rustwide 0.15.2

Execute your code on the Rust ecosystem.
#![cfg_attr(docs_rs, feature(doc_cfg))]

//! Rustwide is a library to execute your code on the Rust ecosystem, powering projects like
//! [Crater][crater] and [][docsrs].
//! ## Feature flags
//! Rustwide provides some optional features that can be enabled with Cargo:
//! * **unstable**: allow Rustwide to use unstable Rust and Cargo features. While this feature also
//!   works on Rust stable it might cause Rustwide to break, and **no stability guarantee is
//!   present when using it!**
//! * **unstable-toolchain-ci**: allow fetching toolchains from rustc's CI artifacts storage. Support for
//!   them is **incomplete** (not all methods might work), and there is **no stability guarantee**
//!   when using them!
//! [crater]:
//! [docsrs]:

extern crate toml;

mod build;
pub mod cmd;
mod crates;
mod inside_docker;
pub mod logging;
mod native;
mod prepare;
pub mod toolchain;
mod tools;
mod utils;
mod workspace;

pub use crate::build::{Build, BuildBuilder, BuildDirectory};
pub use crate::crates::{AlternativeRegistry, Crate};
pub use crate::prepare::PrepareError;
pub use crate::toolchain::Toolchain;
pub use crate::workspace::{Workspace, WorkspaceBuilder};

pub(crate) static HOST_TARGET: &str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/target"));