rustun 0.4.0

A library for implementing STUN server and client asynchronously
//! Channel for sending and receiving STUN messages.
use crate::message::{
    ErrorResponse, Indication, InvalidMessage, MessageError, MessageErrorKind, MessageResult,
    Request, Response, SuccessResponse,
use crate::transport::StunTransport;
use crate::{Error, Result};
use fibers::sync::oneshot;
use fibers_timeout_queue::TimeoutQueue;
use futures::{Async, Future, Poll};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::time::Duration;
use stun_codec::{Attribute, BrokenMessage, Message, MessageClass, Method, TransactionId};
use trackable::error::ErrorKindExt;

type Reply<A> = oneshot::Monitored<Response<A>, MessageError>;

/// [`Channel`] builder.
/// [`Channel`]: ./struct.Channel.html
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ChannelBuilder {
    request_timeout: Duration,
impl ChannelBuilder {
    /// The default value of `request_timeout`.
    /// > Reliability of STUN over TCP and TLS-over-TCP is handled by TCP
    /// > itself, and there are no retransmissions at the STUN protocol level.
    /// > However, for a request/response transaction, if the client has not
    /// > received a response by **Ti** seconds after it sent the SYN to establish
    /// > the connection, it considers the transaction to have timed out.  **Ti**
    /// > SHOULD be configurable and SHOULD have a default of **39.5s**.
    /// >
    /// > [RFC 5389 -- 7.2.2. Sending over TCP or TLS-over-TCP]
    /// [RFC 5389 -- 7.2.2. Sending over TCP or TLS-over-TCP]:
    pub const DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 39_500;

    /// Makes a new `ChannelBuilder` instance with the default settings.
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Sets the request timeout duration of the channel.
    /// The default value is `DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS`.
    pub fn request_timeout(&mut self, duration: Duration) -> &mut Self {
        self.request_timeout = duration;

    /// Makes a new `Channel` instance with the given settings.
    pub fn finish<A, T>(&self, transporter: T) -> Channel<A, T>
        A: Attribute,
        T: StunTransport<A>,
        Channel {
            timeout_queue: TimeoutQueue::new(),
            request_timeout: self.request_timeout,
            transactions: HashMap::new(),
impl Default for ChannelBuilder {
    fn default() -> Self {
        ChannelBuilder {
            request_timeout: Duration::from_millis(Self::DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS),

/// Channel for sending and receiving STUN messages.
pub struct Channel<A, T>
    A: Attribute,
    T: StunTransport<A>,
    transporter: T,
    timeout_queue: TimeoutQueue<(T::PeerAddr, TransactionId)>,
    request_timeout: Duration,
    transactions: HashMap<(T::PeerAddr, TransactionId), (Method, Reply<A>)>,
impl<A, T> fmt::Debug for Channel<A, T>
    A: Attribute,
    T: StunTransport<A>,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Channel {{ .. }}")
impl<A, T> Channel<A, T>
    A: Attribute,
    T: StunTransport<A>,
    /// Makes a new `Channel` instance.
    /// This is equivalent to `ChannelBuilder::default().finish(transporter)`.
    pub fn new(transporter: T) -> Self {

    /// Sends the given request message to the destination peer and
    /// returns a future that waits the corresponding response.
    pub fn call(
        &mut self,
        peer: T::PeerAddr,
        request: Request<A>,
    ) -> impl Future<Item = Response<A>, Error = MessageError> {
        let id = request.transaction_id();
        let method = request.method();
        let (tx, rx) = oneshot::monitor();
        if self.transactions.contains_key(&(peer.clone(), id)) {
            let e = MessageErrorKind::InvalidInput
                .cause(format!("Transaction ID conflicts: transaction_id={:?}", id));
        } else if let Err(e) = track!(self
            .start_send(peer.clone(), request.into_message()))
        } else {
            self.transactions.insert((peer.clone(), id), (method, tx));
            self.timeout_queue.push((peer, id), self.request_timeout);

    /// Sends the given indication message to the destination peer.
    pub fn cast(&mut self, peer: T::PeerAddr, indication: Indication<A>) -> MessageResult<()> {
        track!(self.transporter.start_send(peer, indication.into_message()))?;

    /// Replies the given response message to the destination peer.
    pub fn reply(&mut self, peer: T::PeerAddr, response: Response<A>) -> MessageResult<()> {
        let message = response
            .map(|m| m.into_message())
            .unwrap_or_else(|m| m.into_message());
        track!(self.transporter.start_send(peer, message))?;

    /// Returns a reference to the transporter of the channel.
    pub fn transporter_ref(&self) -> &T {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the transporter of the channel.
    pub fn transporter_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.transporter

    /// Returns the number of the outstanding request/response transactions in the channel.
    pub fn outstanding_transactions(&self) -> usize {

    /// Polls the transmission of the all outstanding messages in the channel have been completed.
    /// If it has been completed, this will return `Ok(Async::Ready(()))`.
    pub fn poll_send(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Error> {

    /// Polls reception of a message from a peer.
    pub fn poll_recv(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<(T::PeerAddr, RecvMessage<A>)>, Error> {
        while let Async::Ready(item) = track!(self.transporter.poll_recv())? {
            if let Some((peer, message)) = item {
                if let Some(item) = track!(self.handle_message(peer, message))? {
                    return Ok(Async::Ready(Some(item)));
            } else {
                return Ok(Async::Ready(None));

    fn handle_timeout(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        let transactions = &mut self.transactions;
        while let Some((peer, id)) = self
            .filter_pop(|entry| transactions.contains_key(entry))
            if let Some((_, tx)) = transactions.remove(&(peer.clone(), id)) {
                let e = track!(MessageErrorKind::Timeout.error());
            track!(self.transporter.finish_transaction(&peer, id))?;

    fn handle_message(
        &mut self,
        peer: T::PeerAddr,
        message: std::result::Result<Message<A>, BrokenMessage>,
    ) -> Result<Option<(T::PeerAddr, RecvMessage<A>)>> {
        let message = match message {
            Err(broken) => Some(self.handle_broken_message(&broken)),
            Ok(message) => match message.class() {
                MessageClass::Indication => Some(self.handle_indication(message)),
                MessageClass::Request => Some(self.handle_request(message)),
                MessageClass::SuccessResponse => {
                    track!(self.handle_success_response(&peer, message))?
                MessageClass::ErrorResponse => track!(self.handle_error_response(&peer, message))?,
        Ok(|m| (peer, m)))

    fn handle_broken_message(&self, message: &BrokenMessage) -> RecvMessage<A> {
        let bytecodec_error_kind = *message.error().kind();
        let error = MessageErrorKind::MalformedAttribute.takes_over(message.error().clone());
            track!(error; bytecodec_error_kind).into(),

    fn handle_indication(&self, message: Message<A>) -> RecvMessage<A> {
        let class = message.class();
        let method = message.method();
        let transaction_id = message.transaction_id();
        match track!(Indication::from_message(message)) {
            Err(error) => {
                RecvMessage::Invalid(InvalidMessage::new(method, class, transaction_id, error))
            Ok(indication) => RecvMessage::Indication(indication),

    fn handle_request(&self, message: Message<A>) -> RecvMessage<A> {
        let class = message.class();
        let method = message.method();
        let transaction_id = message.transaction_id();
        match track!(Request::from_message(message)) {
            Err(error) => {
                RecvMessage::Invalid(InvalidMessage::new(method, class, transaction_id, error))
            Ok(request) => RecvMessage::Request(request),

    fn handle_success_response(
        &mut self,
        peer: &T::PeerAddr,
        message: Message<A>,
    ) -> Result<Option<RecvMessage<A>>> {
        let class = message.class();
        let method = message.method();
        let transaction_id = message.transaction_id();
        if let Some((method, tx)) = self.transactions.remove(&(peer.clone(), transaction_id)) {
            track!(self.transporter.finish_transaction(peer, transaction_id))?;
            let result = track!(SuccessResponse::from_message(message))
                .and_then(|m| {
                    track_assert_eq!(m.method(), method, MessageErrorKind::UnexpectedResponse);
        } else {
            let error =
                track!(MessageErrorKind::UnexpectedResponse.cause("Unknown transaction ID")).into();
            let message =
                RecvMessage::Invalid(InvalidMessage::new(method, class, transaction_id, error));

    fn handle_error_response(
        &mut self,
        peer: &T::PeerAddr,
        message: Message<A>,
    ) -> Result<Option<RecvMessage<A>>> {
        let class = message.class();
        let method = message.method();
        let transaction_id = message.transaction_id();
        if let Some((method, tx)) = self.transactions.remove(&(peer.clone(), transaction_id)) {
            track!(self.transporter.finish_transaction(peer, transaction_id))?;
            let result = track!(ErrorResponse::from_message(message))
                .and_then(|m| {
                    track_assert_eq!(m.method(), method, MessageErrorKind::UnexpectedResponse);
        } else {
            let error =
                track!(MessageErrorKind::UnexpectedResponse.cause("Unknown transaction ID")).into();
            let message =
                RecvMessage::Invalid(InvalidMessage::new(method, class, transaction_id, error));

/// Received message.
/// Messages are received by calling `Channel::poll` method.
pub enum RecvMessage<A> {