[][src]Module rustfst::algorithms::closure



Computes the concatenative closure. This version is a delayed FST. If an FST transduces string x to y with weight a, then its closure transduces x to y with weight a, xx to yy with weight Times(a, a), xxx to yyy with weight Times(Times(a, a), a), etc. If closure_type == CLOSURE_STAR, then the empty string is transduced to itself with weight Weight::One() as well.



Defines the different types of closure : Star or Plus.



This operation computes the concatenative closure. If A transduces string x to y with weight a, then the closure transduces x to y with weight a, xx to yy with weight a ⊗ a, xxx to yyy with weight a ⊗ a ⊗ a, etc. If closure_star then the empty string is transduced to itself with weight 1 as well.