rustfmt-nightly 0.3.5

Tool to find and fix Rust formatting issues
// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ops::{Add, Sub};

use Config;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Indent {
    // Width of the block indent, in characters. Must be a multiple of
    // Config::tab_spaces.
    pub block_indent: usize,
    // Alignment in characters.
    pub alignment: usize,

// INDENT_BUFFER.len() = 80
const INDENT_BUFFER_LEN: usize = 80;
const INDENT_BUFFER: &str =
    "                                                                                ";
impl Indent {
    pub fn new(block_indent: usize, alignment: usize) -> Indent {
        Indent {
            block_indent: block_indent,
            alignment: alignment,

    pub fn from_width(config: &Config, width: usize) -> Indent {
        if config.hard_tabs() {
            let tab_num = width / config.tab_spaces();
            let alignment = width % config.tab_spaces();
            Indent::new(config.tab_spaces() * tab_num, alignment)
        } else {
            Indent::new(width, 0)

    pub fn empty() -> Indent {
        Indent::new(0, 0)

    pub fn block_only(&self) -> Indent {
        Indent {
            block_indent: self.block_indent,
            alignment: 0,

    pub fn block_indent(mut self, config: &Config) -> Indent {
        self.block_indent += config.tab_spaces();

    pub fn block_unindent(mut self, config: &Config) -> Indent {
        if self.block_indent < config.tab_spaces() {
            Indent::new(self.block_indent, 0)
        } else {
            self.block_indent -= config.tab_spaces();

    pub fn width(&self) -> usize {
        self.block_indent + self.alignment

    pub fn to_string(&self, config: &Config) -> Cow<'static, str> {
        let (num_tabs, num_spaces) = if config.hard_tabs() {
            (self.block_indent / config.tab_spaces(), self.alignment)
        } else {
            (0, self.width())
        let num_chars = num_tabs + num_spaces;
        if num_tabs == 0 && num_chars <= INDENT_BUFFER_LEN {
        } else {
            let mut indent = String::with_capacity(num_chars);
            for _ in 0..num_tabs {
            for _ in 0..num_spaces {
                indent.push(' ')

impl Add for Indent {
    type Output = Indent;

    fn add(self, rhs: Indent) -> Indent {
        Indent {
            block_indent: self.block_indent + rhs.block_indent,
            alignment: self.alignment + rhs.alignment,

impl Sub for Indent {
    type Output = Indent;

    fn sub(self, rhs: Indent) -> Indent {
            self.block_indent - rhs.block_indent,
            self.alignment - rhs.alignment,

impl Add<usize> for Indent {
    type Output = Indent;

    fn add(self, rhs: usize) -> Indent {
        Indent::new(self.block_indent, self.alignment + rhs)

impl Sub<usize> for Indent {
    type Output = Indent;

    fn sub(self, rhs: usize) -> Indent {
        Indent::new(self.block_indent, self.alignment - rhs)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Shape {
    pub width: usize,
    // The current indentation of code.
    pub indent: Indent,
    // Indentation + any already emitted text on the first line of the current
    // statement.
    pub offset: usize,

impl Shape {
    /// `indent` is the indentation of the first line. The next lines
    /// should begin with at least `indent` spaces (except backwards
    /// indentation). The first line should not begin with indentation.
    /// `width` is the maximum number of characters on the last line
    /// (excluding `indent`). The width of other lines is not limited by
    /// `width`.
    /// Note that in reality, we sometimes use width for lines other than the
    /// last (i.e., we are conservative).
    // .......*-------*
    //        |       |
    //        |     *-*
    //        *-----|
    // |<------------>|  max width
    // |<---->|          indent
    //        |<--->|    width
    pub fn legacy(width: usize, indent: Indent) -> Shape {
        Shape {
            width: width,
            indent: indent,
            offset: indent.alignment,

    pub fn indented(indent: Indent, config: &Config) -> Shape {
        Shape {
            width: config.max_width().checked_sub(indent.width()).unwrap_or(0),
            indent: indent,
            offset: indent.alignment,

    pub fn with_max_width(&self, config: &Config) -> Shape {
        Shape {
            width: config

    pub fn offset(width: usize, indent: Indent, offset: usize) -> Shape {
        Shape {
            width: width,
            indent: indent,
            offset: offset,

    pub fn visual_indent(&self, extra_width: usize) -> Shape {
        let alignment = self.offset + extra_width;
        Shape {
            width: self.width,
            indent: Indent::new(self.indent.block_indent, alignment),
            offset: alignment,

    pub fn block_indent(&self, extra_width: usize) -> Shape {
        if self.indent.alignment == 0 {
            Shape {
                width: self.width,
                indent: Indent::new(self.indent.block_indent + extra_width, 0),
                offset: 0,
        } else {
            Shape {
                width: self.width,
                indent: self.indent + extra_width,
                offset: self.indent.alignment + extra_width,

    pub fn block_left(&self, width: usize) -> Option<Shape> {

    pub fn add_offset(&self, extra_width: usize) -> Shape {
        Shape {
            offset: self.offset + extra_width,

    pub fn block(&self) -> Shape {
        Shape {
            indent: self.indent.block_only(),

    pub fn sub_width(&self, width: usize) -> Option<Shape> {
        Some(Shape {
            width: self.width.checked_sub(width)?,

    pub fn shrink_left(&self, width: usize) -> Option<Shape> {
        Some(Shape {
            width: self.width.checked_sub(width)?,
            indent: self.indent + width,
            offset: self.offset + width,

    pub fn offset_left(&self, width: usize) -> Option<Shape> {

    pub fn used_width(&self) -> usize {
        self.indent.block_indent + self.offset

    pub fn rhs_overhead(&self, config: &Config) -> usize {
            .checked_sub(self.used_width() + self.width)

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn indent_add_sub() {
        let indent = Indent::new(4, 8) + Indent::new(8, 12);
        assert_eq!(12, indent.block_indent);
        assert_eq!(20, indent.alignment);

        let indent = indent - Indent::new(4, 4);
        assert_eq!(8, indent.block_indent);
        assert_eq!(16, indent.alignment);

    fn indent_add_sub_alignment() {
        let indent = Indent::new(4, 8) + 4;
        assert_eq!(4, indent.block_indent);
        assert_eq!(12, indent.alignment);

        let indent = indent - 4;
        assert_eq!(4, indent.block_indent);
        assert_eq!(8, indent.alignment);

    fn indent_to_string_spaces() {
        let config = Config::default();
        let indent = Indent::new(4, 8);

        // 12 spaces
        assert_eq!("            ", indent.to_string(&config));

    fn indent_to_string_hard_tabs() {
        let mut config = Config::default();
        let indent = Indent::new(8, 4);

        // 2 tabs + 4 spaces
        assert_eq!("\t\t    ", indent.to_string(&config));

    fn shape_visual_indent() {
        let config = Config::default();
        let indent = Indent::new(4, 8);
        let shape = Shape::legacy(config.max_width(), indent);
        let shape = shape.visual_indent(20);

        assert_eq!(config.max_width(), shape.width);
        assert_eq!(4, shape.indent.block_indent);
        assert_eq!(28, shape.indent.alignment);
        assert_eq!(28, shape.offset);

    fn shape_block_indent_without_alignment() {
        let config = Config::default();
        let indent = Indent::new(4, 0);
        let shape = Shape::legacy(config.max_width(), indent);
        let shape = shape.block_indent(20);

        assert_eq!(config.max_width(), shape.width);
        assert_eq!(24, shape.indent.block_indent);
        assert_eq!(0, shape.indent.alignment);
        assert_eq!(0, shape.offset);

    fn shape_block_indent_with_alignment() {
        let config = Config::default();
        let indent = Indent::new(4, 8);
        let shape = Shape::legacy(config.max_width(), indent);
        let shape = shape.block_indent(20);

        assert_eq!(config.max_width(), shape.width);
        assert_eq!(4, shape.indent.block_indent);
        assert_eq!(28, shape.indent.alignment);
        assert_eq!(28, shape.offset);