still available
        // for the user. Additionally, Firefox's console tries to clean up
        // stack traces, and ruins Rust symbols in the process
        // ( but since
        // it only touches the logged message's associated stack, and not
        // the message's contents, by including the stack in the message
        // contents we make sure it is available to the user.
        let e = Error::new();
        let stack = e.stack();

        // Safari's devtools, on the other hand, _do_ mess with logged
        // messages' contents, so we attempt to break their heuristics for
        // doing that by appending some whitespace.
        js! { @(no_return)
            console.error( @{msg} );
        "Global Reset! Compile took: {}",

    let _game_loop = move || {
        debug!("loop starting! CPU: {}", screeps::game::cpu::get_used());



        let time = screeps::game::time();

        if time % 128 == 3 {
            info!("running memory cleanup");
            cleanup_memory().expect("expected Memory.creeps format to be a regular memory object");

        debug!("done! cpu: {}", screeps::game::cpu::get_used())

    js! {
        // show more error frames in js (default: 10)
        Error.stackTraceLimit = 25;

        var game_loop = @{_game_loop};

        module.exports.loop = function() {
            // Provide actual error traces.

            if(Game.cpu.bucket < 500){
                console.log("we are running out of time!" + JSON.stringify(Game.cpu));
            try {
            } catch (error) {
                // console_error function provided by 'screeps-game-api'
                console_error("caught exception:", error);
                if (error.stack) {
                    console_error("stack trace:", error.stack);
                console_error("resetting VM next tick.");
                // reset the VM since we don't know if everything was cleaned up and don't
                // want an inconsistent state.
                module.exports.loop = wasm_initialize;

fn cleanup_memory() -> Result<(), Box<dyn (::std::error::Error)>> {
    let alive_creeps: HashSet<String> = screeps::game::creeps::keys().into_iter().collect();

    let screeps_memory = match screeps::memory::root().dict("creeps")? {
        Some(v) => v,
        None => {
            warn!("not cleaning game creep memory: no Memory.creeps dict");
            return Ok(());

    for mem_name in screeps_memory.keys() {
        if !alive_creeps.contains(&mem_name) {
            debug!("cleaning up creep memory of dead creep {}", mem_name);
