rustfst 0.8.1

Library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs).

Rust implementation of Weighted Finite States Transducers.

Rustfst is a library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). Weighted finite-state transducers are automata where each transition has an input label, an output label, and a weight. The more familiar finite-state acceptor is represented as a transducer with each transition's input and output label equal. Finite-state acceptors are used to represent sets of strings (specifically, regular or rational sets); finite-state transducers are used to represent binary relations between pairs of strings (specifically, rational transductions). The weights can be used to represent the cost of taking a particular transition.

FSTs have key applications in speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation, optical character recognition, pattern matching, string processing, machine learning, information extraction and retrieval among others. Often a weighted transducer is used to represent a probabilistic model (e.g., an n-gram model, pronunciation model). FSTs can be optimized by determinization and minimization, models can be applied to hypothesis sets (also represented as automata) or cascaded by finite-state composition, and the best results can be selected by shortest-path algorithms.



Implementation heavily inspired from Mehryar Mohri's, Cyril Allauzen's and Michael Riley's work :


use anyhow::Result;
use rustfst::prelude::*;
use rustfst::algorithms::determinize::{DeterminizeType, determinize};
use rustfst::algorithms::rm_epsilon::rm_epsilon;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Creates a empty wFST
let mut fst = VectorFst::<TropicalWeight>::new();

// Add some states
let s0 = fst.add_state();
let s1 = fst.add_state();
let s2 = fst.add_state();

// Set s0 as the start state

// Add a transition from s0 to s1
fst.add_tr(s0, Tr::new(3, 5, 10.0, s1))?;

// Add a transition from s0 to s2
fst.add_tr(s0, Tr::new(5, 7, 18.0, s2))?;

// Set s1 and s2 as final states
fst.set_final(s1, 31.0)?;
fst.set_final(s2, 45.0)?;

// Iter over all the paths in the wFST
for p in fst.paths_iter() {
println!("{:?}", p);

// A lot of operations are available to modify/optimize the FST.
// Here are a few examples :

// - Remove useless states.
connect(&mut fst)?;

// - Optimize the FST by merging states with the same behaviour.
minimize(&mut fst)?;

// - Copy all the input labels in the output.
project(&mut fst, ProjectType::ProjectInput);

// - Remove epsilon transitions.
rm_epsilon(&mut fst)?;

// - Compute an equivalent FST but deterministic.
fst = determinize(&fst)?;



A big number of algorithms are already implemented. The main one missing is the Composition.